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What's the point of graduation?


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I've always found this question intriguing, particularly because of the ways I see different cultures dealing with it. For instance, I see a lot of American students (in particular, I'm certain they're not the only ones) talk about 'graduating' from High School when they finish the IB and having a rather fancy affair with costumes and hats. Conversely my own experience was that one day I had to turn up for school, the next I didn't, and I received my IB certificate in the post, and to my knowledge there's no British concept of graduation until you finish your degree at University.

So my question is: What does 'graduation' mean to you and what's the point of it? Is it a good thing or an empty thing?

This is slightly inspired by an article I found on the BBC which I've quoted here (in the spoiler) but probably makes more sense if you read it on the original website with the headings all intact :yes:


In the US, graduation noisily celebrates the future. But the UK, it's a more sombre farewell to student life, says David Cannadine in his Point of View column.

On both sides of the Atlantic, the period from mid-May to mid-July is one when hundreds of thousands of young people, most of them in their early 20s, go through a significant and often joyous rite of passage.

They put on strange clothes hired specially for the day - which most of them will never use again - and their admiring and adoring mothers often show up wearing big hats with elaborate floral decorations and broad brims.

Even high schools get in on the act

But although these weeks of early summer are prime time for weddings, which can often be described in just these terms, they aren't the occasions I have in mind. Instead, I'm thinking of the ceremonials at which university and college degrees are awarded, which are usually referred to as graduation in the UK, but as commencement in the United States.

The different names are themselves revealing - for graduation looks backwards, recognising the work you've already completed, while commencement looks forward to the adult life that now beckons and awaits.

At a time when job prospects for newly-minted graduates on both sides of the Atlantic are far from abundant or secure, this difference may seem a relatively minor and insignificant quibble. But it's not the only way in which these graduation and commencement rituals are dissimilar.


A Point of View, with David Cannadine, is on Fridays on Radio 4 at 2050 BST and repeated Sundays, 0850 BST

Or listen to it here later

In British universities, especially those with a very large student body, degree ceremonies can sometimes last longer than a week, as each school or faculty or department gets its own session, and as each graduate has the opportunity to shake the chancellor's hand.

In the US, by contrast, commencement is one single, all-encompassing gathering, often held in a stadium or a gymnasium or a large open space, when all those present are deemed by the university or college president to have received their degrees.

Collective identity

So while graduating from university in Britain is in some ways a personal and individual matter, in the US it is more of a collective act and a shared experience. This may help explain why graduates of US universities - compared to their British counterparts - generally possess a much more powerful sense of what may properly be described as class consciousness.

I don't by that mean some Marxist sense of revolutionary group solidarity, but what I do mean is the strong awareness that American graduates retain of belonging to a particular cohort, identified by the year of their graduation - which this summer means, of course, that they belong to the class of 2010.

In the UK graduations are more formal

This sense of a special and shared and numbered collective identity is instilled into American undergraduates from the very moment they arrive at the beginning of their first year, and it will stay with most of them for the rest of their lives. One reason this is so is because the alumni magazines, which most US colleges and universities publish at regular intervals, always group their news according to the year of each graduating class.

But it's also, and more importantly, because reunions are such a powerful force and tradition in sustaining this shared sense of identity across the long post-commencement decades.

In most US colleges and universities, they're held at five yearly intervals, but two of them are deemed to be of particular importance. One is the 25th reunion, when members of the class are in their mid to late 40s. By then, it's assumed they will have successfully made their way in the world, and be at the peak of their earning power, so that on their triumphant return to their alma mater it's hoped that they will give more money to it than any previous class.

Ballyhoo and razzamatazz

The second special alumni gathering is the 50th reunion, when members of the class will just have passed their allotted span of three score years and 10. One or two of them may already have fallen by the wayside, and those present will increasingly find themselves "shorter in wind as in memory long, feeble of foot and rhumatic of shoulder". As such, the 50th reunion is the last great collective hurrah of the class, before its numbers begin seriously to dwindle.

In many US universities and colleges, these class reunions are held immediately before the commencement ceremonials themselves, and the two rituals are often deliberately merged almost seamlessly into one another.

Processions tend to be ordered, dignified and hierarchical, whereas parades are more spontaneous, egalitarian and uninhibited

This is famously so at Princeton, where I teach, and where the bridging event is a lengthy parade, which has long been rather cutely and punningly known as the P-rade. It takes place on the university campus, starting in front of Nassau Hall, and ending at Poe Field, and the route is lined with friends, relatives and well-wishers.

