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IB courses you wish you could have taken, but couldn't


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I would have been ecstatic to have been able to take Music as an art, even if I must take it as a 7th subject (thanks to medical school requirements). I'd rather have taken German as well, but my school (annoyingly) doesn't offer it. I'd have taken English A1 Literature instead of Literature and Language, but I have a schedule conflict that prevents me from taking that.

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I would have liked to take Physics HL, I'm not sure why my school doesn't offer IB Physics considering we have teachers who teach Physics classes, just send them to IB training camp :clap:

English SL as well because I definitely do not want to do the IOC on poetry, I'm not looking forward to that.

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I'm getting ****ty grades in Geo HL whereas my friends are getting a minimum of 6 in Film HL...i wish i could have taken that since it's a pretty chill subject where you just analyse movies (i love films btw). My situation reminds me of "lack of knowledge causes hindrance" because i didn't know that people could drop their HL subject and take film at the beginning of second year -.-

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Personally, I thought in choosing my subjects that IB Music would be an easy class and that universities would not regard it as highly--so I took Geography instead. Now I regret it because although Geography can be a fascinating subject, I think that the level set by the IB for it is too low---and therefore the class is boring. Music is quite a 'different' class because you do not have to sit at a desk all the time and you can use a different part of your mind (although no one said that Music is easy!)

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I regret doing SL maths; I get really bored in my lessons cos I've done most of them last year

I wish I could do physics!!~~ my physics teacher was pushing me to do physics last year cos I was pretty good at it except IB only allows a maximum of two sciences

I kind of wish I had done Chinese B cos the the stuff they're reading is the stuff that I had always wanted to read.

So, HL Maths, Physics and Chinese B

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