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No social life = IB diploma?


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haha yeah i procrastinate LOTS!!! but i try not to these days

I spend maybe three or four hours each night after school on homeowrk and assignmetns and study and then always have saturday off, and then do about four or five hours on sunday. well thats on average, some weeks i do absolutaly nothing and others i do way more. and in the holidays i have a time table wich i more or less follow. these holidays ive been planning to do about 6 hours a day.... but somedays i just take of and others i dont wuite manage the whole six... so yeah in the holidays i average about 4 hours a day.

this sounds like a lot and probably is, but unfortunaly i'm doin biology, psychology and history which are the three subjects with the highest contents! so im going a bit out of my mind.

However i wouldnt agree with the whole no social life stance. My social life, all be it very limited, does exist and i do it enjoy it.

Some of my friends tho go to both extremes. some of them somehow never have homework or assignments and spend most of their time socialising, while other never leave the study and when they do surface still have their nose in a book.

I think it really depends on each person as well as the nature of their subjects as to how much of a social life you have in comparrison to how much study time you have

there is aso the question if, is the time you're putting into study actually quality time, or could you have achieved what you just spent 2 hours on in 1 hour.

-soph x

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  • 2 weeks later...

No social life is not what it is all about! you do get the chance to have a social life just not an amazing one!! i do manage to pull my weight both socially and workwise but there are just some times when you know you are going to lose your social life! So there are sacrifices you have to make but it will all be worth it in the end!

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doesn't CAS give you a bit of a social life? i mean wasn't that why they added CAS?

Umm to be honest CAS doesn't give you a social life, it's only 150 hours and it's more a social activity than social _life_. Life means doing stuff like hanging out with friends as well :)

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I'm a well known procrastinator in my school, so even though I'm at the computer the entire time, I only get to doing hw sometimes at 9 or 10 at night. Then it takes me about 3 to 4 hours to get done with homework (including breaks, listening to music, and chatting with friends). However, if I set my mind to it, I can stay up to 7 hours doing hw with no distractions (like when I had to write my program for computer science).

My social life almost didn't suffer. I still go out with my friends and party just as much as before. I'd rather go to sleep late on sunday night than miss out on a party. :P And my grades don't suffer either.

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Lately I've been so exhausted so by the time I come home from a long day at school I really can't do any work until later at night. So I've pretty much eliminated day all together haha. I go to school, come home, sleep for a few hours and I'm up doing homework then school again...

Not good at all. BUT on average, I spend... about 4 or so hours on homework on school days and on weekends I spend about double that... But I still have time to go out with friends and stufff. <_<

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Zero - it's summer! :)

I wish it was true all the time, but even now I have to start doing something every day in order to finish all the summer work I've got. But last school year I did about three hours of homework a night.

As for a social life, I never really had one so...yeah.

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Well, there is no denying that the IB diploma programme is a very demanding programme. Here in my school, out of the 200 juniors only 19 are enrolled in IB, they get straight A without even putting the a quarter of the effort that we put. It is very much true that I have given up much of my social life to be in IB yet I do not make that an excuse when the guys want to hang out or if theres a social activity during school nights. I do my assignments on time and take many many notes during class hours. That way I do not have to review a lot every night in order to absorb the content that was given to me on that particular day. Do not give up your social life in its entirety, just a little :)

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I try to do at least 4 hours a night (sometimes up to 6 or 7), and maybe an hour or so in the mornings. I also need to play my instrument at least an hour and a half a day, as well as do a lot of housework. I just happen to not sleep a whole lot. On weekends I sleep, socialise and usually drink a fair bit so long as I'm not required to do anything too strenuous the next day. Otherwise I would go INSANE. It's the sleep I don't get. But I can live with it.

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I agree. Or, I try to plan, but never stick to it :P!

My social life revolves around.......I guess my youth group. Every Friday night, I go to my youth group and we rock it out there. I procrastinate on Saturdays, so I could go out with friends then, but then again, they are all studying as well =(.


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Haha, I'm HUGE on procrastinating infact, I'm supposed to be working on my rough draft for my EE, which I'm supposed to be showing my adviser tomorrow morning at 9am so he knows how far I've gotten, right now it's 3am, I've been sitting around on my computer just chatting and watching movies. I'm hoping that in the next 20 minutes everything just hits me and I magically write this thing. So I've got a life. IB doesn't make you not have a life, it's basically that you have to take time out of your life to work on stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...
by no means i want to get into your personal life, first of all. i was just wondering, you know, as a IB student, we have to undergo a lot of pressures. we want to do great in every perspectives, but does that mean we have to spend 18 hours on school works? a lot of my friends don't study at all, and guess what they make on their report cards? 100 or above. that is crazy!! one of my girlfriends ( female friends) study literally 6 hours or more, and she said it is worth it. personally, i study at the last minute, and just like a normal human being, i didn't do so hot, of course. i mean, do you have to give up your social life to trade for that diploma? if that's true, do you think it is worth it? and of course, please answer the question I'd putted on my title. thanks

Honestly, i think thats the aim of IB. Cutting off your social life that keeps us human. The amount of work they expect us to complete, did they do any calculations before hand?? i mean we only have 24 hours in one day in which God set aside 12 hours for sleep. gosh. haha.

In every school, we have what we consider "nerds" that study all day all night. I look at them and i make fun of them. But seriously guys, those are the people who are gonna make it in the IB. They are the 'ideal IB student'. Success lies in becoming a nerd. Brace yourself for that transformation. After the IB, we might not be able to return to our old joyful life.

By the way, i spend 30 mins doing my homework and most of the time i spend hours trying get myself to start on my work, AKA procrastinating.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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