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Stereotype the Person Above You.


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I take a fuel rod gun (from HALO) and attach a sniper scope to it (from Crysis)...then shoot you down...Then I send in my men (from Modern Warfare 2) to take over your hill and capture it....The I send in F-22 Raptors (from Tom Clancy's Hawx) to drop bombs on you so that you never get up.....

jeeeezus what have I written... :)

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But then i send a team of hornets and pelicans to eliminate the F-22's and then i send ODST's to reclaim the hill and then i set up AA Defenses all around the perimeter, not forgetting to equip the ODST's with Spartan Lasers and Rocket launchers for anit-vehicle combat. Then i have a team of marines in warthogs and scorpions to eliminate your soldiers and then i have the hill located as a site to put the MAC cannons on the assisting frigate online. I also get a fleet of Longswords and some Shortsword bombers to patrol the hill (all from HALO )

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Simple; The US army (from America's Army) launches a nuke at your Hill....flattening your defenses and destroying your Hill....Thus filling the atmosphere with radiation making sure that NO ONE can ever return to your hill. Then soldiers(from crysis) with Nano Suits will enter your 'playground' and create a force field making sure no one gets in or OUT.

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However, they alerterted the Covenant, who were closely following your childish defenses and they glassed your perimiter and leaked some vacuum pressured air to make the drop zone elligible for Drop Insertion from ship. However, a Forerunner Dreadnought Piloted by the Oracle monitor, who sympthasized with the human cause, obliterated the covenant with direct energy beam and set course above the hill, thus activating the artifact beneath it, a slipspace encasement to only allow in those with proper reclaimer counter response. and btw in slipspace there are different properties entirely so your projectile and gas based playthings have no effect. (all from halo)

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if your "god's and godesses" are of precursor descent then of course they can get through the forerunner perimeter and claim the hill through the encased slipspace. so lets just make thie hill have no defenses since that gets complicated. I put magnets on your arms and then use a crane to put a giant magnet right above you so you are stuck on the magnet a few feet of the ground and i claim the hill

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Hey, I can I STILL get seduced? lol.gif

I 'd Just Nuke you all :noob: ,then me and 'azulverde:)' can bail the planet on a Virgin Galactic Spaceship :win:

Allright.. this is SOOO :blum:

And you Halo playing addict..... :noob: stick there...After all: :noob:

Or else WE WILL: XD

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Hey, I can I STILL get seduced? lol.gif

I 'd Just Nuke you all :) ,then me and 'azulverde:)' can bail the planet on a Virgin Galactic Spaceship :win:

Allright.. this is SOOO :lame:

And you Halo playing addict..... :gamer: stick there...After all: :)

Or else WE WILL: :)

people this is IB SURVIVAL:

NOT HALO or an imaginary Fairytale land.....WE :study:

And then we:


In other words you're bullcr*p is :ot:

So :) and stop :P

wow you must really not like i hate tangents?

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lol ishaan, calm down, this is in the games and jokes thread. If you really want the topic removed, please talk to some of the friendly mods around here. Otherwise if reading games like king of the hill angers you, you can choose not to read it. :P At least you had the sanity not to report my post lol

and you can't leave with azulverde on a "super virgin galatic indian spaceship" since precursor artifacts are resistant to nukes, missles, and any other of your projectile based weaponary that happen to be in your childish arsenal. radiation also can't travel through the alloy used by the precursors, so im sorry to say that you didn't kill the people taking refuge from your actions. my hill.

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