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Creative hours- a few questions


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Hello, I'm currently searching for creativity ideas, as these are the ones I'm really lacking in. I write and make images on gimp, but haven't figured out what to do with these. Any ideas?

Also, can self-teaching oneself a language count for creative?

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Yeah, teaching yourself a language could count, but you have to be crafty to state why it is. You could say that coming up with ways to teach yourself the language and having to write things in said language is creative. If you are apart of service groups, we call them CAS groups at my school, then coming up with ideas on how to raise money or make events and such can be considered creative.

I hope this helps!

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Hello, I'm currently searching for creativity ideas, as these are the ones I'm really lacking in. I write and make images on gimp, but haven't figured out what to do with these. Any ideas?

Also, can self-teaching oneself a language count for creative?

I think you need a supervisor that approves of this activity. Also, you must be able to display what and how much you have learned in your reflections and what this whole thing means to you. I personally feel that if your friend tutors you, it would be better since he/she could get service hours and you, creative hours. S(he) could also give you regular quizzes to display your progress to your supervisor and this would serve as evidence. :) As for other creative activities, you could learn cooking, compose songs, learn an instrument or write a novel, some poetry or song lyrics. But remember, you need a supervisor who could monitor your progress.

Edited by Dasanific
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Hello, I'm currently searching for creativity ideas, as these are the ones I'm really lacking in. I write and make images on gimp, but haven't figured out what to do with these. Any ideas?

Also, can self-teaching oneself a language count for creative?

As above has said, you are able to self-teach a language however you must make sure that you aren't using this language for a 'Language B/Ab initio' option. I also suggest viewing some of the other topics with others' ideas to provoke some inspiration :) You can perhaps design a story book and then send it somewhere for service and creativity?

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Yes Self-teaching should be counted but as people said, you need a supervisor whom you'll show that you're working thoroughly. I think if you come up with a plan where you can justify your thoroughness then i think there shouldn't be a problem but evidence is often hard when you don't have a supervisor watching over, at all times.

If you're interested in Arts then you can spend like an hour or two on the weekends drawing, lets say cars if you're interested in their shapes/designs etc. IMO that's the easiest one but you have to talk to your CAS advisor/supervisor for this.

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if you would like to use your writing skills you can take part in your school newspaper if you have one, if not you could always try and start a school newspaper that would be a great CAS activity.

also you can find some local writing competitions... for example I'm going to take place in a story book writing competition for 3-5 aged kids. ( the best part is -though it would be better- you don't have to win :) )

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Pretty much anything counts. I taught myself how to knit, and then I donated these hats to cancer patients at the local hospital, and it counted for both creativity and service while I was teaching myself new knitting techniques etc. That's where a lot of my creativity hours came from. As long as you write in your reflections the right way, you can get a lot to fly as creativity.

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Writing definitely counts towards creativity..but you have to consult your CAS coordinator to see if self-studying a language and making image on GIMP counts. In my school we have to submit a CAS proposal before we start a CAS activity. Unfortunately our CAS coordinator told us that CAS activities cannot be individual although SOME individual activities are approved. Take myself as an example, I'm doing scrapbooking for creativity, which is an individual activity. However, I submitted a proposal about cooking and got rejection. The reason was CAS activities cannot be individual. One of my peers counts going to gym as action. His proposal was also approved. So like I said, the best solution is to talk to your CAS coordinator. Hopefully he/she is kind enough to say yes to your plan:)

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what i did was ask my cas coordinator at school if i could take photos for cas and he said i can as long as i have a kind of theme/purpose for my pictures and that i print them out and show them to him, then he could sign off my hrs :)

Edited by sameera95
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