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Need activity ideas please


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Hello, I'm new here but I'm a junior taking all IBs and I'm getting into CAS hours. The problem I have that others tend not to have at my school is that I don't play any sports or go to a gym. I'm more of the artsy type so I've got easy 200 hours of creativity this year alone and a good amount of service with honor societies and such. My IB Coordinator doesn't like things that you do alone so I can't just ride my bike each day/weekend even if I'm training to bike a long distance because I can't be the only one to vouch for it and there isn't a great way of providing other evidence or have a goal to achieve. 


I'm needing ideas so anything I'm open to hearing at least. I'm considering joining a rock climbing gym but they're kinda far from my home so that's not as preferable. Also tried to team up with habitat for humanity and use construction for it but they haven't responded so I want to take some initiative and get another idea that I can start before the end of the year. 



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Hm...is it possible for you to take a Physical Education class at your school or during the breaks? I know my school counts it as activity if you take a class. Or do you have intramurals or sports tournaments at your school that you can participate in? 

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My school's schedules have been set for months now. Its the middle of the school year so I can't just start taking a physical activity class. The only club sports we have are ping pong and ultimate Frisbee. Ill check on ping pong but Frisbee is only in the late spring/early fall. I'm considering a gym but membership fees and transportation are a deterrent. I'd appreciate any other ideas?



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Hope this isn't too late. You could tart a jogging club at your school. It needs basically no funding and can pretty rewarding if you find a good group of classmates. Go out and run together after school on Mondays an at lunch on Tuesday's or something. I'm sure there are many other people at your school who are also looking for action activities, and this is a really good one because it requires no prior experience. Alternativly, create a biking club and do the same thing.

Take advantage of the upcoming spring weather! (Although it seems to be getting colder here in Canada...)

Good luck!

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