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Motivation! Motivation! Motivation!


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"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at it's waters" - Rabindranath Tagore.

If I am just not too keen to study or to work on assessment, I read inspirational quotes from great thinkers and writers such as the one above. Gets me every time.

Also, the idea someone posted about competition is a good one.

Are you a competitive person? Just imagine someone in your class who you do not like or one who you may be a rival, a friend even, and think about how much better you want to do than them, or how disappointed with yourself you'd be if they did significantly better than you!

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Great topic! Real nice help; I'll contribute, too.

Pump up music. I know most people use pump up beats for sports (i.e. basketball, soccer, hockey, etc.) but like so many people here have said: competition is key. And for me, like much of the people in here, this is perhaps the biggest competition in our life... and it requires pump up music more than sports... LOL!

I'll list one randomly - don't judge me :) - Can't Be Touched, by Roy Jones Junior.

You might not like it if you're into classic music, ahaha, but if you're into the rough motivation, like "I'm gonna kick your *ss in class tomorrow, b**ch!", go right ahead.

Music is very important to have in your life, I think everyone needs to experience that.

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Panic :)

this helps a lot

Set yourself some past papers to do, find out how little you know and then panic. It is ultimately motivating.

I'm really like Taigan and Aboo. I just can't live with the thought that another student in my class(that I don't really like) who might not be working as hard as I am, may get into a better university than me!

I do this all the time and it just doesnt motivate me enough

Believe that you CAN be the top student in your class, believe that you'll do great at your final exams and that you won't let anyone but you to get into the BEST university!

Good luck! :)

write this down (big on a piece of paper and somewhere you can see it at least 2x a day. That's what my teacher told me to do this morning...

Fear. Lots and lots of fear. Fear of failure, of not getting the best grades which means not getting a scholarship which means not going to the US which means I AM NOT GOING TO MESS UP MY CHANCES.

This helps too. fear and panic are probably the top motivators along with the competition and the staying posititve.

I listen to youtube music all the time too. What I do to stop switching music is just download music i like from youtube's flv cache through something like zamzar, and then i convert it and put it into a repeating playlist. Its not illegal because you were provided with the flv cache, since google owns youtube. What also may help is using a web service like Pandora, where you don't have to download the songs. Of course, the downside is they dont' have all of the songs on such services.

how exactly do you do this??? "What I do to stop switching music is just download music i like from youtube's flv cache through something like zamzar, and then i convert it and put it into a repeating playlist."

I find that i usually work better when listening to music only when what i am doing does not require intense concentration and is something I enjoy. I could not write an essay and play music at the same time :)

I cant read with music on (unless its really soft classical music). I can write and do math (and i actually do better with music on in math than i do without it but hey its whatever you can do to motivate yourself)

my advice try these things also get a copy of all the tests you have taken in the year and put a big bold F on it forget the grade you actually got. This will help a lot

What motivates me? I'm in this silent competition with my sister. We re both aspiring to be top of the line surgeons like my grandfather. However, none of my family believes I can achieve taking the oath except my father and his girlfriend. My grandfather refuses to pay for my university but is giving my younger sister the golden path to the prestigious University of Notre Dame and full funds. What motivates me? The thought of being able to put on the white coat at my ceremony, looking my sister in the eye and knowing that I did it by myself with no ones help but my own.

aw is it like this in china with every family or just yours? but hey thats a good motivation i hope you can do it :) and if this consoles you at all I go to a private high school but i payed it almost all by myself and not working (only scholarships) and my parents dont want to pay for my university or med school which is why i joined IB in the first place

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  • 2 months later...

I motivate myself by thinking of the rewards invovled.

Like "if i finish thinking of a topic for my comparative essay, i'll be completely done with that, can just chill out,and laugh at anyone who isnt done "

Oh I am so evil. (:

When that doesn't work i think of someone I admire, what would they do in this situation? Would they really be bumming around like I am? blush.gif

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  • 3 months later...

People are such achievers. Really refreshing to see. I'm afraid I haven't found mine yet. I do everything last minute, apart from revision. I have 8 hours to finish 1,5 full Bio IAs. That's plenty of time but I fear that I will be doing them in the morning.

People are such achievers. Really refreshing to see. I'm afraid I haven't found mine yet. I do everything last minute, apart from revision. I have 8 hours to finish 1,5 full Bio IAs. That's plenty of time but I fear that I will be doing them in the morning.

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Personally sometimes I have trouble being motivated. There are some days where I just can't work. WHat I do is be lazy for a little while and then I'll just have a a day or two of just awesome working. There really isn't anything that motivates me, I just do or don't is that bad???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do not turn the laptop/computer on...

I'm inclined to feel its a bit late for everyone on this forum...

^Too true to both of them. :blum:

What I do ... is just tell the world, who cares if they want to know or not, if you actually say you'll do something to someone, I find I actually end up studying more often :)

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