The P-rade begins with the 25th reunion class, followed by those known as the Old Guard, which includes the surviving members of all the classes that graduated before 1945. Then follow representatives of every subsequent class, in sequence year on year, with special prominence given to the 50th reunion class, and all these Princeton alumni are eventually joined by the current graduating class.

In its present form, the P-rade has only been in existence since World War II, but it has long since become such an annual fixture that nothing can interfere with it. In June 1968, for instance, the funeral train bearing the body of Senator Robert Kennedy was scheduled to pass close by Princeton en route from New York to Washington DC, at just the time the P-rade was due to take place. There were those who urged that it should be cancelled as a mark of respect, but with some modifications it went on all the same.

P-rade is an extravagant spectacle

The P-rade is an extraordinary spectacle, lasting more than three hours, and it's not exactly a restrained or understated affair. Many of those participating wear garish costumes, and those classes who've graduated 25 years or more ago sport different blazers, in varying patterns and designs of black, orange and white, these being the colours of the tiger - which is the Princeton mascot.

And the P-rade is not only crowded and vivid, it's also very noisy, with marching bands, pipers and drummers, and a great deal of singing and chanting and applause as the classes go by. It's also a powerful reminder of the important and revealing difference between processions, which are characteristically British, and parades, which are quintessentially American. Processions tend to be ordered, dignified and hierarchical, whereas parades are more spontaneous, egalitarian and uninhibited.

It's impossible not to be caught up in the exuberance, the enthusiasm and the excitement of such occasions, and it's often pointed out that Princeton boasts both the most lavish alumni re-unions and the most generous financial support when it comes to alumni giving. Yet despite all the razzle-dazzle, the ballyhoo and the razzamatazz, I also find such occasions both moving and poignant.

This is partly because the P-rade puts on display every Princeton graduating year, from the last survivor of the class of 1925 to the whole of the class of 2010. Moreover, many of those parading are descended from Princeton alumni of earlier times, and some of them in turn will produce children who will become Princeton students at some future date. Here is a compelling and memorable reminder of Edmund Burke's observation that society should be understood as a compact between generations already dead, generations at present living, and generations yet unborn.

Hats in the air

As the P-rade makes vividly and visually plain every year, there is always a new graduating class eager to join up and join in. Yet while in this respect it is a moving testimony to humankind's collective capacity to endure, the P-rade is also an inescapable reminder that each class itself is mortal.

What must be the thoughts of those Princeton alumni attending their 50th reunion? Are they already missing some of their classmates, and are they wondering whether this might turn out to be their own last P-rade, and that their next re-union, if there is to be one at all, will take place in the next world and not in this?

And what of those young, ardent, anxious, hopeful members of the class of 2010? Can any of them, on their day of triumph and celebration, imagine that five decades from now, they will no longer be the commencement class, with the whole of their lives extending out before them, but the 50th reunion class, with most of their lives now stretching back far behind them?

from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8735396.stm

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The point of my graduation? Getting a couple of trophies and a certificate. That's all that it was for me, and probably the chance to say a hurried goodbye to everyone; I didn't see most of them again :yes:

We also wore stupid graduation blue gowns that didn't even fit in well with our school uniform of polos and slacks, most of us looked unkempt and dishevelled, there were only a bunch (about 15) of us and well, I'd have rather done it your way to be honest.

It holds no meaning for me, sure we finish school and all that, and it's probably a rite of passage for most, but it's not significant enough to be made an event. In the end, it's the graduation from university that counts the most because that signals the end of life in academia, the end of a sheltered life and entry into the real world.

I suppose it means a lot to the Americans because completion of High School is a big accomplishment for them? (Don't know why, any plonker can finish the American version of secondary school) Or the fact that some people choose not to attend university.

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Well, finishing IB is an achievement and I suppose also regular high schools require some effort to finish, so why not celebrate it?

Graduation means to me that you come to school, attend a boring ceremony (with hymns, tonnes of scholarships distributed, long speeches), put your graduation hat on, run out to your waiting family, riding around the town in a fancy vehicle of some sort, have a party for relatives and friends in the afternoon. That's basically how it goes in my school.

It was more substantial ~ 50 years ago, when you had examinations the same day and then got to know if you had passed and could run out to your family. If you failed, you had to go out through the back door and had no reason to celebrate. Now the national students are assessed contionuously, with all their achievements during these three years matter, so they know their grades when graduation arrives. And if someone has to redo courses, they graduate anyway and study these courses the next year anyway.

