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Maths Studies AND PROUD

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Guest Positron

Sort of reminds me of a student who said: "I've studied Swedish for 5 years now, and can't speak it at all, and I'm PROUD of it". What's there to be proud of? There's nothing wrong with taking Studies, not everybody likes Maths and that's completely fine, but why be proud of it? In the lower grades, when I still had to study arts and music, I was terrible at them. There's nothing wrong with that, I just wasn't good at those subjects. But why on earth would I go around telling people how proud I'm of that? Take a chill pill, and don't take jokes too seriously.

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I have to admit I am guilty of making fun of maths studies students occasionally (okay, maybe mercilessly is the right adverb in this case). However, I feel as though this can be justified by the fact that my friends who are in maths studies make fun of the abject simplicity of the course content - they say it is essentially a rehash of maths classes they had two years ago with a bit of extra statistics and differentiation tacked on top - and we are in Australia, a place not noted for the rigour of its mathematics curricula.

I do find it really disturbing that so many people take maths studies - I feel as though mathematical appreciation is an essential part of being a well-rounded human being - and that the task of challenging and extending yourself mathematically should be done in IB, with all its high-minded talk. I don't care how well you can talk about a book, logic and precise tenacity (and yes, even the creativity of problem solving) are essential in our world - and these qualities are present in mathematics to a great degree, probably more than any other subject. We need engineers, we need computer 'geeks', we need statisticians - and all of these involve mathematical understanding to some degree.

I acknowledge that some people aren't as good at maths - but my intuitive response is that most people are capable of persevering in Maths SL, and will probably be the better for it. I just don't believe that there is the scope and depth in the maths studies curriculum to improve the mathematical knowledge, capabilities and skills of an IB student - unless they failed maths in the years prior to the DP, which I think is a highly unlikely circumstance. And if the IB is all about improving yourself, why do this volte-face about challenging students mathematically?

But once again, we are all human and students. We respond to incentives. We know that by doing maths studies we have a 'joke' subject, that is a guaranteed 7 for many people with minimal contribution of work. I know that this isn't true for everyone, but I'm sure this is true for a vast majority of studies students. In our school we have a huge cohort of students, many of whom are mathematically capable of SL (nearly all, I think) but we have over 50% of students choose studies simply because they have realised it is the option that saves the most time. And whilst that may not necessarily be an issue if you view it in terms of the HL/SL differential, I feel it is incredibly unfair for SL students - who can drop to studies without any change to their diploma.

So, I really feel it is incumbent upon the IB to try and place more incentives on students to do Maths SL, or maybe even HL. From any viewpoint, student interest in maths is declining and yet the importance of maths is nowhere near on the decline. So why not 'push the levers' in an attempt to reward students who try and do something more challenging, instead of having a studies subject with grade boundaries that make it look so attractive compared to its other SL counterpart? Why not make a 'Language and Literature STUDIES' class if the IB is so accommodating of a diversity of strengths as to offer the maths studies option?

Perhaps I should have started a topic called 'Maths HL and proud of it'. However, I think that it is important to note that whilst there are certainly students suited to maths studies, that it really should not be at the expense of sucking capable students out of the more challenging, 'conventional' SL stream for maths. But I do acknowledge the right of maths studies to exist as a subject! :)

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Meh, I've only done one week of IB so far and I've already been called a retard by a Math SL student for being in Studies.

I finished Math Standard with a 3.5 in Year 11 (pre-IB). Hoping for at least a 5.5 in Studies, will work hard.

I heard though, that Studies and SL are pretty much the same, we just go slower and more in depth?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do disagree slightly with Arrowhead when it comes to his 'three-kinds-of-people' assessment, though. What about those who are not interested in maths at all, and want to focus on something else entirely?

It's funny you should mention that because that was something we discussed in school once during a Maths SL class. About half the students in my Maths SL class had no interest in Maths at all and were much in the same position as me, planning on pursuing something not Maths related at all at University and in life. We still did Maths SL over Studies. For the simple reason that Maths Studies is a black mark in university applications. Not as much in the UK or Europe, especially for non-Maths/Science related degrees, but for US apps, Maths Studies can often be a deal-breaker.

So people who genuinely could not care less about Maths, still took it at SL to be challenged. The only ones in the same position as us, who took Studies, were lazy and didn't want to bother with SL when they could coast by with Studies. So yes, they were lazy, and freely admitted to being so. Now you can sugarcoat that and call them 'efficient' or 'smart,' but the fact still remains. The other people in Studies in my school were smart people who were genuinely hopeless at Maths but needed to take it for the IB Diploma or simply genuinely hopeless and struggling with the easiest course load as it was.

Fortunately, we didn't have scheduling issues like the OP has unfortunately faced.

Hence, the assessment of the generalised three categories. Not saying they're accurate or right, merely stating what the general impression and feel was in my school during the IB, and it persists so as such there.

I completely agree with this. Math studies students get made fun of for no reason other than they were to lazy or scared to take real SL maths. They could've challeneged themselves in math SL regardless of uni goals but they chose to take the EASY WAY. In the states Math Studies is like drawing a big, red, L for lazy on your applications. Sorry to the OP writer but the jokes are just something that comes with being in math studies.

I'm in Chem SL and HL next year, There are so many jokes like, "Oh you're in Chem HL? Tell me how difficult your workload is." because chemistry is the easiest science.

