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Title #8 "Art is a lie that brings us nearer to the truth" (Pablo Picasso). Evaluate this claim in relation to a specific art form.


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I admire your well-thought out ideas.

Using a Moore documentary as a counter-example to your claim that in film, your interpretation of "the lie" does bring you closer to some truth.

Your thesis seems to reflect the counter-example, which is good. Your explanation of the caveat--as long as people understand the "impurities"--could act as a counter to your counter-example. (You could argue that the Moore documentaries, as much as they misrepresent, do give press to the topic and as the saying goes, there's no such thing as bad press. In this situation, if 98% of viewers take the film at face value but 2% dig deeper to uncover the greater truth, the lie has served some greater purpose.)

If you have space and good ideas, insert a second counterclaim. It doesn't have to be as long as your main one. If you don't have room or a satisfactory idea, don't BS a counterclaim.

As for the knowledge issue issue... I can't define what a KI is. In my mind, it's a TOKish question. That is, it discusses what we know and how we know it. This could reference 1 or more WOK with a specific topic or comments on limitations, differences, or similarities in various AOK. For me it's a question that I wouldn't have phrased before I took TOK. Google "knowledge issue" and you'll get a ton of stuff, like this site: http://theoryofknowledgestudent.com/what-is-a-knowledge-issue

I think the reason I didn't worry about explicitly incorporating KIs was that they are an essential part of a well-thought out argument. When you're thinking to yourself, "Okay I'm going to tackle title eight. 'Art is a lie that brings us nearer to the truth.' My first reaction is to agree [or disagree]. This is because ____. But I am suspicious. Are there any traps in the way the question is phrased? 'Brings us nearer to the truth' ...hmm does that imply anything about actually reaching the truth? How do I know that I'm getting closer to the truth? I watched Billy Elliot, and it made me think about the role of women, the role of the government and the power of strikers in the 80s. But how much can I trust? What was the director's motives? How invested was I in Billy's dream?"

That probably didn't clear up much about KIs. My stance is that if you remember that the TOK essay graders want to see that you're thinking critically and that you are applying TOK to your personal life, you'll do just fine where KIs are concerned because you'll ask questions in your essay related to problems of knowing, and you'll provide analysis on them and back up your analysis with an anecdote. Your counterclaim(s) will help evaluate the strengths and weaknesses to your argument.

Don't ignore strong counterclaims. Be flexible with your thesis. Best of luck!

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Thanks for the response. It's true that this was the first year my ToK teacher taught the class, so an already intangible curriculum seemed even more vague (plus, we may or may not have spent our last four classes playing Risk and Texas Hold'em.) I think it'll be pretty easy to fit in WoKs like Perception and Emotion into this though. As for KIs, I'm sure I'll figure it out.

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To be honest I'd not worry about Knowledge Issues -- for a start that phrase doesn't really mean anything, and secondly your knowledge issues are basically your examples. The big thing to look at is the theory and how the knowledge that we do have is built -- where it comes from, how we process it and apply it etc. The 'theory' bit of TOK is most important in the essay.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the topic number is ten or nine. It's the one featuring Picasso's quote about lie and truth. I am going to connect emotion and perception to the arts, specifically visual arts.

Oh now I see th grey box over this thread. I didn't see it their. Sorry I am new at this.

Can anyone answer my question?

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Think about the role of emotion and literature in various cultures. Do some cultures have different views of lying? What is truth? Just because a book is about space dragons fighting warlocks doesn't mean that it isn't "true" Sure the people in them are fiction, but they still have emotions.

Also, to what extent can ink on a page that are in the shape of letters correspond to displaying human emotions?

Literature in the physical sense is nothing but ink and paper. It's how we interpret it that matters. You can do ALOT in language. Connotation, denotation, etc. Goes along with emotion and cross cultural stuff too.

If I look at a Chinese text, for all I know I could be looking at Coffee machine instructions lol.

That's all I'll say for now, don't want my thinking to over-dominate yours. (I'm kind of an idiot lol.)

Sorry, I thought you said literature, but you can tailor my above response to fit your needs. :)

Technically, a painting is nothing but oil,watercolors,paint on a peice of paper (or graffiti lol)

Just because it's paint doesn't mean it can't invoke human emotions. Also, society, other cultures change over time. If we see a painting completely out of context/knowledge of it's time period, we may experience a feeling that was different than the original intention. Wait, do paintings even have intention, or are they defined by the interpreters? Is there even an emotional truth? If a person is having a crappy day, he may interpret a painting differently than on another day.

You could also go into propaganda and History, but that's an easy one.

Edited by JoeGuff
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