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Swedish: excellent, knowledgeable

English: harsh but excellent

B&M: well, she's not too great at speaking English (she's got this finnish accent..) and doesn't plan things very well, however she's kind and she knows the subject.

Biology: excellent, the best planner in the world. Everything is perfectly clear and structured.

Maths: same teacher as B&M

German: great, shows interest in the subject

ToK: excellent

Over-all, our teachers are excellent :):) haha

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Economics SL: He was awesome. Always made everything seem so easy that a course that would have otherwise been incredibly overwhelming for me ended up being overwhelmingly manageable.

Chemistry HL: Another awesome teacher. Know's what he's doing. Him and my economics teacher were the most experienced IB teachers in an otherwise inexperienced school, so any underperformance in Chem so far is my fault and my fault alone.

Biology SL: This was her first year, and the whole time she was so worried about following guidelines that it kind of took away from the enjoyment of course. She was really tough on us, though, and it helped us a lot when exams came around.

English A1 HL + TOK: I have mixed feelings about her. On the one hand, she's really intelligent and class discussions with her can often prove quite fruitful, but on the other hand she's very enigmatic, unapproachable, has made me dread feminist analysis in general, and is notorious for having different expectations for different students. Not to mention the fact that making her realize she's using the wrong English internal assessment grade boundaries is like trying to ram your head into a brick wall. -.-

Math HL: For the kind of course she's teaching, she's surprisingly really laid back and kind. She's not always the best at explaining things, but she always does whatever she can to make things manageable for us, even though it never can be. :mellow:

French B SL: I like her. She's friendly and approachable, as most second languages teachers are.

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English A1 SL:

He's alright...pretty helpful on assighnments and all those, but his class is just boring :)

Mandarin A2 HL:


she's surprisingly stupid for a Columbia graduate and cannot express herself clearly.

also a bxxxx when it comes to grading

the whole class hates her...

Math HL:

she's really nice as a person but she doesn't organize the class very well and doesn't know how to explain harder concepts in an understandable way...

we often get tested on materials she didn't cover in class and just skip a whole lot of important things...

History SL:

love him! really knowledgeable, funny, and actually knows how to teach!

sad that he's leaving next year...

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Omg... THANK YOU for starting this topic. I really need to rant right now.

HL Maths teacher- has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA wth she's doing- she's never even taught IB SL before. My school must have been desperate.

Chem- Poor deluded guy has never taught IB in his life- he's been teaching VCE, the other option at our school. So half the time when we ask him questions, he has to go look them up.

Chinese- Our Chinese teacher is soooooo lazy!!! Okay, here's our (unfailing) 2 week cycle: Read chapter in exercise book-> do corresponding exercise in workbook-> dictation on vocab in corresponding workbook-> check the exercise as a class-> do a couple of essays relating to the chapter-> do a practice paper -____-" And then allllll over again.

Art- She is annoyingly vague. You'll ask her for a little inspiration, and she'll sprout some crap like "Oh, you know, take a look at your surroundings! People often find inspiration from everyday things!" or "Just sit down and have a good hard think, ok? It will come to you. Eventually." -______-"

TOK- Our teacher has no idea what she's saying half the time. She is way out of her league, enough said. You actually need INTELLIGENT teachers for a subject like TOK.

Ok, you have no idea how good it feels to get that all off my chest.

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  • 3 months later...


Biology HL- Very knowledgeable teacher, she knows a lot of stuff about biology and explains well. He classes are interesting because I really like bio but this is her first year teaching IB so i hope her lack of experience won't affect us much.

Chemistry HL- First year teaching IB, I think she never taught chem in english before but she's done a good job adapting to english but she seems unexperienced and is a very slow teacher. She thinks we're morons but she's the type of teacher who give importance to fairness and equality and things like that.

French HL- She has taught French B for a long time now, she's a very good teacher and since higher level french has only 4 students we get really close to her. The 4 students that are in french have been french educated until IB haha.

ITGS HL- His class is very interesting and we learn a lot of stuff about computers. But this subject is not demanding at all so more than half of the class just sits there without taking notes.

