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The Change One Letter Game


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Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush

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Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk

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Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk mask task tase

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Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk mask task tase base

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Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk mask task tase base bases

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  • 4 weeks later...

Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk mask task tase base bases based

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Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk mask task tase base bases based baked

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Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk mask task tase base bases based baked faked

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Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk mask task tase base bases based baked faked fakes

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People please do not troll this thread.

I'm going to continue from where the last legit post left off.

Hexa: Must

Me: Lust

Not trolling, simply adding the whole list so there isn't any double ups of words, like the rules say at the start :) I'm not sure how the other posts are not legitimate, they are doing the exact same thing as everyone else.

Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk mask task tase base bases based baked faked fakes faker

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Grape gape gap rap raw row crow cow caw cat scat seat heat beat beast yeast yeas year rear near sear smear swear sweat sweet sweep weep wep web wet yet yen yes yews Jews pews peas seas sets bets pets jets nets lets less mess fess fest feast beast yeast least last past part park perk pork work wok wonk conk coak cork cord core bore bare dare ware wore word ward bard yard hard card car cor cot coat boat boar bear beard heard herd herb her herd head had hard card cord cork dork dark dart fart fat fad dad dads pads pats pass piss kiss hiss his sis sir sit bit bits hits sh.its ships skips slips lips flips flits flirts tits tots toes hoes does woes wees weed seed seer sheer cheer cheery cheeky cheek check chuck huck luck lock lack mack back bark berk jerk perk peak beak beam team term berm berg beg bet best rest test nest west went want wand wend wind wine wife life lift left cleft clef clefs chefs chess chest crest crept crepe crede trede trade trace truce true drue drug drag brag bag bad bed beg bet but bus bug hug mug mud mad mat math bath bat ban ben bend band bind mind mink monk monks honks hooks books book hook hood hoof hoop loop look cook cool coal goal goat boat oat hat had hard yard yarn barn bard card cord chord chore chores wh*res phores pores cores corps props preps press dress drest crest crust trust rust rush rust just must musk mask task tase base bases based baked faked fakes faker maker

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