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Describe your musical tastes in 5 albums


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Here's the rules - This challenge is to tell the most about your musical tastes in 5 albums.

Not necessarily your 5 all-time favorite albums, but 5 that, collectively, tell the most about what you like and why.

Let's see how broad or narrow the musical tastes of those here are.


1. Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers

It's the first album I ever bought on my own, and I absolutely loved it at the time and love it now.


2. Black Clouds and Silver Linings - Dream Theatre

The proggy goodness of DT always helps me to study better for some reason, so this is actually my study album. I put it on while revising, strange, I know.


3. Coeur De Pirate - Coeur de Pirate

As a student doing French I always found it helpful to listen to French music to help with listening and pronounciation. Also, I've always liked music in other languages.


4. Origin of Symmetry - Muse

My favorite album of all time, just absolutely incredible.


5. Night at the Opera - Queen

This album helped round off my classic rock influence, definitely one of my favorites too.

Well, my tastes cover Indie to Prog Metal,

How about the rest of you?

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Here are mine. As diverse as possible here in terms of stuff that I regularly listen to.

The first one is Ride the Lightning from Metallica. It was a really, really hard choice, because I just couldn't decide between any of Metallica's albums excluding St.Anger, which I like as well. I think RTL has a lot of really fantastic and even diverse qualities (though perhaps not as diverse as the Black Album)... Own the album as an actual CD. Has been my favorite band for a while now.


Second - Images and Words - Dream Theater - Progressive rock or metal is great sometimes. I like black clouds and silver linings as well, but didn't want to double post that.


Third - Sentenced - The Funeral Album - Finnish metal is great and especially this band although their lyrics can be slightly depressing at times, but fits well into the Finnish mentality and perception of the world, which doesn't mean you're depressed, but suffer from melancholy during the winter months :D


Fourth - Apocalyptica - 7th Symphony - Haven't listened to them that much, but the album is a good example of how excellent their music can be at least for some of the tracks and it also serves as a sort of symbol on this list for all the classical music I like, but it's hard to name a single piece or composer. Although apocalyptica is not classical :)


Fifth - Black Sabbath - Master of Reality - This one, while it's great, also is sort of representative of the more progressive and psychedelic rock (--> Pink Floyd and Sabbath etc.) that I like.


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1. The Metal Opera- Avantasia

I like stories and music- the album has both!

2. Once- Nightwish

I <3 Tarja Turunen's voice, and I'm almost certain I'm in love with Tuomas Holopainen O.o

3. Life in Cartoon Motion- Mika

Mika makes me happy when I am sad.

4. O Fortuna- Rhydian Roberts

I love opera.

5. Herzeleid- Rammstein

Need I say much more that pain and beauty?

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This is such a neat idea, but so hard! I'm going to try and pick a spread of albums too.


White Blood Cells by the White Stripes. My first White Stripes album and undoubtedly one of my favourite albums of all time (although they're a band that never had a bad album, I could swap WBC for almost any of the others! Elephant, De Stijl & Get Behind Me Satan especially). This sort of raw, stripped back Blues/Alt/Rock combines more or less my favourite things in music and can hardly be touched on. There's no band like them.


Chinatown by the Be Good Tanyas. I picked this album because I love it (obviously) but also because it's a folksy laid-back slightly country sort-of album and I really like that sort of music. It's one of those ones you can basically just plug your emotions into and go for a ride - a chilled out, comforting ride.


West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum by Kasabian. A dark kind of rock. Their best track (in my opinion) isn't on this album, but as a whole it tipifies what I like about this sort of music. Kinda dark, edgy and energetic. Probably how some people would describe metal... but this definitely isn't that! Metal with taste :P


For Emma, Forever Ago by Bon Iver. Again, totally tipifies a type of music I love and Bon Iver is simply beautiful. Few words can describe it, but it's another one where your emotions flow with the lyrics. I like to listen to it on long journies. It's like the chill-out music of the soul.


Buena Vista Social Club by Buena Vista Social Club. Stuck this in to represent the 'world music' I like to listen to! Nice and chill, and you don't need to know the words to get the vibe. This album reminds me of being on holiday.

I think my tastes are probably most similar to StSilver's. Possibly! I have so many other favourite bands etc., but in terms of aiming for diversity, hopefully I got it :P

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Mmm, I saw Kasabian and Jack White (with the Dead Weather) last year at the Open'er festival.