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(Don't know why, any plonker can finish the American version of secondary school

LOL :bawling:

I think British form of graduations is similar to the ones we have in North Africa. When I went last summer so happy because I 'graduated' people literally thought I meant a degree graduation. They were laughing their heads off when they knew what I meant. Moreover, they laughed AGAIN..when they found out that the graduation was BEFORE the results came out. In Tunisia, passing, or graduating from high school is not guaranteed, many people fail, especially if it's one of those evil years.

There is no such thing in Tunisia, you just finish exams,wait till results come out, then go to school on your won and receive the certificate, and that's it, nothing about a big ceremony..lol.

I guess the reason I was excited about graduation is that I've been seeing the big ceremonies ever since I was in grade 7, seeing the beautiful gowns..and the red carpet..etc.etc..and I always wanted to be like them.

For what its worth, surviving IB was something not so small thing :bawling:. LOL

Besides, I think graduations signifies the end of a major stage in your life, I mean high school and uni are NOTHING alike..seriously..it's like you're some completely different person when you get to uni.

I guess I need to point out, that my school having a graduation is not actually an imitation of the American end of high school ceremony, our gowns are nothing like theirs, and we don't 'throw the caps' at the end..lol. It looks something like this:


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Yeah I thought graduation was really pointless...I mean its interesting and to some degree fun, but doing it before the results come out is kind of stupid. For some reason I'm worried about failing the ib because of graduation.

I think the senior trip to ibiza on the otherhand made more sense and was a better way to feel like you accomplished something...

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In Canada graduation is celebrated pretty much like it is in the States. Grad is nice because you get to see your friends and classmates one last time before you head off to different destinations in life. Some people are pretty emotional about it actually. Dunno why :) The ceremony is usually pretty boring though, to be honest.

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I believe the point of graduation is to take note and celebrate all of the academic milestones reached in distinct parts of your life. For example we graduate from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school & high school, we graduate the last year in which we have finished these grades, each particularly distinct from one another.

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570 graduates, our families, our teachers, faculty and members of our community. There were all sorts of experiences. Before graduation, my thoughts were similar to Aboo's. Graduation didn't mean anything to me. One day I was talking to my counselor. She reminded me that as hard as I worked, some people worked a lot harder to just barely pass. Later I thought about their circumstances, and I was proud of them. I saw a friend deliver a baby boy last semester. And I saw a peer fight muscular dystrophy, getting weaker every year. Their high school diplomas were worth a lot more than mine. And I realized that I could keep up the bored, why-am-I-here attitude, or I could appreciate it. I watched my peers walk across the stage, I watched our student body get together one last time to play a prank on the principal, and I watched them support my friend and me as we made our embarrassing speeches.

Call it superficial. Doesn't matter. The ceremony got us together for maybe the only time in our lives. Corny as it sounds, for me, it's a connection. We did it. We may have nothing in common except our humanity and where we were on May 27th, 2010.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To me it symbolizes the end of school life, the end of the 15 years of education we underwent while being dependent on our parents. When our 'school' life is over, things change - we're expected to be a lot more responsible, but we also have a lot more freedom (or most of us do). For example, I'm 17 now and I still have to ask for permission to do things, and I'm not allowed staying in the house alone for one full night because my parents don't want me to, I guess it has something to do with trust. I keep reminding them that they'd better get used to me not needing their permission, but quite ironically, instead of giving me that freedom, they still like to keep their authority over me, despite the fact that in less than a year, I'll be done with school and living on my own. They won't be able to stop me from doing whatever I want, but I'll be expected to know what's best..

I think graduation goes hand in hand with our age when we graduate. When you're 18, (in most countries at least) you're regarded as an adult. So no more being busted for petty mistakes and no more pushing to be up and at school by a certain time every morning and criticized for late nights, that's over as soon as school is. I can't wait :(

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Graduation is just a nice way to symbolize the end of one stage of your life and the beginning of the next, to me. I never cried/got overly emotional at my elementary/high school graduations. But I expect I will be crying tears of joy when I graduate from vet school since it will mean I've finally achieved what I've set out to do since I was 8.

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hey Sandwich! in the UK we don't have Graduation party but we have the Leaver's ball which is quite similar, don't you think so?


I don't think so :P The leaver's ball, if you have one, is just a random party everybody is invited to. Graduation is like a proper ceremony with speeches, robes and hats!

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hey Sandwich! in the UK we don't have Graduation party but we have the Leaver's ball which is quite similar, don't you think so?


I don't think so :P The leaver's ball, if you have one, is just a random party everybody is invited to. Graduation is like a proper ceremony with speeches, robes and hats!

