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What time do you go to bed on average day?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, most of you go to bed early (atleast I take it as early) usually my schedule works like this:

6:00 - Wake up

7:30-3:00 - School

3:00-4:30 - Practice at school (depends on the day, different sport)

5:00 - 7:00 - Parkour lessons

7:45 - 8:10 - Dinner + any litte thing I have to do after dinner

8:15 - 2:00 - Homework

If I have loads of homework it can be up to 4am the latest

and do it all over again, it works almost the same on weekends except I replace school for homweork and homework for going out with friends or any thing that might come up.

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3:30-home from school



11:30-5:00-get sidetracked and procrastinate

5:00-7:00-freak out and work on homework as fast as I can before catching the bus


This is obviously something I have to change before next year. I've been known to go four days without sleep for the stupidest things. It wasn't until a few months ago that I realised I'm just an insomniac using my IB work as an excuse to not sleep. Anyone else do that?

Edited by polyprotic
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5:50 - Wake Up

8:45-3:10 - School

5:00 - 6:00 - Cello practice

6:00 - 11:00 - Homework, dinner, shower, etc.

I spend like two hours getting to school, so I read and stuff then. My parents forbid me to go to bed later than midnight, and that's still stretching it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

school starts at 8:30..so i haveto leave home by 7:50! go to school...eithier stay back for extra classeor go for tutions....so im mostly back home by 6:00...then i have to go to the gym as a part of my CAS....=S basically...im ready to work at about 9:00...and go to sleep at around 3!!! YesIB = nO life


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If you get up at 7, you try to go to sleep earlier. I think 5 hours/night is sufficient for a couple of weeks, but then I need to slowly increase.

Sleep does NOT get compromised for me during the school year. Assignments can go to hell for all I care. Sleep's more important.

I go to bed around 8.30 or 9 PM and wake up by 4AM. I then finish all the homework from the night before. It's crunch time, so I do my best work under that kind of pressure. PLUS I get 7 hours of sleep. It's terrific =)

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Lately I have been waking up, with normal 5 hour sleep or less, with alarm clocks all around me..and turned off! (way later, usually like 2 hours after my alarm time)

I have realized an explicit "burn-out" during junior year. I literary had no gas left to go :D

Now I am motivated more than ever, I can knock out large volumes of work more so than before for summer work. However, I still do the same thing, wake-up with alarm clocks turned off and me sleeping past my time!!! :D

Any of you have this, immunity to alarm clocks?

I tried switching alarm type from high noises and other types, to Roaring music and still didnt work. any idea on what to do?

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