Led Zeppelin - "IV"


There it is. Led Zeppelin's "IV" is the ultimate rock album, every single track is a masterpiece. Jimmy Page is the best rock guitarist/composer of all time, and songs like Black Dog, When The Levee Breaks, Rock and Roll, or Stairway to Heaven are just wonderful. Let "IV" represent my love for classic rock, and especially Led Zeppelin.

Eric Clapton - "Unplugged"


Another guitar giant, Eric Clapton. "Unplugged" is pretty much the limit of how good a white man can get at blues. This stuff is really great, and all acoustic which is how I like my blues best. I'm a massive blues fan, listening to loads, but also playing and singing a bit on my own - and Clapton is pretty much my guide here. It might be a slight disrespect to pick "Unplugged" to represent stuff from Robert Johnson through Muddy Waters to Jack White, but I just have a special sympathy for "Unplugged".

Pink Floyd - "The Dark Side of the Moon"


Now, that's a proper masterpiece, a longplay that needs to be listened from the first heartbeat in "Speak to me" to the last one of "Eclipse". I wondered if I should pick "The Dark Side of the Moon" over King Crimson's "In the Court of the Crimson King" to represent the prog-rock side of my musical tastes (damn, even both covers are equally awesome!) but I think Pink Floyd's lyrics work better for me...

Wu-Tang Clan - "Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)"


And now for something completely different. Rap is the music of postmodernism whether we like it or not, and black gangsters from Brooklyn inspired by cheesy kung-fu movies is pretty much how I define postmodernism. And listening to rap just feels good - despite being a middle-class white IB kid, with Wu-Tang in your earbuds you feel like a badass.

Various Artists - "Fallout 3 OST"


The soundtrack from "Fallout 3" is quite unlike most video game soundtracks - it's just a fantastic compilation of jazz and swing from the first half of the twentieth century. It's pure nostalgia, the music of all the Humphreys Bogarts and Donalds Drapers, unserious songs for serious people. Wonderful tunes, great for dancing, too!

Nice thread, by the way, I really enjoyed putting this list together.

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I love this thread idea :P


Masterpiece Theatreby Marianas Trench :D It's a pop rock kind of album but also features some choir-like singing in a few songs which kind of harmonize with the lead singer's voice which I thought was very well done and a creative idea. It's their latest album and it came out in 2009.


Eye to the Telescope by KT Tunstall. This album is more of an acoustic guitar-style album which I like as well. She has released another album, Drastic Fantastic, where she is more of a lead guitarist but I think it's lost some of the acoustic feel that I liked on her previous album.


Waking Up by OneRepublic. I think that OneRepublic is good at combining pop style music with instruments like violins and cellos which are quite prominent in some of their songs, when they are usually used as backup instruments that aren't really heard :P It gives an acoustic feel to their music which I like.


The Boy Who Knew Too Much by Mika. It focuses on pressures that people feel as they grow up, and has an upbeat feel to it.


Gotta love Muse :P

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High five for Muse! OoS is my favorite album ever, my personal favorite on it has to be Citizen Erased. That song is their Magnum Opus.

Interesting with Waking up. Made for You has a really nice piano solo that's simple, yet effective. But overall I personally prefer Dreaming Out Loud, thought that was a great album.

:P I've always had sort of a soft spot for KT Tunstall, probably because I met her and she was really nice.

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Only 5 albums? Ok, challenge accepted.

1. 51KnyAdq7RL._SL500_AA300_.jpg

"Tom Lehrer Collection". I've discovered him recently and I think he's absolutely brilliant! Very intelligent, witty songs, still up to date although he was singing them 60 years ago. I can compare him only to Monty Python :D This album gathers his most popular songs.

2. Gladiator-OST_Universal-Music-Group,images_big,15,P4670942.jpg

Soundtrack to the "Gladiator" movie, by Hans Zimmer. I loce both classical and soundtrack music, and I consider Hans Zimmer one of the best modern composers. He's got a great feeling of the action and a real talent!

3. okl_okl_19302.jpg

"Out of Sight" by Kroke. A polish group playing Balkan folk music. Folk is one of my passions and I can listen to it in any mix: folk-meta, ethno or anything else ;) I'm particularly interested in music from northern and eastern Europe.

