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Rant of the day!


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Guest JustAnotherMasochist.

My rant is more of a pent-up complaint.


I've gone to 3 different high schools and because of this my IB courses got all messed up. Like, I was going to take HL German, Art, Math, and Physics while taking SL Chemistry. (History and English are mandatory HL classes). Because I moved I was moved to French abinitio (since they don't have German), for some reason I'm not allowed to have 2 sciences and physics is no longer HL, and my latest school doesn't offer HL math.


So now I'm taking HL English, History, and Art with SL subjects being Chem and Math. I also have to take some mandatory class called research where they help us with college. I personally think it's a waste of a class, but w.e.

And now I feel much better :]

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My rant is more of a pent-up complaint.


I've gone to 3 different high schools and because of this my IB courses got all messed up. Like, I was going to take HL German, Art, Math, and Physics while taking SL Chemistry. (History and English are mandatory HL classes). Because I moved I was moved to French abinitio (since they don't have German), for some reason I'm not allowed to have 2 sciences and physics is no longer HL, and my latest school doesn't offer HL math.


So now I'm taking HL English, History, and Art with SL subjects being Chem and Math. I also have to take some mandatory class called research where they help us with college. I personally think it's a waste of a class, but w.e.

And now I feel much better :]


My school offers no history, music, or science HL that I've taken a class in, so I'm stuck with English (one of my best classes) and Math and Spanish (my two worst)

Not looking too good for the diploma right now...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everyone! I'm new and obviously this means I should start off my time here by ranting. I can rant quite well...

first of all: i didn't choose IB. my mother [a dictator] basically told me I was doing it. me: ...okay?

her: and if you don't do good in your classes i'll beat you.

[yes, she actually said this. why is it always asian parents...?]

anyways, i started IB and it wasn't too bad... until i got to math.

that damn math.

damn teacher and that damn IA which none of us know what to do because hey, he can't tell us anything! yay!

oh and giving us one week to do it whilst we have 3 other projects due. gee, thanks.

and it's the first year my school is doing IB which = the teachers have no idea what they're doing and neither do we and my IB coordinator basically told us that we're guinea pigs.

well okay just mess up my future experimenting it's not like i wanted it or anything.

and i have no social life. my long weekend of four days was spent working on 4 projects, all due on monday. i love life.

and my mother is so highly strung. my sister has been giving her grief and she often takes it out on me and she has been known to take my work and quite simply rip it up when she's in a foul mood.

oh god if she ever did that with my IA or EE...

anyways, just a rant from me. it's nice to meet you all~

Edited by vita.
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Dear HL English,

You make me want to jump off a building into a vat of lava. Why does my school require this to be a HL and HL only class? BECAUSE IB HATES ME. I would not be in this class if I had my way. If I could actually have a say in which classes were SL and HL my subjects would be so different. I hate this class. It's pointless. I have no desire to do anything related to English or any other languages later in life. So why make me take it at HL? I hate this. And my English teacher says the school isn't supportive of students who like language/writing/reading. Hahahaha NO. Being FORCED to take it at HL is basically letting all the people who are good at English get a free 6 or 7 with the others who aren't that good (like me for example) struggle to get a decent grade which I need to get into the university I want to go to. Right now I'm supposed to be preparing for a Merchant of Venice project where I have to recite 24 lines of something Shylock says to Antonio with a full analysis on the passage. I have this tomorrow. English is my third class and after three hours of German and math (with a test in both of these classes tomorrow) I won't remember much. I HATE ENGLISH.

I feel much better now.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest LeahCorene

My Rant of the day, My HL biology teacher is so very rude, and doesn't give any help at all, he just walks away from me when i ask a question! ahh my IA is due monday and i haven't started the experiment ! :)

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Ahhh I have so much holiday HW! I am on hols until 4 January. Coming back to school on 5 January and I have sooo much HW! Even the list I posted as a status is incomplete. I forgot some other HW haha.

Main focus: Math IA Type I, TOK draft, EE introduction, Indo IOP

I even made a HW schedule, I posted it on facebook as a note. If you are a friend I am sure you can see it. See how much HW I have. And I even plan to do HW on my birthday and Christmas -__- and on new year's eve. I am predicting 3 free days (2-4 Jan) to enjoy. Oooh, gosh.. I gotta get a life!

