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ahh the drama..the competition


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okay so when you place numerous overacheiving sudents in the same classroom, there will be competion and drama, so do you have any stories to share, because in my grade 7 class, there were frankly 2 overacheivers, myself and my good friend and we had a lot of drama created my competion, but we bcame really good friends after the competion thingy stopped, do tell your tales!

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Well, let me just say that this is a forum for mainly IB Diploma students. Dunno where Grade 7 fits into this.

My class was small, and tight knit, so there was never any need to 'show off' or compete against one another. Another thing is that all of us were in different skill sets, so really there was no comparison, especially when the class only consisted of 1 or 2 people.

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a few years beofre i began going to the high school that i ended up graduationg at. my first year of IB math SL teacher told me that the compettion used to be so bad, that you couldn't ask a fellow student for help coz they would tell you the wrong way to do it! but she then siad that they was the first and last year she ever saw that happen.

at my first IB high school we all got allong really well to each others faces, but there was always some kinda drama... who was dating who, who was number one in the class, and who wasn't.... but nothing too too bad. there were about 80 diplomia canidates per grade level, and then there were 80 MYP sudents for each grade level so ther were a lot of us, but we all knew each other. we stuck together. coz the entire school was about 3500 kids maybe more, and we were segregrated from the rest of the school, so we were all each other had when we at school.

in my second IB high school there were only 5 IB diplmoia canidate inmy graduating class, and myabe 10 in the grade below (there was no MYP here). and we grew to like eacher other very much, but i woulf say we were best frinds. we helped each other out iff necessary, but none of reallly ended up doing the exact same thing... there were a lot of certificates... so we prolly got closer with some of them that we did with each other, but we supported each other through the tough times... and when IB was over (woohoo!!!!) i really only stayed in contact with 2 of the other 4.

they were very different experiences from one another.

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Yah, my memories of 7th grade is hanging out with friends as much as possible and ditching homework as much as possible

OF COURSE, that greatly affects me now because im barely an average student

but competition isn't all too bad, i wouldn't say its good but those who want to achieve more always do end up being successful? << from my perspective

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Well theres always a little competition among my friends and thats about how much competition there is.

AS for drama theres always this 1 girl who knows who asked who to the dances and stuff and she is pretty much in charge or the gossiping in our school.

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  • 1 month later...

i'm the generally competitive type and when i was new in my current school in yr 8. there was this guy who was considered the smartest in the group.. and we'd always get the same grades and stuff and competition was fierce, i must admit, in yr 7..

gradually, we got really close as we realised that we were on the same boat, kinda apart from the rest (because of all the "nerd"-iness.. soz i dunno how else to say it)

and now we talk over exercises and so on which is cool, cause we both know that we can actually trust what the other probably knows what he (she)'s saying and we complement each other..

HOWEVER, i must admit, there are some subjects in which I *hemhem* am much better so there's no possibility of competition.. (e.g. maths ) hehe ^^;;

that's my tale.. ^^



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Whoa. We had awards, but no one cared.

Sticking with IB has united all of us. There are very few cliques, if any at all. We're competitive in a good way. We try to beat each other but as long as we're doing our best. We help each other with hw and everything else you can imagine. The only couple of competitive people are outsiders because they don't hang out with the rest of the group. It's cliche, but we're family. It takes off the pressure and the stress (mostly >.< )

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  • 3 months later...

When I was in year 7-9 (middle school), the only thing I remember doing was running around the school with friends playing hide and seek, climbing walls etc etc. Didn't care about grades, didn't care about awards. I only started to care in Year 10.

I think you should enjoy your middle schooling years, when you get to the last two years of school there's scarcely any time left for "hanging around".

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Well with competition in IB the standard level people try to diss the studies people and call us 'vege math' students. (you might not understand how vege refers to that but yea if you do you'll get it). There isnt much competition in our school other then the few guys in our class [business and Man.] when they beat me by like 4% they are like shame shame shame etc. Actually there is quite alot of competition in our math studies class between the 4/20 people including me that should of done SL, we see who can get the best mark because we find it ridiculously easy unfortunately no one ever gets over 95% :P .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nahhh, no hard competition in my school. Well, very sutile if there exists. We are not killing ourselves over scholarships and stuff like that. If you get it, good for you. Agree with Ruan Chun Xian, if you compete in grade 7th, what are you gonna do when you are in your senior year? Seventh grade was the last year I can say I had a normal life hehe. At the end, what are you going to remember about high school? Books, drama and hours of study??

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There is competition in my school, but I really wouldn't call it dramatic. At the end of the year my school gives out prizes to the top of each subject, so if you're good in a subject, you obviously try your best to be the top. However, we were all still happy working together and helping each other out with anything. There was no real drama between us.

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Not really any competiton in my class, we are the first IB class on our school so we mainly just help each other and try to cooperate.

By the way; overachieving students? I am not sure if all IB student are supposed to be overachieving and therefore come into the programme, I think it is better to say ambitious students ;)

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Hah I remember competing against one boy in 2nd grade. We wanted to get the Achievement prize at the end of the year because you got a book and it was so cool back then ;) We ended up sharing the prize.

And then when we did the British SATS in 8th grade, the person with the highest overall points got a prize and a shield. So really, can't blame people for competing! I lost out to the same guy in 2nd grade by 10 points. Consolation prizes suck. But then I got a shield for best academic achievement when we graduated from primary school. So we were even.

Since I moved schools, it changed. Now anyone who has a GPA of above 3.5 gets a merit award (book coupon worth 40 bucks). Everyone in class is focused on passing the Diploma well, and not trying to make other people fail. The person with the highest GPA at the end of the year gets to be valedictorian and make a speech (the thing is, no one wants to make a speech at graduation :P ) The only people that care about their final GPA's are the ones going to the US for college.

In some cases, it's the school's fault for creating competition between students. If the school only gives out 1 or 2 awards to the "best" students, then obviously there's a sense of "I need to be the best". Schools should at least have effort prizes, for those who try but don't do so well (both my schools did).

We also have a bunch of prizes, like one for CAS (not for the most hours, but for the most service to the community in terms of value), drama, sports, the student who is the most "respected by the teachers" (I forgot the actual name of the award coz I would never get it) and so on. So everyone has a chance to be recognized for something.

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Ohhh The DRAMA... Well first of all I lie Betwen second and third Which I HATEEEE It sucks to be third or second!! So I remmerb not so long ago we had the Math Portfolio and The 2nd place person ( which btw has a Account here so Crap) didnt give her portfolio even to her best friend and it was not even nearly finshed but she has the right to.. Then My Portfolio was nearly done and the teacher was going through it and this kid stood right behind the teacher and stared at my portfolio and was copying and writing stuff of of it so i shouted in a loud voice HEYYYY How are you and then he gor frightened and i looked at him and gave him a "stare" and he understood get the hell away from my Porfolio! Oh and This otehr kid who isnt so bad but literally studies at least 7 hours a day and isnt in the top 7 !! he copied literally copied at least 3 pages from each one from my class mates except me (of course)

If there is one thing i hate its those kids who dont work hard and one day before the exam/Deadline ask for your help and there are to some extenet your close friends and then i end up helping ( a little bit ofcourse)

We had our fair share of throwing water on the book bags or "lossing a book"

BUT I think hte most biggest DRAMA was these two girls in my class that have been fighting for some time so in English class one of them threw water at the other, so the other took the desk and shoved it in her shoulder and then there was some slapping and cursing and the whole class was staring half amused half shocked of what was happening (but it had nothing to do with academics)

Edited by dexter
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