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Extended Essay

Survival Robot

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Hey, What do you guys think about an ee about the aftermath of operation overload (the U2 Affair)?? Any Ideas what I could write about?? I want to keep it more towards the effect it had on relations between the U.S. And U.S.S.R. Rather than analysing what actually happened.

I suggest you have a good look at this post on overdone History topics and then consider your topic seriously.
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After reading the Extended Essay Guidelines, I'm still not certain exactly how much personal input we're allowed to put in. I don't mean in the interpretations, arguments, etc. but rather in the sources.

I'm doing my EE in a language B (German). Obviously I did a lot of research on the topic, but can I also put in 'As a foreigner, in my experience it is very difficult to blablabla...'? My German teacher says I should put a lot of personal stuff in, but I'm not completely sure if she's following the IB Guidelines or what she herself thinks is alright...


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I would need some advice in writing the EE on English B-language.

If I decide to do my EE on English and on media and that sort of things, how wide is the variety of things that I can do my B-language EE? I guess that you can indeed choose from a wide range of topics and ideas, but you can't do it on just anything can you? :P

So I'm asking you people that what kind of and from which kind of topics you have done your (English) B-languge Extended Essays?

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Is this an OK question or too media involved?

Does Assassin's Creed II do an accurate job of portraying the history of Italy during the Renaissance period in the mid to late 15th century?

What subject would this go under? If it's for history, I would seriously consider doing something else. For a history EE, you kind of have to do it on history, and it must be from a time period at least ten-fifteen years ago. Now, if you really like the Renaissance period, you can do your EE on this time period and there are lots of topics you can investigate. I would just stay away from basing it on a video game, though.

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Is it allowed to write EE on TOK ?

No, as TOK is not under the list of subjects you can do an EE on. Isn't your TOK essay enough? :P The closest thing to TOK would to do an EE under philosophy, but be very careful if you do one and make SURE it's the topic is on philosophy since you don't seem to take that subject. Look here to see the philosophy guidelines and requirements: http://production-app2.ibo.org/publication/19/part/4/chapter/20

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It doesn't seem like a lot of people on IB Survival have taken Theatre as an IB subject, so it's a bit hard for me to find help. My EE is in Theatre, something around Realism (the play itself, or realistic acting). Basically, I wanted to explore the importance of Realism on modern audiences as opposed to more dramatic genres (Comedia del'Arte, Ancient Greek, etc.). It's extremely vague and it's already the end of December so ideally I should be done in like a month :/ My school is horrible at setting dates or keeping up with any internals...

If anyone has any knowledge or experience with Theatre EE's ANY advice or tips would be great.

As for primary research I was thinking about having a few theatre students perform 2 short skits to the same audience, portraying the same general idea but in two different styles. Realism vs. Non-realistic. Would that be an acceptable method?

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I am in English B HL and i'm not quite sure on what topic/theme i should do, i'm quessing maybe something about George Orwell's '1984'.

I could really use some help!!


It's up to you to come up with your own topic. If you like 1984 you can look at themes, character development, symbols, or anything you want in that novel. But we can't pick your topic for you.

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I am in English B HL and i'm not quite sure on what topic/theme i should do, i'm quessing maybe something about George Orwell's '1984'.

I could really use some help!!


It's up to you to come up with your own topic. If you like 1984 you can look at themes, character development, symbols, or anything you want in that novel. But we can't pick your topic for you.

Completely agree. But we can tell you that anything George Orwell has pretty much been done to death by now. Unless you think you have a unique spin on your particular topic relating to this book, I would suggest trying to find another book/author altogether.
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  • 2 weeks later...


need an urgent help. i'm so new to this IB.hope u guys can help me by suggesting some topic in biology for EE.and perhaps ideas on how to produce an excellent EE in biology.thanks

We cannot come up with a topic for you, as one of the criteria for your EE is to come up with your own question! However, try going through your syllabus and looking at topics that interest you. Then investigate a few of those deeper and see what you could possibly do an experiment with. Once you have some topics you can post them on here and we can critique them for you if you want or give suggestions/feedback. Or you could just ask your supervisor, either way. :P But we like helping.

For a biology EE you need an experiment to score well. Try to find a topic that's not only interesting to you, but not impossible to test. Like it would be very hard to test anything on diseases such as cancer or genetics/DNA. In addition, there are some restrictions that you must follow. You can't test on animals (IB doesn't like it, you might end up causing harm), you cannot grow bacteria at/near human body temperature (you might create some superbug that kills us all) and you cannot use dangerous chemicals/substances unless you take the proper precautions which is just a bigger hassle than it needs to be.

Also try googling for sample biology EEs to get a feel for what you need to include and how to write things up. This site has a few from the IB's 50 Excellent Extended Essays (so they are very good :) ) that you can look at. http://extended-essay.gar.groupfusion.net/modules/locker/files/group_files.phtml?parent=1677804&gid=127956

Good luck with the EE process :)

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An appeal to everyone, at the moment I have my essay topic question in Economics set as "How have government subsidies affected the market for prescription drugs in the USA over the past ten years." but I'm not really finding interest in the topic as I do more research. Does anyone have suggestions as to how I either a) Increase interest in the topic, or b) Change the topic question to still relate to medicine (as that's what i want to do when i get out of school), but something with a little more spice. Any help would be appreciated :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Helloooo I wanted to do a Physics extended essay on... What physical and chemical properties does the color of astronomical bodies indicates about it? I was thinking of doing it as a research EE and exposing that colors are not random, they're there for a reasong, but I've been reading that on Physics you should do an experiment almost imperatively. Should I do the astrophysics EE? Or change to another?

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