English A1 SL- I didn't like the teacher at all. She's got the information and all but her classes are veryyy boring and extremly hard. I ****** hate english!

Math SL- Great teacher! I'm really good at math and I would have liked to take it at higher level but the IB coordinator told me that it was a waste of time and grades if I'm going to study medicine. The teacher has a lot of expierience and explains well.

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Swedish teacher: Strict, but she knows at least what she's talking about. Also quite fun: "No student at this school should experience porn in class without wanting to". :P

German teacher: He gives us more homework than all my HL teachers taken together, for example the first lesson he gave us one old Paper 1 & 2 HL to do and fifty pages in a novel to read...

Philosophy/ToK teacher: Very educated in many different areas and he has a good sense of humour ("I can't break this, because if I do, it will really be broken and it will stay broken"), we laugh a lot in his classes. Occasionally, he tends to not show up at the lessons, though...

Physics teacher: Nervous and "a bit concerned about the work ethics in this class". He is also very reluctant to give us formulae tables.

Maths teacher: Quite good at explaining, but she never sticks to the planning, which results in us being behind the other group. And her poor English really annoys me.

Chemistry teacher/mentor: Pretty good at chemistry, even if her English could be improved as well. She is at least the teacher that's always on time.

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Deedoz, you have a lot of same teachers!! Its much better if you learn from different backgrounds and different learning styles! expecially since you are a science person and the teachers that teach you like math chem and bio dont seem to be teaching you! get some help from the principal because those are some hardcore subjects! if the whole class feels like you, then seriously talk! and im not just saying this. my older brother graduated and his teachers were exsctly how you have described yours! his exam score werent all that good, and he regretted not telling on his teachers! how are the other students attitudes towards these teachers?

My teachers are extremly experienced. like we have basically covered all that we need to and only have a few chapters left in English, Math, Econ, Chem, and Biology. My TOK teacher is the bomb! she realli makes you think and question like everything! all in all im quite satisfied with my IB teachers!

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My math teacher practically wants us to fail.

He wouldln't give us the solutions to "only teachers can solve" type of questions.

Apparently, he wants us to suffer and struggle with the course so we will get better by adapting to the harsh nature of ib.

Any suggestions on how to not hate him?

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German A1 HL: Great teacher! Always goes through the books in detail, so there is basically no struggling through exams. However, his ego is pretty high up the sky...

English A2 HL: Makes us do weird homework questions, but is overall doing okay in our class. A British teacher for American literature, though.. haha (last year it was the other way around.)

Biology HL: Teamteaching, which I don't really approve of. However, the two teachers take turns each week. The new teacher is AWESOME! But the other teacher has an accent, so sometimes I don't understand her at all... :/

Geography SL: ... reading the stuff at home makes you more capable of passing the IB exam than sitting in his class... at least for now. Let's see if he changes his teaching style. I do hope so.. :|

Maths Methods: Class is fun! He actually makes me like Maths, which is a good thing. :) But again: teamteaching. The other teacher, however, is usually quiet... so I don't know about that.

Spanish B SL: Hard to understand her, but I guess it is okay... not my favourite class, though.

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So far in first semester

My science teacher: hated me on the first day because I was talking a bit. Since then, she has yelled at me every single day as well as a couple other kids. Seems she just picks out kids she doesn't like on the first day then screw them over the rest of the semester. She really is the worst teacher I've ever had. Doesn't even teach, just makes us watch videos and do textbook work.

My math teacher: Boring, but alright I guess.

My english teacher: Nice, but hard marker.

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Math HL – Overall, he’s a nice guy and his lessons are good and understandable.

Chemistry SL – He’s a nice guy and explains the concepts well.

Physics HL – She a nice teacher; however, I would do well if I don’t pay attention in class and just read the textbook and do the homework instead, if you get my drift…

Mandarin Chinese B HL – He’s a nice guy, but his lessons are a bit slack. But, it is no problem for me since I already have a good command of Chinese language.

English A1 HL – She’s a nice teacher and keeps class interesting; however, her lessons are a bit slack.

Geography SL – He’s nice guy, but I sometimes wonder if he is trying to wing it.

TOK – Overall, he is an okay teacher, it’s just I am not really good at TOK.

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