No. the leaver's ball in my school has always been well-organised with speech from the head, teacher, school captain and the house captains. we all have to dress up. it's not random at all and only year 13 and their relatives are invited :D:diploma:

but after the proper ball, we still go clubbing and... :drinks::yep:

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"Plonker" ...oof kind of true for regular kids. But if you challenge yourself its a little bit harder-AP and IB programs are common and very challenging here. Also, not any "plonker" will go to college in the U.S, or anywhere for that matter. In any case the reason our education system went down the toilet for the most part is that George Bush started the No Child Left Behind program, which killed primary education.

Graduation here is very important for a lot of people, especially in impoverish cities like mine-most people are going to be the first high school graduate or college student in the family.

For me, it will be of no concern, because I don't plan on ending my education till the day I die.

The gowns are quite annoying also. Even if they fit they are uncomfortable because graduation is in the summer.

The point is too recognize hard work and success...most people go out and get drunk on Grad Night, or at least go and hang out with friends

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I think *high school* graduation is an important punctuation mark in the story of one's life, marking the end of the "education" process in terms of the word's etymological meaning. To educate means, literally, "to lead out," and for the past 12 years you've essentially been pulled along a series of hallways, told things and been asked to repeat them. Now you've reached the end of those hallways and there needs to be some kind of occasion to mark it; hence, high school graduation. Now you're no longer being pulled along - where you go is up to you, be it a university, a community college, a trade school, or the workforce. And, if you choose any but the last option, then once you've earned your degree, you get another ceremony to mark the end of that process.

I don't, however, see the point of holding "graduations" from preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, or middle school. You're not ****ing done yet, what are you celebrating? That you've made it two-thirds of the way through? Good job, you're almost done! Unfortunately, "almost" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

It's like being on a road trip and stopping two-thirds of the way to your destination to get a family photo on the highway median.

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I don't, however, see the point of holding "graduations" from preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, or middle school. You're not ****ing done yet, what are you celebrating? That you've made it two-thirds of the way through? Good job, you're almost done! Unfortunately, "almost" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

It's an achievement from their point of view. We had celebrations from hish school and from whatever-it's-called-what-you-go-to-before-that, since that are important too. Don't know how it is in other countries, but starting high school here is very different from the school you went to before and it's no longer compulsory. So why not celebrate when you have an opportunity? Celebrations are fun! :blink:

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I don't, however, see the point of holding "graduations" from preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, or middle school. You're not ****ing done yet, what are you celebrating? That you've made it two-thirds of the way through? Good job, you're almost done! Unfortunately, "almost" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

It's an achievement from their point of view. We had celebrations from hish school and from whatever-it's-called-what-you-go-to-before-that, since that are important too. Don't know how it is in other countries, but starting high school here is very different from the school you went to before and it's no longer compulsory. So why not celebrate when you have an opportunity? Celebrations are fun! :blink:

U.S. high school is compulsory, which is why I don't understand holding a graduation for finishing:

preschool - congratulations, you're basically graduating from daycare...as far as I know it's impossible to fail preschool unless you have severe, severe behavioral issues.

kindergarten - your mastery of the mechanics of academia (i.e. the alphabet, numbers, writing your name, reading monosyllabic words) merits praise, but not another graduation ceremony. the focus of kindergarten really needs to be on developing social skills, anyway - you can only expect so much from five-year-olds academically, you know?

elementary school - you've just spent the past five years learning the skills you'll need for the other half of your educational career - you haven't done anything with those skills yet. it seems like the purpose of holding a fifth grade graduation is just because it would feel weird not to, given that you've already graduated from preschool and kindergarten.

or middle school - i'll grant that getting through middle school without at least mild psychological damage is a feat, in some places more than others, but that's not what graduation is celebrating. eighth grade graduation, again, just seems like it's done as a matter of course because you've already had three, what harm could one more do? especially because, in some places at least, titles like valedictorian are determined by popular vote as opposed to GPA, like in high school.

I'm just glad I didn't have to sit through five long, mostly boring and slightly emotional ceremonies during my 12 years of compulsory schooling. I feel like it would've cheapened the significance of high school graduation if I'd already graduated from every school I've ever gone to, because of the emphasis placed on high school graduation by American culture. Small wonder so many graduating seniors don't seem to see the point of sitting through another ceremony. My mom works at my high school and it's astounding how many students come in asking if they have to go to graduation, uuughh, as though it's some kind of huge inconvenience. High school graduation--the only one that counts for anything, ever--is cheapened by having students go through graduation ceremonies at the end of every level of school.

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