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What is your least favourite IB class and why?


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Math SL. It's a love/hate thing, really. The second I neglect it, I fail it. It requires too much attention...

Haha, but aside from math, it's gotta be Theatre HL. All because of the teacher.

Then I think comes Bio - but only the labwork! I enjoy the theory :)

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My least favorite class of IB history?

*IB HL Chemisty.

Just walking into the class gives me the heeby-jeebies. I not very mathie, by any standard, so this "geometry of the sciences" nearly kills/killed me. I can never really follow the teacher throughout the whole class block (90 minutes). Most of the kids in class sit terrified that they could be called on to answer a question. The teacher is a good person and all but moves really fast and tests us on the material we just learned the next class. Even after we leave a topic behind, she still puts it on the test we take, without telling us.

I scrapped by the whole year, even when I went to tutorials and got a tutor. I crammed and crammed, thought I knew the material but whenever I took the test I was lost. I never really felt that the teacher adequately prepared us for the tests.

This subject and I have a "hate and hate" relationship. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arabic A1 SL!!!!

I absolutely hated it and I never would've taken it if it weren't compulsory :(

I hated how subjective it is and I hated how risky it is. I always felt that it was the sort of subject that you're either good at or you're not...those with good language and style easily got sevens, otherwise it would take extremely hard work to do good! :tears:

The only part I didn't hate was maybe the orals and its probably because it was the sort of thing you study and prepare for before-hand.

Other than that everything was a nightmare for me :crying:

I admit I never really worked hard enough on improving my writing for P1 and P2 but it was mostly because my teacher didn't really help me out and also the fact that I find it difficult to work on something I dislike.

I was aiming for a 7 in all subjects (I really doubt I will achieve it though) but I am expecting a 5 in Arabic!

Really dreading the results day!! :S :S

Edited by n0urhan
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  • 3 months later...

i dread having to go to chemistry and french, both SL, as well as TOK. i mostly hate this classes because:

chemistry: it's the math and the labs. those things freak me out, as i've never been able to ace them.

french: i'm not good with languages. i just can't seem to connect it all together. i would love to do ab itino but i've already taken two years of french, so they won't allow me.

TOK: so far, i'm seeing it as useless and a complete waste of my time.

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Definitely chinese ab initio. 20% because of the difficulty of the language and the other 80% because of the teacher. She yells at us in class for not knowing stuff that she didn't teach us! But I know i'm going to do well on the final exams because i've been taking it since 6th grade :D

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Can I ask what is ITGS? I keep seeing it everywhere but I don't think my school offers that...? I've never heard of it until I came here.

To answer the question, without a doubt, the WORST class is IBSL Math. I think it would be fine if we had a different teacher. I suppose it's supposed to get us ready for college, but I hate his teaching style. He gives us homework first, then teaches the lesson we had our homework on when the homework is due. It gets us really confused and wastes our time. If he taught us before giving the homework, it would save both the teacher and the students time. When he teaches, he asks us if what he does is right - but he actually seems like he doesn't know if he himself is right. He often makes mistakes, which confuses us. If we forget how to do something, he'll get angry, claiming that we didn't do the homework, when in reality, it's because the textbook is confusing and doesn't explain very well (plus the teacher doesn't teach). When he does some example problems on the board, he'll randomly give up in the middle of the problem at times and just say "Ah, whatever, you get it" when we don't. He gave us the IA to do but never explained it and just said "tell a story". He never gave us a rubric until after it was due. He didn't show us any samples, such as how it should look, if there should be a coversheet, etc. He's very vague with everything... EVERY single one of my classmates have hired a tutor because he is horrible at teaching and we don't learn anything from him. We're trying to tell the math department and principal, but nothing as been done so far...

Wow that was a long rant. I just strongly dislike my teacher with a very, very, very strong passion.

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If I had to choose... It'd be Biology SL. I feel like my class has done practically nothing, which is worrying, and the teacher keeps on pushing back lessons because she doesn't enforce deadlines to the class. To be frank, I know that the Biology HL class haven't done anything, so I should be thankful I swapped.

Although, I actually like all my subjects. Just small complaints here and there.

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