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Trick question. A woman makes a man. However, a man is needed for the woman to make the man. So which came first, the woman or the man?

Oh! Oh! Oh! That is a very very good answer!! Thank you!!

Actually both yours and Bio's answers were good and they both fit!! Yaay! Thanks so much.

Ok, why did I ask such a random and weird question? And more importantly why did I need male perspective. :P

Simple explanation: It's got to do with the fanfic novel I'm writing. There's a scene where 2 male characters discuss whether "masculinity is superficial enough to have to be measured by the number of women in one's house" and what makes a good man. Anyway, polygamy is a major theme in this fic. So yeah, I just needed some perspective on the second part of the discussion since I already know the characters' views on the first part.

Complicated explanation would get me into discussing the whole plot of the fic and the themes behind it and frankly I don't think any of you will be interested in or understand. :P

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That's a really messed up game. Haha. Nice one Lc.

:D I aim to please!

Trust me.. You don't, though the name suggests that it's a cute thing.. That's so Lc. :P


well you don't know what they have in the TSR arcade! :P seriously the amount of bloodshed in that place is hilarious (in a non-sick way... though thinking bloodshed is funny is not really non-sick :lol: oka I'm confusing myself :P

Trick question. A woman makes a man. However' date=' a man is needed for the woman to make the man. So which came first, the woman or the man?[/quote']

A women makes a man, because if there was no woman there would be nothing to contrast the man to, hence the man would not be labeled as "the man" but rather something else?

and about which came first it's opinion dependent, since the simple answer (for me) would be that the man came first (God made him out of mud) and that the woman came from the man. But that's me :P

I suggest you take a crash-course in Human Biology to find out that answer :lol:


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A women makes a man, because if there was no woman there would be nothing to contrast the man to, hence the man would not be labeled as "the man" but rather something else?

and about which came first it's opinion dependent, since the simple answer (for me) would be that the man came first (God made him out of mud) and that the woman came from the man. But that's me :P


Haha well I wasnt about to go into a whole religious debate since that's not the point of what I'm writing but the idea that there would be men if there weren't women is an interesting concept. Haha. Well I knew that but to hear it coming from a guy seems more real. If you know what I mean.

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MS Word grammar checker is weird. I mean, sometimes it suggests the most random of corrections. Like this:

"Perhaps you should learn, sir, that there are more to life than just money and prospects. "

How is that grammatically wrong in any way?

It said I should change the "learn" to "teach". No, in this situation, I don't mean teach. I mean learn. Sheesh. >.<

My random musing for the day.

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"Our users have played total 859 games for total time of 22h 11m 43s"

Arcade report.

It was about 10 hours about 3 days ago.


LOL.. NONE of it was from me.. I swear! :D

actually I think I've got like 7 hours or 8 in the arcade ><

btw.. y did my avatar suddenly grow so big? o.O Gonna go change it now

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  • 1 month later...
I wonder about trust a lot.

I want to trust him, and I do.

But, a bit of me is scared.

I'd rather he do anything to me but break my trust.


I think too much haha.

Couldn't help but firgure out your 'backstabbing' issue, the one you're going through nowadays. I used to go through it the same as yourself, but then I noticed that it's a waste of my time.

I strongly believe that a scholastic society is a microcosm of the real society. Meaning, what you see in school and the kinds of people you meet are an image of the ones you'll meet in the future. There's the funny, kind, generous, smart.. But at the same time, there's the backstabber, self-centered, loathed ans so on. My point here is, don't even waste your time on those people. You just have to move on. You'll face many kinds of poeple in the future, so everytime you think of them and feel all depressed and miserable, you only get a waste of time. You're not benefiting actually..

So just move on. Show them that you don't care and whatever you do, don't ever let them know that you're down or mad. Work on your assessments, ace your exams (as much as you can), and show them that you can. Did you watch Legally Blonde 1? (Love it! It's weird given I'm a guy, but I like the message behind it.. :innocent:).

Hope this has helped. I do like talking about these things, so whenever you like to chat, just post and I'll hopefully reply back when given the chance. :)

Have a nice day. :D

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Hey there Bio-Aqua!

I really appreciate what you just said because it really did touch on what I was talking about earlier.

But, what I mentioned in this topic was more about this guy I know. Basically, after the whole "backstabbing issue" I found myself in a bit of crisis... who can be trusted? I don't want to hash out the specifics about what happened in someplace public like this but it really made me think about my life and people in general. It amazes me how people can manipulate and deceive you. I thought this girl was a good person, now I dont know who is good anymore.

Which brought to me the problem outlined above. Can I trust him? I asked him that, and we had a very serious discussion about trust and honesty. We worked through it together and I think I'm right in trusting him completely. But a part of me is afraid of becoming vulnerable to him. However, although I've confided a lot to him, he told me many things he'd never want repeated. This gives me hope that this friendship is on the right track. I adore him to pieces, I dont want this to be ruined.

Then, it comes back to how I'm wasting my time with all of this. He also mentioned this to me. He pointed out to me that I need to stop going out of my way to solve other people's problems, and that I have too much going on otherwise. And he's right. That's how I let people hurt me, because I care too much. So from now, I'm keeping my distance from those who could bring me down.

I'm doing a lot better today. I'm just happy it's the weekend. I need time away from my class. It's become obvious that my true friends aren't in IB.

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Ah well, then it's a personal issue. Anyways, the advice applies to all things in life. Whether you do feel comfortable or not about it, there will always be some people waiting out there trying to hurt others. I do believe that you should talk to people, communicate and be someone rather than something.. But at the same time, stay away from those who let you down (like you said :D ).

I think it's just me, but I also believe that one must confront anyone who lets him/her down, in a civilised manner of course. Talk to them and see what the whole issue is about. That's what I always do, and sometimes, it turns opposite to what I expect. But then again, focus on your studies and leave them alone. :innocent:

Nice talking to you. Have a nice day. :)

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This is really frustrating.

I'm trying to be optimistic here.

But would it hurt for them to either tell me out right what the hell is wrong or just wait until I get home to say anything at all?

Now I'm imagining all sorts of things...

What on earth could possibly be so horrible that they'd prefer me to stay here for 3 months?

Fine, I'll be "prepared". But how prepared you can be for something that you have no idea of ...


I think too much haha.

Story of my life right now, Ashika.


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