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How do you study best for biology?


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I found that the best way to study biology is to learn by heart your notes. My notes are organized in a way that under every "title" in the guide or whatever its called, I have the response to it in form of steps, numbered; so they look as if they're complementary ideas, the number of ideas should be the same as the number of marks for each question.

Good luck studying! :(

Edited by moniaa26
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Do you guys actually memorize each and every thing in the book? :P wow!

Memorizing is not the only key to get good grade in biology. You should understand it as well. Many of my colleagues memorize facts and notes by words without really understand it. For me, beside doing notes, I like to explain some topic in biology to my friend or study group. By being able to explain to other people, then it will enhance our memory as well as our understanding on particular topics.

I do learn biology by this method. Then, i also like to do mind maps. After learn one topic, for example Genetics, then I'll produce the mind map. Priorly with referring to notes and books. By time, I am able to create a mind map without having to look at notes or references anymore.

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well my exam for Bio is on friday, not the IB exam, just the school one. Anyways the best way to study is reading your notes twice a day. Now that the exam is coming close, you start applying what you know to possible questions that may be asked on the exam. IB exams are not knowledge and understanding questions, they are application questions on how well can you apply what you learned into the answer.

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I just keep my "study notes" (well, they're not concise but they have everything I need for the exam) up to date during the semesters. Then I just rewrite them over and over again at the end, until I can rewrite without even needing to look at the notes. That is how and when you know you are ready for the IB exam.

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  • 1 month later...
1. Learn all of the command terms for each of your subjects. This is so important! The definitions are found in your syllabus for each subject. If you don't know what they are, they are the terms used in exam questions such as 'explain', 'discuss' and 'annotate'. You might think you already know what they mean, but the IB are very particular with their mark schemes and a subtle difference in how you answer the question can cost you vital marks!

2. Record your voice reading out notes that you need to learn (I used 'Garage Band'). Try placing instrumental music in the background, and then uploading them to your iPod/mp3 player. It's great because it doesn't feel like study, but listening to them (especially recordings in your own voice) can put the information deep in your memory. Listen to them on the bus, walking-pretty much anywhere.

3. Continue doing what you love during the IB, whether its sport, art, music, going out or cooking, whatever it is keep it up! You need to recharge and relax in order to do your best in your study, so keep a balance in your life.

According to the above poster's link (with some BS personal information).

In addition to #2, study as many different methods as possible. It will improve memory retention significantly since the information is coming from a variety of sources.

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It helps just to go over your notes a few minutes each day. Then you won't have to cram so much the day before a test/exam (if you're not a good crammer like me) because you'll be able to remember more.

That's a really good tip. I never realized that studying bits of something everyday would be less stressful and more efficient. :blush: And this can apply to anything really (outside of IB) as well. A few minutes a day goes a long way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My study methods tend to change every so often, but for Biology I found that flashcards were very useful. The question on one side, and the answer and any other important info on the other side. Then, just go through the flashcards, putting the right answers in one pile and the wrong in the other. When you can go through the whole pile and get them right, then you are all studied up! Also, when you first write out the flashcards, that is in itself helpful to study because you are writing everything out and you must read all your information and use discretion as to what information is important for the cards and rephrasing the information for the cards.

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