4. yelsub2.jpg

"Yellow submarine" by The Beatles. I think this doesn't need any explanations. Gentle but energetic music, perfect in its simplicity. I don't narrow myself to the Beatles, I'm fascinated by other classic rock bands such as Queen of Pink Floyd.

5. the-art-of-war-re-armed-bprod59014422.jpg

"The Art of War" by Sabaton. A power-metal band from Sweden. They sing about history - mainly wars and battes. This album is devoted to a Chineese philosopher, Sun Tzu and hiswork called "Art of War". Fast, aggressive music with good lyrics.

To conclude, I listen to nearly everything, from 17th century up to today. I only try to avoid genders such as rap, pop or techno, but it's not so strict and I hve several songs of these types ;)

Edited by Slovakov
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This is the best song. In the history of songs. Of Hip-Hop. It made its mark on millions of people around the world and made me feel fly like a G6 at times.


Don't be hating on it its actually pretty nice. Of course it has the weakness of lack of variety on some tracks, but suspension is needed, and the good tracks are really very good. Like One FInal Effort and Warthog Run and a lot of others.


Ching Chang Chong has marked a great turning point in World History. Thanks to Rucka's Literary genius and amazing expertise in the area of parody, the world has truly become a better place.


The Best song in this Album, White and Nerdy, defines me. I memorized both rap sections and even after 10 years or so its still a classic.


Was about to do Black Eyed Peas but was reminded of Hans Zimmer. He is so amazing... just wow. From his work on Crismon Tide, The Rock, Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 2, Crysis 2, and many other Movies and Video games, it has just amazed people. The only epic piece of music i can think of besides creations of Hans Zimmer is the Transformers Theme and Requiem for a Dream.

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My music tastes constantly change, so this is the best I can do for the present time.


Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion


Beach House - Teen Dream


Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest


Panda Bear - Person Pitch


Neon Indian - Psychic Chasm

Guess the mystery of my profile pic's finally solved =P Coincidentally, they're playing here Monday night; can't wait.

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  • 8 months later...

1. Billy Bragg - Life's A Riot Between The Wars - possibly my favourite artist, but I chose this album because it was the first album of which I listened to every track

2. Green Day - American Idiot - an album I can listen to anytime, anyday

3. Oasis - (What's the Story?) Morning Glory - classic, Wonderwall and Champagne Supernova, what more can I say?

4. Streetlight Manifesto - Somewhere in the Inbetween - the lyrics of these songs make this album

5. MCR - The Black Parade - when I'm in a bad mood the second half of this album is what I normally want to listen to.

But, my taste often changes and I move away from these albums, but I always seem to go back to these five, so I guess they define my purest musical taste... So ultimately, I guess generally listen punk/rock/folk, but the lyrics are the most important part for me, I can normally deal with an unoriginal tune as long as I can enjoy and reflect on the lyrics...

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This is hard. XD I just picked five of my favorite albums to list below.


Muse - Origin of Symmetry

I love this album so much and it is simply a wonderful album. I first heard it years ago when I was in middle school and was blown away, and I think this is their best album.


Kent - Vapen & Ammunition

Kent's a Swedish pop-rock band, and even though I don't really understand anything they're saying (except for the words that are similar to English or German words), the singer's voice is beautiful and the music they play is lovely.


Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare

I like all of their CDs, but this one is my favorite. The songs are upbeat on this album and it's very fun to listen to. Plus they're on tour and they're coming to my city this spring, can't wait to see them perform!


Gallows - Orchestra of Wolves

Gallows is a hardcore punk band from England that I really like. At first glance they don't look like they would fit in with my music tastes, but I really like their sound and style. It's also a wonderful album to listen to when you're really angry at IB and need music to vent with.


Matchbook Romance - Voices

This album is amazing, especially the last song (fifteen minutes of complete awesome ^_^ ). My favorite songs by this band are on this album, which is also a plus. It's sad they've broken up, but I can always go to this album.

My taste mostly consists of rock, various styles of punk and metal, and European pop music in languages I don't understand.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

Hah, can I use just 5 songs? All I need.

Ephixa - Lost Woods

Disturbed - Another Way to Die

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge

The Highwaymen - Highwayman

Ratatat - Cherry

Oh how things have changed...


Sickology 101 (Tech N9ne)

K.O.D. (Tech N9ne)

Believe (Disturbed)

Zeldastep (DJ Ephixa)

Bangarang (Skrillex)

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