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Oh boy,

1. EE's are a pain in the butt, I probably can't feel this pain though since I haven't start, HA! :sadnod:

2. Oral commentaries next month... :P my worst nightmares~~

I can't sympathize with this enough! I had to hand my final draft of my EE on the 25th November - I had the work time and experience doing mine and would have appreciated a decent supervisor in the first place who actually knew what they were meant to be doing.

As for orals - there bitches I have my spanish oral mock on sunday and my english IOC early january - I have to go first because I'm not in school for the most of the month as I have theatre school auditions and school trips all month

:P IB sucks sometimes! I'm so worried about getting the grades to pass!

Good Luck with it all!

Ahhh I have so much holiday HW! I am on hols until 4 January. Coming back to school on 5 January and I have sooo much HW! Even the list I posted as a status is incomplete. I forgot some other HW haha.

Main focus: Math IA Type I, TOK draft, EE introduction, Indo IOP

I even made a HW schedule, I posted it on facebook as a note. If you are a friend I am sure you can see it. See how much HW I have. And I even plan to do HW on my birthday and Christmas -__- and on new year's eve. I am predicting 3 free days (2-4 Jan) to enjoy. Oooh, gosh.. I gotta get a life!

How awful - Eww!

However I'm the same - in my last year of IB thank god!

I come off school next tuesday and go back on the 9th

I have 3 pieces of coursework, my TOK essay, English Oral to prepare for and Mocks are straight after the break first week back

I feel your pain! It doesn't help that we seem to be the world of procrastinators either - I'm meant to have my theatre coursework portfolio handed in, in just 2 hours time! I have only 500 words out of 3000 and have no idea what I'm supposed to be writing. It would help if i had these things explained to me! haa x

Good Luck with it all!

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My rant of the day or time period is better, I guess,


Flaky parents who say you should act like an adult at 17 but then say 17 is still a child therefore can't do blahdy blah blah

Sooooooo freaking annoying

Just pick one state if mind and stick with it, PLEASE

Any one with the same problem?

Edited by Jazmine
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YESS!! they choose what they want you to be when it is convenient to them!!

Anyway here goes my rant:

I REALLY hate english right now! its so frustrating! icant get the world lit paper right and nothing is working out. I cant think of anything to compare...i cant even seem to write coherently! Oh and MATH! Oh how i hate math! Math should go jump off a bridge before I do! I hate math so much and my math teacher...why did he become a teacher??! he is more of a stand up comedian! That guy is funny as heck but not so good at teaching! So...passing that IB exam...yeah all up to me!

Not such a good thing either...because i kinda suck at math

UGH!! ajdjofisjdflksdjf! Ok im done :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Chemistry,

Jump off a bridge. Nobody cares about you.


Your irate student.

I second that!!!

I need to edit my Chem lab report especially my graph and calculation but idk what is wrong with it and how to improve it!! I think I'll end up not making lots of changes and just improving my CE :P

And also my TOK essay draft :P ughhh I don't feel like doing any work today

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I hate people who judge. I hate people who love talk, and useless talk about other people that has no foundation or basis. Why do they waste their energy and time speaking of such ridiculous things?! Leave other people on their own, and mind your own stupid business. They hurt a lot of people without realizing it, and then they joke around. Ridiculous!

Also, I need a vacation. I haven't had one in 3 months, but other schools just started. It's unfair. :P

