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Pets! Pets! Pets!


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Hm, well, we used to have a small zoo at home but now we just have a dog (an English Cocker Spaniel called "Ebba"), an Amazon parrot (called "Pelle") and a bunch of small birds (canaries, cockatiels, zebra finches... don't know their names, only my father does). So well, we used to have cats and more dogs and more birds, (imagine three big, yelling parrots at the same time) and well, I forgot, we actually have a hamster too ("Molly"). And we've had rats and guinea pigs and God knows what not... It's all my father's fault. He loves animals (although he's from Egypt :) )

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Guest cupcake

I have a dog, Paddy. He is a beagle, and is a complete nightmare. He is rather clever though, he knows how to open the fridge and steal food, and he has my cat, Binka, trained to knock bread and any other food available off the side. The team work is interesting, considering that every chance the cat gets he will bat the dog or bite his ear. They have a love hate relationship.

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When I was born, the cat my parents had got jealous of me (according to mom) and just walked out out the house one day. Never came back. Great first experience of pets. We also used to have turtles (that died because apparently they were carnivores and we fed them only vegetables).

Dogs make the best pets. We've had 6 all in all, 2 German shepherds (father and son). 3 Dobermans, 2 were puppies when we got them and they were adorable (then one got ill with meningitis ;) ). And also a mixed breed that we got from the pound, he'd been a guard dog at a factory. We named him 'Chokora' (Swahili for 'street boy').

Cats are so anti-social, our kittens ran away while we were on holidays for 2 weeks (even though they stayed at the maid's house). My dad also managed to run one of our cats over with his car.

Don't have any pets now since we live in an apartment, there's 2 stupid Chinese dog breeds in the building that pee all over the hallways already.

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We also used to have turtles (that died because apparently they were carnivores and we fed them only vegetables).

HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW?!?!?! ;) I had 9 turtles when I was in China. All are dead now though. I was quite sad when my favourite pretty one died.

Wtf @ your dad running over your cat. I'd be majorly pissed off if anything happened to my bird (he walks on the floor now eughhhh)

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We had a tortoise before, and it ate cabbage all day long. We assumed the turtles were the same, and the pet shop people didn't give us any instructions on care.

My mom used to have a cat when she was young, and apparently it had been sick for a long time with cancer or something. It liked to sleep in the wood stove my grandmother used to heat the room. My grandma lit the stove once, and went to the kitchen to make food. A while later they heard yowling and it turned out that the cat was in the back of the stove while the wood was burning. They couldn't save it, since it had already inhaled a lot of smoke and had been burned. Sad story, but it sounds hilarious to others when you tell them.

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