GET OVER IT. With math studies comes the loss of respect from peers. SIMPLE AS THAT.

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I am a Math Studies student, and I chose it because I am better at languages than I am at Maths and Natural Sciences. I was originally in the Maths SL group, but ended up hating it, so I switched. I have absolutely no problem with people making jokes about it - heck, I even make jokes of it. one just have to have a little self-irony! So, I'm not going to be the next Einstein or Newton, but what the heck, as long as I get my IB diploma, I'm happy! :king:

Also, I love the fact that Math Studies is so simple. I score easy points with next to no efforts, and get more time to focus on my HL subjects..! :yeahright:

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I'm in Chem SL and HL next year, There are so many jokes like, "Oh you're in Chem HL? Tell me how difficult your workload is." because chemistry is the easiest science.

Lol HL chem is one of the most difficult subjects. Environmental systems/societies is the easiest science.

If I am thinking of what you mean, there is a joke that says "Oh you're in SL chem? Tell me about how difficult your life is" that is used by the HL chem students because SL chem is essentially HL chem, just 500 times easier.

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It's just that EVERYONE makes the jokes and I'm tired of it. After a while it's just not funny anymore. I have the best marks in my class but I'm in Studies and yet people still call me stupid for it.

Well there are generally three kinds of people in Studies: Stupid ones, Lazy ones, and the ones who are genuinely just not good at Maths. Whichever category you pick, it's unflattering, hence the ensuing jokes.

And those who had to take it because we had no SL.

I took Math Studies but no one makes fun of me for my math...but I'm now working on a Math degree sooooo meh...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in Maths Studies purely for logistical reasons. I totally disagree with Arrowhead's generalization about the 'types' of people in maths studies. I started off last year (year 1 of IB) in Maths HL. I then became very sick and ended up in hospital for 6 months. So i missed half the teaching for all my subjects last year. At the beginning of this year (year 2 of IB) i got sick again and had to have another 3 months off school in hospital. So i have missed half the teaching for IB and was not able to do any study during those 9 months (blast those annoying doctors haha). This has obviously impacted hugely on my marks and my ability to do well!! Therefore, the IB coordinator at my school recommended i drop from Maths HL straight to Maths Studies, as it doesn't require very much work and there was no new learning for me to do (here in New Zealand, the national curriculum which is called NCEA that we do pre-IB includes many of the same subjects as Maths Studies, but no calculus!!) therefore it would be one less thing to concentrate on.

Just wanted to point out that sometimes things are beyond our control! Having to teach myself the Maths HL syllabus along with all my other subjects may have put me back in hospital haha.

At my school, there are three subjects that attract ridicule from other students: Maths Studies, Spanish Ab Initio and Environmental Systems and Societies! To be honest we all laugh with each other! Only one person takes Maths HL and she probably gets just as much teasing as the others - everyone thinks she's mad haha. I was originally taking maths HL, chem HL and bio HL, but didn't have enough in-class time to get the lab hours for the sciences so had to swap to SL.

In the end, the universities here only look at your overall IB score and couldn't care less about the individual subjects you take. So the smartest people take EVSS, Spanish Ab Initio and Maths Studies and pass easily with great marks!! I know it's different in every country though.

Although i'm not averse to having a laugh at myself about my subject choices, i think it's important to not make hasty generalizations (TOK anyone!?!?) about people who take a certain course, and certainly not judge their intelligence based on that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, I get extremely peeved off when someone makes jokes about Studies kids. I mean, seriously? :dontgetit: Studies kids are still in IB, and it doesn't make any sense that other IB kids would make fun of us. It's an SL class. Okay..so it's not an HL class, but so what?! Gosh, it really makes me upset when kids crack jokes about studies kids, like they're less than or something. ~.~ We're the same as any other IB kid, hello?!? gah. Sorry, I am just so upset about this. I mean, I know it's something so little, but honestly, it makes me so angry! Math Studies is an IB SL course... There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. And the other maths that are offered in IB (except for the HL options) are SL classes as well, but nobody makes fun of them...I just don't get it. Why can't IB kids all just stick together no matter what classes they are taking? It's like we have a hierarchy within one, with IB kids. that's very sad. :fail:

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Anyone else here sick of other people making fun of those of us who were/are in Maths Studies? Vent here.

I personally am tired of people calling me thick because I took Maths Studies instead of Maths SL. (To be honest I was originally in Maths SL but it wouldn't fit in my schedule so Maths Studies it was!) I'm not lazy or thick or generally not as good as those in SL or HL- I'm just simply trying to get my diploma. Heck I'm PROUD to have been in Maths Studies! I got an A which is a lot better compared to those who were struggling to get a C in HL and SL and my teacher was a lot better. So there.

Anyone else feel the same? Differently?

That was the same with me. I receieved a C in Mat hSL and my teacher thought it would be better for me to be in Math sTUDIES ....IT WORKS PERFECTLY WITH ME. I just need some guidance on starting my IA! :((((

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Just don't take it seriously, usually they're just jokes and nothing personal, some of my friends in Studies even joke about the subject themselves, and you have to admit that the syllabus is a piece of cake and mostly a re-cap of what was taken in previous years. Since you chose it because your schedule wouldn't work otherwise, you shouldn't be criticized for being in studies, but they're right in saying it's pretty easy compared to other math subjects.

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