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I hate it when people call two sentence outbursts a rant. I hear "rant" and I'm like "whoa this person is obviously upset, I’m in for a big tirade", but then its like "I dislike chemistry. It is very difficult and I find it frustrating". It's like if someone just walked across the street and went "WOOOH I JUST RAN A MARATHON, BOY IS THIS A BIG DEAL". Obviously you aren’t that emotionally invested if you only have about ten words to say on the goddamn subject. Maybe this is simply a side effect of all that twitter and texting ****, where you don’t have enough space to really elaborate and explain and fully flesh out what you're saying, so people go "JEEZUS CHRIST I DIDNT EVEN KNOW YOU COULD HAVE FEELINGS AND IDEAS THAT ARE SO DEEP IT TAKE MORE THAN 1 TEXT TO COMMUNICATE TO THEIR FULL EXTENT" and thinking about things at any level deeper than the most superficial becomes a task too immense to imagine. Your small complaint about your chipped nail polish or your gripe about airplane food IS NOT A ****ING RANT. A RANT, a proper RANT is when you just spew out a mile after mile of uncontrolled, angry, feeling. A rant shouldn't be a way for you to dump emotion, it should INCREASE YOUR ANGER. YOUR FACE SHOULD CONTORT INTO THE UNRECOGNIZABLE, YOUR PULSE SHOULD MAKE A HUMMINGBIRD FEAR HEART ATTACK, YOU SHOULD YELL LOUDER AND HARDER THAN THE ANGRIEST OF THE SPIKY HAIRED MUSCLEMEN FOUND IN JAPANESE CARTOONS. You should talk and talk, it should just be a runanway train of barely cohesive sentences and nonsequitors which then CRASHES, FULL FORCE into the FACE of your reader. At the end of your rant you should be sweating BUCKETS, you should draw forth reserve energies like MOTHERS DO WHEN AUTOMOBILES FALL ON THEIR CHILDREN. Your keyboard should wail out in agony, crying for the endless pounding to end as you savagely hammer on IT LIKE A NORSE BERSERKER ****ING DESTROYING SOME ANGLOSAXON'S FACE.. Your fingers, should be WORN DOWN TO LITTLE PITIFUL STUBS, blood and meat and BONE SMASHED INTO OBLIVION ON YOUR KEYBOARD. SMALL CHILDREN SHOULD CRY OUT AND WHIMPER WHEN THEY LOOK INTO YOUR WALL OF TEXT AND FEEL AS IF THEY ARE AN INSIGNIFICANT SPECK LOST IN AN INFINITE VOID OF ANGRY PRINTING.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate it when people call two sentence outbursts a rant. I hear "rant" and I'm like "whoa this person is obviously upset, I’m in for a big tirade", but then its like "I dislike chemistry. It is very difficult and I find it frustrating". It's like if someone just walked across the street and went "WOOOH I JUST RAN A MARATHON, BOY IS THIS A BIG DEAL". Obviously you aren’t that emotionally invested if you only have about ten words to say on the goddamn subject. Maybe this is simply a side effect of all that twitter and texting ****, where you don’t have enough space to really elaborate and explain and fully flesh out what you're saying, so people go "JEEZUS CHRIST I DIDNT EVEN KNOW YOU COULD HAVE FEELINGS AND IDEAS THAT ARE SO DEEP IT TAKE MORE THAN 1 TEXT TO COMMUNICATE TO THEIR FULL EXTENT" and thinking about things at any level deeper than the most superficial becomes a task too immense to imagine. Your small complaint about your chipped nail polish or your gripe about airplane food IS NOT A ****ING RANT. A RANT, a proper RANT is when you just spew out a mile after mile of uncontrolled, angry, feeling. A rant shouldn't be a way for you to dump emotion, it should INCREASE YOUR ANGER. YOUR FACE SHOULD CONTORT INTO THE UNRECOGNIZABLE, YOUR PULSE SHOULD MAKE A HUMMINGBIRD FEAR HEART ATTACK, YOU SHOULD YELL LOUDER AND HARDER THAN THE ANGRIEST OF THE SPIKY HAIRED MUSCLEMEN FOUND IN JAPANESE CARTOONS. You should talk and talk, it should just be a runanway train of barely cohesive sentences and nonsequitors which then CRASHES, FULL FORCE into the FACE of your reader. At the end of your rant you should be sweating BUCKETS, you should draw forth reserve energies like MOTHERS DO WHEN AUTOMOBILES FALL ON THEIR CHILDREN. Your keyboard should wail out in agony, crying for the endless pounding to end as you savagely hammer on IT LIKE A NORSE BERSERKER ****ING DESTROYING SOME ANGLOSAXON'S FACE.. Your fingers, should be WORN DOWN TO LITTLE PITIFUL STUBS, blood and meat and BONE SMASHED INTO OBLIVION ON YOUR KEYBOARD. SMALL CHILDREN SHOULD CRY OUT AND WHIMPER WHEN THEY LOOK INTO YOUR WALL OF TEXT AND FEEL AS IF THEY ARE AN INSIGNIFICANT SPECK LOST IN AN INFINITE VOID OF ANGRY PRINTING.


You might not want to look at the post below your's then. :P

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