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What are the requirements for Group 4?


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Hello, fellow International Baccalaureate students!

I need your help here please with the Group 4 project.

This year, our class has been the first IB class at my school required to take IB Biology our Junior year. We also have IB Physics HL as a 6th subject at my school. We have no other IB sciences.

Our teacher is new to understanding IB in general and we are receiving many conflicting and confusing statements from him. I cannot find any requirements for the Group 4 project set out by IBO. Can somebody please inform me on what they are?

Are projects supposed to be analyzed from Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Environmental points of view?

Are we allowed to or supposed to use all of these points of view despite not having IB Chemistry or IB Environmental Science at my school?

Also, in the group there is nobody who is taking IB Physics, are there any tips you can give us?

Thank you for all of your advice and help!

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After reading many people's experiences with group 4, ,all i can say is that it is up to the school.

My school for example had 4 people in one group. Since there are only 6 students taking physics, each physics student was in a different group with 2 other students taking biology (since there are 18 biology students) and one to two chemistry students.

There was one group without any physics students, so they only did their chemistry and biology parts.

All i can say is that group 4 projects are supposed to take a subject, discuss its sides from all sides. Environmental students at out school did NOT participate in the group 4 project.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to PM me,

Hope this helps, and good luck. My group 4 project was great fun!


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