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Another one could definitely never get a gf if he lost that one... It's really not cool.

Don't be jealous now! Ugh, but yeah, the reason why there's often not much to talk about outside of schoolwork is because schoolwork has a higher priority than other things. Music and food are wayyyy up on my list though. :argh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

IB girls are too ambitious. They all dream to have a perfect like the girl in Twilight. but other than that, they aren't much different, although almost all of them are asian... For some reason in the gifted program there is 7% whites? thats not even funny considering i am now a minority....

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Umm, IB:Spartan, wake up k. IB guys are even more ambitious and I'm a girl and last time I checked I don't aspire to be a drama queen like Bella. About the race of IB girls, its not true that there are more asian IB girls. Mayben you school, but it depends on your community. I go to an all girls IB school and only 5% are asian.

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I'm IB, my boyfriend is IB too, and it works. Yeah, we speak a lot about school, but however, it is not a problem since we are UWC students and we live together, so we have to discuss those things, since there is no boundary between private and school life.

However, you're right, IB people are more ambitious and usually put success in front of emotions. ^_^

That is why it is maybe better to have non-IB partner, just to make a kind of balance in your life.

Nevertheless, I still love my poor IB junior. :blum:

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Okay, I am going to go on a rant now.

I would think that IB guys would have a little more sense in them & it really upsets me when they expect girls to be extremely pretty, stupid and oblivious to anything of importance, and inferior to him in all ways. Most guys I know just have issues handling girls who are smarter than they are - hurts their ego I guess. What is wrong with girls who are ambitious, have some sort of purpose in life and know better than going around talking about how hot some movie actor is, how she accidently smudged her lipgloss or how her hair-straighter broke down and how that's the greater disaster of all times. Personally, I think that IB girls have a lot more 'substance' in them than the other ones. I would say the same for guys if they didn't objectify every female they met. I think guys just do that because they want to 'fit in' with everyone else. I just wish that IB could open up some of those minds. Then, the guys would be almost perfect.

Sorry, I just had at say all that.

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Well, if you have to rant and get all that off your chest then that's fine. I just want to say that not all IB guys are like that =)

The girlfriend of one of my best friends (both of them are in IB) gets MUCH higher grades than he does, and is a very ambitious girl, and, honestly, my friend is extremely happy with her. My girlfriend is from my same class (we're also an IB couple) and we've been together for over 2 years now. I love her, she gets very good grades and is also ambitious. I'd much rather be with a smart, ambitious girl than be with a girl who only goes around "talking about how hot some movie actor is, how she accidently smudged her lipgloss or how her hair-straighter broke down and how that's the greater disaster of all times".

Just wanted to point out that not all IB guys are how you described.

And just to add to the discussion of IB couples: what's so wrong with them? There are 4 IB couples in my class. One of them just started in IB2, and as far as I know, none of us spent every day only talking about school and the IB workload.

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Well, if you have to rant and get all that off your chest then that's fine. I just want to say that not all IB guys are like that =)

The girlfriend of one of my best friends (both of them are in IB) gets MUCH higher grades than he does, and is a very ambitious girl, and, honestly, my friend is extremely happy with her. My girlfriend is from my same class (we're also an IB couple) and we've been together for over 2 years now. I love her, she gets very good grades and is also ambitious. I'd much rather be with a smart, ambitious girl than be with a girl who only goes around "talking about how hot some movie actor is, how she accidently smudged her lipgloss or how her hair-straighter broke down and how that's the greater disaster of all times".

Just wanted to point out that not all IB guys are how you described.

And just to add to the discussion of IB couples: what's so wrong with them? There are 4 IB couples in my class. One of them just started in IB2, and as far as I know, none of us spent every day only talking about school and the IB workload.

That is really nice to know >.<

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Damn In my school its the opposite

its like 5 girls

11 guys

and the guys are all prevs

Not as big as your ratio though hahah

HOW do you survive seriosuly?

and no, you make girls seem retarded ... maybe they are

but not in my world!

Are all guys pervs? seriously

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Haha, I'd never get a IB boyfriend.

If IBs dated each other, all you'd do is talk about school.

Luckily my best friends aren't in IB so I don't end up falling into that trap.

But my class is a lot like Afterglow, we're all completely different people... but still, IB is a lifestyle haha

Bottom Line: Don't date within your class... it just won't work.

Bottom Line: POWER OF THE INDIVIDUAL OVER STEREOTYPES. I hate when a person thinks they can predict the future of a relationship between two completely unique people in a place they've never been, doing things they've never done. Anything can happen, and being in classes together can be a massive advantage for the relationship, as well as grades.

