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Please motivate me, I am officailly depressed.


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So, I took a math test last week.

I am getting my results back on Monday...

Regardless, I already know my grade due to my school's managment system

I scored a 17%. Yeah, its not a typo, or a mistake. I scored a 17%.

I flunked and I knew I was going to flunk while I took the "Quiz" (which he later on revelead to us was a Test).

I can proudly say I did not study at all, this is my third week in IB SL Math and my teacher just sucks, everyone is complaining about him constantly and well, my class was going to uproar against the teacher and impose him to drop our low grades (ranging from 17 - 69). Until I recently found out that someone in my class got a 91%

My hopes are ruined, my grade in the class is so low, I am not learning anything

and worst of all...

I am panicking like hell. This is the official worst day of my life. Its techniqually impossible to bring my Z- up.

Edited by Gonzalo
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First thing,


i've known plenty of people who've flunked math SL.

Why dont you go through the course and ask the 91% dude for help. He/she can help you out.

Lastly, If NOTHING works think about taking Math Studies.

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Are you really depressed? Use that term lightly. Having down days and suffering from depression are two totally separate things.

If you "don't study at all", don't expect to reap any rewards.

My advice? Get used to it because things like this will happen throughout IB. Who knows? You might ACTUALLY begin to spiral into depression. Just keep remembering your goal and tell yourself you're gonna get there. Remind yourself that you only have one chance at making it to your university of choice, and that whatever distractions you have (e.g. video gaming, partying) can be left for much later. It's not easy, I'm having trouble doing it myself...

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Ahh don't worry so much. There's a time when we all don't do so well (I've had many of those times in math :)) and sometimes I honestly just wanted to find a corner and cry and cry and cry...

What I did after bad tests is I would go home and just sleep. I really didn't care about how much hw I have or whatever, I was just too stressed and annoyed to care. When I woke up, I felt MUCH better. It would still bother me for a little while after, then I start to realize that it's really not as bad as it sounds and there's plenty of chances to do better. Go over your mistakes the next day, don't do it the same day if you're not ready to look at your test just yet. If you still don't understand ask your teacher/someone in your class. I did this and I did much better on the final exam.

If you still struggle with math then get a tutor or maybe drop to Studies.

Edit: You also may want to try studying for tests... :)

Edited by fire.realm
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You have an insane amount of time to catch up on everything. At the start of IB1 HL maths hit me like a brick in the face, I was getting similar scores. Seriously, for the first year or so, just chill out, don't stress, just pay attention in class and it will eventually come to you. This all has NO bearing on your final score.

And if you're still in a bad mood, just do something else, listen to music, play some halo, whatever. Afterwards it will seem like nothing.

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hey let me share a story to you

there is this girl named nadya, she has always been the smartest student in class. yet, she is the youngest.

she has always scored well for every exams. in IGCSE, she scored 6 A* and 2 A.

now she is in grade 11 IB. we are both taking chemistry HL. the first chemistry test was very easy and we have learnt everything there last year (from IGCSE) but this nadya person scored 8 out of 40 marks. WHAT THE HELL?! I scored like around 90% and this very intelligent person failed the test

so you do not have to be panic. everybody might just fail a test if theyre unlucky

okey :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

First of all, you're in IB1! The quiz/test does not matter. You have you have like 20 months to change things, do not get your self esteem down, it's way too early to panic!

You got into IB, you are surely able to get better, it doesn't matter if you don't understand something at the beginning, we've all been there and we got passed that. I once got a 10% on my math test..yeah 10%..yet I got better and better, got 38/40 on my IAs and an overall grade of 5, which isn't what I expected, but still, I was predicted a 7! You can get there, now I know you're over this and my reply is too late..however, whenever this happens to you again, do not feel down, do not panic! You are brilliant enough to improve, just like anyone else. :)

Get a tutor if you had to. Also, don't ever ever listen to people who tell you you're not cut out to be in IB, or you're not good enough for anything...etc...etc, even teachers!

Besides, you have subjects like Biology HL to worry about!

I am 100% you;re going to improve if you think positively, just try not to make the same mistakes you did before and during that test. :sadnod:

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