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How do you get motivated to do CAS?


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I just started IB and this whole CAS thing is such a bother for me since I am so lazy to do all of it so how do you become motivated to actually go out and earn those hours? I think I must have around 60 hours so far but there is so much more to go.

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Honestly, what I did was to do something I'm actually interested in but I never could be bothered before. For example, before I always wanted to find the time to do photography, but with school work in the way I was always like "Can't do it now, I have assignments/exams to do" etc., but IB gives me an excuse to actually get off my ass and do what I've always wanted to do. :P

And this is a pretty motivating factor: if you fail CAS, you don't get your diploma.

Good luck!

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I actually like a few of my CAS activities - and I think that's the secret. If you are going to hate your CAS, and think it's a waste of time (which, it mainly is :P) you're not going to be motivated to do more. Find something you're interested in, and do it, but do it so that it's in the guidelines of your school's CAS rules, and IB CAS rules.

Some examples:

I like math - I teach a bunch of Y10, Y11 students math as an instructor

I like computers - 3 of my activities involve a great deal of coding

I like business - I'm a part of 2 long term business competitions that count for CAS

Good luck!

Edited by unicornication
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I chose to do activities that I had interest in. Plus, I was doing them with all my friends so that made them fun because I didn't have to be in all the CAS torture alone. At least I had someone with me and I knew that it would be fun that way.

You could try convincing your friends to do things together. Trust me, it's fun.

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I just started IB and this whole CAS thing is such a bother for me since I am so lazy to do all of it so how do you become motivated to actually go out and earn those hours? I think I must have around 60 hours so far but there is so much more to go.

Well now, lazy people don't get too far in IB, or in life, unless they are insane geniuses that don't need studying or action of some sort.

But to respond to your question, the whole point of CAS is to basically, get your butt out of the house or library to do something that is creative, active and helpful for your community. This way, you get involved and engage with the world, and not just develop some intimate relations with your Math Textbook, if you know what I mean ;)

Like others have said, do things that interest you. You must have something you like to do that is not studying related (though it could be).

Ask yourelf these questions:

  • Are there any sports you like to do or enjoy playing?
  • What creative things interest you? Dancing? Singing? Maybe cooking?
  • Are there any communities in your area that you like helping out? A foodbank? Volunteering at a Hospital or a local home shelter?

The possibilities my friend, are endless. :)

Regarding hours.... In my school, we are no longer required to accumulate a certain amount of hours for our activities. Instead we are to prove that we have been doing them consistently for over a time period of 2 years.

But in your case, think of it as an objective you must overcome to where you want to be later. By accomplishing the CAS aspect, you are eligible for that Diploma. And everybody wants that diploma, so you have to do everything you need to get it. Simple.

Hope that this helps you out a bit! You can do it! :D


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  • 1 month later...

I didn't find CAS activities that motivated me, I created CAS activities out of what I do. So that I wouldn't need to be motivated.

I already play Tennis (Action) at least twice a week in competition, and I am in two school bands, and three outside-of-school bands (Creativity & Service).

So I get all I need from just doing things that I did before coming to an IB school. Band counts for Service as we play gigs that although the band gets payed, the players themselves do not get paid, and of course music is as creative as you can be.

I also joined the schools Digi-Circle, where every week answer two proper paper 2 english examination questions on chosen texts for each week. I joined this not out of the motivation for doing something new, but for engaging with other students and also to benefit my school grades more through this extra study.

Edited by Callum Rudig
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have to. My school's CAS program is integrated and it is awesome! I don't have to worry about motivation since I really like all the activities that I am doing. I am doing First Aid once a week for 3-4 hours, leader of the group that is creating the yearbook at my school, playing badminton once a week for 3 hours and swimming!

I don't even think of it as CAS anymore, rather activities that I really like doing so I don't care anymore. The reflections by the way are just bleh anyways. The IBO checks 10 or so schools of all the 1000s of IB-schools in the world and thus it is even a very little chance that you school will be checked. I mean, my school has been checked twice in 15 years! Also, the reflections don't need to be good so just **** on your CAS-coordinator if they are telling you that your activities are not good enough! They are all good enough as long as you show some reflection on what you have done.

DISCLAIMER: I am not encouraging anyone here to not do their activities and reflect upon them, but telling my experience of what the "truth" of CAS is.

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  • 1 month later...

I love CAS!

I do:


- I'm a student librarian

- Badminton

- Nepal Schools 4 Schools

- Into Reading

and my school offers lots of volunteering activities throughout the year. I write a diary (or i used to before joining ib) and so i find it fun to write reflections as well

I'm a very optimistic person, try to be one as well for cas and everything will fall in place :D

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the things people said above me is true. you have to enjoy the activity before you enjoy the CAS itself. it also helps me motivated if i do something that i never done before. my suggestion is not to push yourself and do all the C and S before you did A because the getting A is pretty easy

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CAS is something made to make you different from all the other students; you do your schoolwork alongside being creative, doing sports and helping your community.

it would be best if you look around and try too find all the activities you can count for CAS hours. the poster hanging on your school wall for the past month might just be the answer. Attend all competitions held at you school... Form school clubs that would interest you...

You will be amazed at how your CAS hours fly by.

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I echo what other's have been saying about enjoyment of the activities-CAS is the 'fun' part of the IB so make the most of it! If you've ever had a burning desire to take up anything, such as yoga or photography, now is the chance to do so! Also, you actually need to do the CAS so it is motivation in itself in that sense :)

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