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In my town (Torquay), there is a Boys' and Girls' Grammar (each separated but linked to each other). The IB will be newly introduced this September in the Boys' Grammar - there will be over 200 boys and something like 10-15 girls! (strange: I was figuring, before, there would be competition. Lucky there wasn't!) No idea what to expect... ;) I didn't even go to the Girls' Grammar beforehand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously, IB kids dating IB kids is not a good idea if your school has a small IB program. There are less than 30 IB diploma candidates at my school. There was a really drama-filled situation that came up. Long story short, there was a couple, along with the guy's ex-girlfriend in our HL bio class of 10 kids. Everyone started taking sides and the guy's current girlfriend felt him up under the table so that his ex-girlfriend could see during class every day. Needless to say, things got nasty and the guy wound up having to drop IB to get away from the situation. The moral of the story is that it just isn't a good idea.

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Seriously, IB kids dating IB kids is not a good idea if your school has a small IB program. There are less than 30 IB diploma candidates at my school. There was a really drama-filled situation that came up. Long story short, there was a couple, along with the guy's ex-girlfriend in our HL bio class of 10 kids. Everyone started taking sides and the guy's current girlfriend felt him up under the table so that his ex-girlfriend could see during class every day. Needless to say, things got nasty and the guy wound up having to drop IB to get away from the situation. The moral of the story is that it just isn't a good idea.

Damn. That sounds like a horrible situation. But, still, I don't think that's enough to make the general assumption that IB dating will never be a good idea.

In my IB class we were only 54 people. While that is more than the 30 people in your class, we had 3 IB couples at the same time. So the ratio of couples to students would be 1 to 18, which would probably make it count as a small IB class, possibly even smaller than yours. And there wasn't a single case of drama-filled situations. So, I guess that the moral would actually be that even if you have a small IB program, IB kids dating IB kids can still be a good idea. You never know. As Billy, three posts above me, put it: "Power to the individual over stereotypes".

Edited by Redstar
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Haha, I'd never get a IB boyfriend.

If IBs dated each other, all you'd do is talk about school.

Luckily my best friends aren't in IB so I don't end up falling into that trap.

But my class is a lot like Afterglow, we're all completely different people... but still, IB is a lifestyle haha

Bottom Line: Don't date within your class... it just won't work.

Bottom Line: POWER OF THE INDIVIDUAL OVER STEREOTYPES. I hate when a person thinks they can predict the future of a relationship between two completely unique people in a place they've never been, doing things they've never done. Anything can happen, and being in classes together can be a massive advantage for the relationship, as well as grades.

OR it can be a complete disadvantage. You need to see both sides of the coin if you're looking at the individuals. I'm just speaking from my experience... but as you can see __inthemaking carried on a great relationship.

Also, from the way you're speaking, you must only have been in your first year. Things change drastically in your second year (I was in my second year when I posted that) and even __inthemaking will confirm that things change then as you see your peers more as family than "unique people in a place they've never been, doing things they've never done" So maybe you can work things in your first year, but trust me, your second year will be different relationship-wise.

ps: __inthemaking- sorry I referred to you so much, but you're clearly on the opposite side of my argument hehe :P

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Haha, it's fine Ashika :P.

And yes things happened to work out great with my boyfriend even though we were both in IB, but we also started dating in November of IB1 and it was actually the first time we had class together. The situation would've been much different had it been November of IB2 when we started dating.

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  • 1 month later...

don't approach ib girls. Get a normal gf.

R u joking?


What's wrong with u? or with girls in your IB? We still have a life, go out, I'm not saying I'm normal, but I practice hockey in my national team, party, study and mantain a 3.5 GPA.

Everyone bitches sometimes it's a way of blowing off steam!! BUT, BALANCE IS KEY!

Whatever ... just got so amazed by ur post?

Do all of UK ib guys think like that?

IB girls are too ambitious. They all dream to have a perfect like the girl in Twilight. but other than that, they aren't much different, although almost all of them are asian... For some reason in the gifted program there is 7% whites? thats not even funny considering i am now a minority....

Haha.. yeah we are kind of ambitious I'll give you that, but then again, aren't you?

I think guys find successful wemen difficult to approach, or so have said some of my guy friends ( the b word would have been confusing).

Still, most IB girls I know, are very nic and approchable, easy to talk and relate to.. Guys well thou who shalt not risk shalt not get, hehe :P

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