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Stereotype the Person Above You.


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me and fire realm start building a UNSC base. we make the turrents and the supply pads and have 3 scorpions dropped in by a pelican dropship to protect it while it is under construction. fire.relam reveals that she is actually miranda keyes and has air support from the forward unto dawn UNSC frigate if needed.

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miranda keyes is the commander of the unsc navy ( i think) after her dad died. she is boss in case you didn't know.

and we don't have a castle like you and ishaan, we have a fortress that isn't locked but has a tone of weaponary and defenses. not to mention we have 3 more supplies dropped in by pelicans so we have a big army by now. we have 23 hornets patrolling the hill, although not entering the perimiter yet, just checking if the conditions are right for something...

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ok well we dug a ditch and put alligators in it. on top we put a child proof shield that also doesnt allow you 2 to get in unless you had our DNA and it has 2 b our fingerprints not rly hair... then we dropped a bunch of babies of every species and trained them to not let you in... you will c how in a minute they will reproduce and teach their children to do the same...

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Me and fire.relam command the hornets to blind your force with their head lights and then we activate the pentagon field. your base and defenses are now in an encase slipspace field, and without the proper technology cannot get yourself out of the field. the 2 elephants (its a heavy duty mobile unit don't laugh lol) and the longswords tow the field away from the hill and set up base at the hill. have fun with your massive reproducing bunnies jumping all around your castle bedrom pwnd :D

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brilliant Natalie.....Anyway...

you make it seem like your not his age i thought you were like 16, 17 years old. and that would make me a freak too since i am his age and im not into porn :D

Since the title of this thread is 'stereotype the person above you' so then I just stereotyped Austin as an American fat blob of Macdonald's fat who's addicted to porn and Halo.So no offense meant to you natalie.....

Anyhow the trained species now attack you're fortress and bring it down...and I successfully make off with all your weaponry......i then hack into all you're bank accounts and make sure you have no more money to by any more Halo based defenses.


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sorry ishaan, but you are currenlty in an encased slipspace field and i don't think you're massivley fast reproducing bunnies are going to do anything to me except annoy you, which i see they already have

meanwhile, i set up a third base behind your guys' encased slipspace field so in case i accidentaly let you out or you find some way to get out you won't get that far unless you happen to find some super halo weapon thing which is highly unlikely

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Well Natalie attacks you're "space field" crap and then frees me...I send Max Payne after you...and since he awsome he destroys EVERYTHING you can have to defend yourself and shoots you at a gunpoint.i then walk slowly to you're body and shove a knife through it while your blood streams over the walls of your fortress. Thus I :D

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