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Is it ok to finish the service hours with one or two things that i do continuously?


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Is it ok to finish the service hours with one or two things that i do continuously?

Or would it be better to do diverse short-term services?

I have lots of service hours already (Grade 11) and it will soon be over the expected amount

but the problem is that I kinda feel worried that my service wasnt diverse enough because i only did 2 kinds

In a way, it sounds better to stick to some things and do them continuously

and in a way, it sounds better to venture diverse service activities

what do u think is better?

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Well, for us, we have to get at least 50 hours for each, and have an equal ratio for creativity, action, and service. That's pretty much the only guideline, if we only have three activities, and one fills in the 50 hours in each group, it's okay. For instance, I have 50 hours of coaching swimming, 50 hours of theatre, singing, and choir, and 50 hours of tutoring. I'm not sure if that's even what you were talking about... Haha, but I hope it helped.

Edited by spaceisland
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Forester: each school differs in opinion about that...

It seems like our coordinator wants us to do both one long term thing and a couple of short terms on the side, which seems good... But, if you only have to do 50 hrs i guess it is not as big of a deal... If I were you, I'd do a lot of small things unless I had a really good big project already going.

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I think 90 hours of service is required in our school..

and 30 action 30 creativity!

and i don't think there is a boundary to how much one can have in one activity in service in our school

well in action we can only get 20 hours max for an activity but i dun remember the Ib coordinator saying anything

about that boundary in service

maybe im wrong..

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  • 3 weeks later...

My European History teacher, who is also the departement head, hasn't really told us about that much diversifying. I know some Seniors are in trouble because they did all 150 hours at this one place during the summer. I suggest you don't do a single project for more than 25 hours, to add a variety.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My IBC encourages us to have a 'long-term project' where we spend some time every now and then for the 2 years, because it shows commitment and you really rack up hours or something. She accepts the type where you do 2 hours here and 2 hours there, she just encourages the long-term type of project. You can talk to your IBC or guidance counsellor if you're concerned.

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150 hours?

and they force us to do more than 250 :/

well, i have already completed it, but it was quite hard doing 200+

btw, in some sources it is said that 'gym' is acceptable, in others it is not.. in our school it is accepted (still not encouraged)

so what should i think? can i include it as Action?

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^My IBC said we couldn't double-count stuff for IB, e.g. TOK (a requirement for the Diploma) would not count as 'Creativity' (CAS, another requirement for the Diploma) and neither would field research for the EE, but other classes outside the IB Diploma's requirements would count. For example, the football players who take Weight Training class (which is not required to get the Diploma) get Action hours for it.

I think if it's not 'encouraged', you should avoid counting it if you can, unless you absolutely have to because you wouldn't meet the requirements otherwise.

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Make sure that the activities are valid (sorry but you don't get CAS hours for breathing oxygen) and just get that sucker done. Luckily for me at my school they already had a great CAS organization called the Landmines Task Force, a program which helps raise money to clear landmines in Mozambique, so including that along with my participation in baseball getting my CAS hours done was a snap.

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^My IBC said we couldn't double-count stuff for IB, e.g. TOK (a requirement for the Diploma) would not count as 'Creativity' (CAS, another requirement for the Diploma) and neither would field research for the EE, but other classes outside the IB Diploma's requirements would count. For example, the football players who take Weight Training class (which is not required to get the Diploma) get Action hours for it.

I think if it's not 'encouraged', you should avoid counting it if you can, unless you absolutely have to because you wouldn't meet the requirements otherwise.

Football Players who take weight training class get action hours... isn't it apart of the school timetable?

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I'm not sure if I can explain it well, but I'll try anyway.

In my school not everyone is a Diploma candidate, and there are classes outside the IB that are offered, e.g. a class in Culinary Arts, a class in Marketing. My IBC's logic is that while the Weight Training (WT) course is a part of the school timetable, it is not part of the IB Diploma. With or without the WT class, students will receive the IB Diploma if they meet the CAS/EE/TOK/exam scores requirements. Thus, time spent in WT class counts as action hours, despite the fact that WT is a formal class that goes on a student's transcript.

Edited by Agneisse
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At my school, we are required to get 50 hours in each area.

So far I have 50 Creativity hours from volunteering at a preschool and assisting the teachers in the 3-4 year old room, 50 action hours from taking a kickboxing class at the local gym, and 35 service hours for working a charity event called "the Caring Chefs" in my community. Over the summer, I will be volunteering either at the hospital or at the local library for the rest of my CAS hours...

If you are looking for either Service or Action hours, you could also look into Relay for Life (http://www.relayforlife.org/relay/) and see if you can take part in organizing at your school.

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