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Should I give up hope of studying in the UK?


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Hi everyone,

So far I've applied to universities in the UK and three in Florida, because of Bright Futures which would pay my full tuition.

I have conditional offers (that I'm fairly sure I can achieve) from the university of Manchester and York and I'm waiting to hear about Oxford and Bristol.

The course I applied for is Physics and Philosophy (MPhysPhil in 4 years).

Before I began applying to universities I discussed finances with my parents and they said that they'd be able to afford me going to university in the UK, and considering my Cypriot citizenship I might even get reduced tuition. However, recently my father has discussed his finances with the person in Romania that controls them and he now says that if he sends me to uni in the UK he probably will not be able to send my younger sister (who will be starting uni in three years) anywhere outside of Florida, and if his restaraunt business continues to lose money he may not even be able to pay for me to finish uni in the UK.

So, my question is, should I give up on going to uni in the UK? Because most of the scholarships for US students are only for graduate level, and I haven't been able to find scholarships for Physics and Philosophy at all. However, I have been applying for scholarships and grants in the US that I hope would help.

I could also apply to schools such as Yale (by December 31st) with Physics and Philosophy programs, and although it would add about 2 years or more to the length of time I would be in uni, it might be cheaper.

The only reasons I really wanted to study in the UK is because of the standard for education, the accelerated degree, and the fact that it would allow me to study in an international atmosphere, which is going to be quite important for my career. (I ultimately want to work at CERN or in international research for Physics.)

Sorry this is so long, but I'm really wondering what I should do. Any opinions or information about scholarships would be greatly appreciated!

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Study in the UK if it's what you want to do, worry about the money later! You'll be able to take a student loan even if you have to pay the full fee, which you can pay back with your CERN money :P . Especially if you get an offer into Oxford, it really is worth it.

As for undergraduate scholarships, they are very hard to get. Your best pick is to search for Cypriot scholarships, as a citizenship you'll be more likely to get one from them. Elsa (~Lc~) might know something about this since she is a Cypriot citizen as well, so you're best off asking her.

Best of luck with your application!

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Well from what i read, it might not be wrong to maybe give yale a shot. I understand you want to study in an international atmosphere, but can't you do that as a graduate student as there are scholarships for those? The problem i see is that starting uni without clear financial future might result in a disaster. I would recomend atleast applying to school such as yale, who have similar programs as the one you are interested in, and during the time look for scholarships in the UK. And then when you have more clearity you make up your mind about were to study.

Adding time to your study never seems as a nice choice therefore i understand your wish to go to UK, but not being able to finish uni, would destroy pretty much your whole future. (even though something might be fixed by then, like student loans) but taking the risk might not be worth it.

You really have to evaluate on your own, nobody can make the dicision for you, i just gave a suggestion now do with it what you want :P

I hope everything will solve itself!

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Haha, it's interesting how each of your posts represents one of the two conflicting viewpoints within my head. :)

One on hand I think "It's my education we're talking about, that's priceless" and on the other I think "I don't want to ruin my life with student loans and other financial disasters".

But thank you both for the opinions. I'll definitely be looking for scholarships for Cypriot citizens and asking Elsa what she knows.

Also, I am going to apply to Yale and the other schools in the US with good Physics and Philosophy programs, since if I do stay here for my undergraduate degree I can apply for things like the Fulbright scholarship later.

I think the easiest way to get out of actually making this decision is to wait and see whether Oxford offers me a place. :P

If they do, nothing can keep me out of the UK; if not, then I'll probably just stay here.

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Well here's my viewpoint. Until this morning I was set on going to uni in the UK, and I found out that my friend's brother got stabbed in London. Stabbing is, as much as I hate to say it, commonplace in London after 11 pm. Even though I probably won't be living in London, the rest of the country is somewhat similar in large built up areas, where chav culture is pretty rife. I knew that this kinda stuff happens, but until you don't get told that in the face I guess one kind of ignores it.

I'm not sure if I want to take a chance with going to an area where crime is more than going to a more crime free zone. Then again, name me a country where there aren't mass shootings, random killings or any violent crime? (Except Singapore :sadnod: but there aren't any decent unis here)

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Well here's my viewpoint. Until this morning I was set on going to uni in the UK, and I found out that my friend's brother got stabbed in London. Stabbing is, as much as I hate to say it, commonplace in London after 11 pm. Even though I probably won't be living in London, the rest of the country is somewhat similar in large built up areas, where chav culture is pretty rife. I knew that this kinda stuff happens, but until you don't get told that in the face I guess one kind of ignores it.

I'm not sure if I want to take a chance with going to an area where crime is more than going to a more crime free zone. Then again, name me a country where there aren't mass shootings, random killings or any violent crime? (Except Singapore :sadnod: but there aren't any decent unis here)

Firstly, I am really sorry to hear that.

However, I used to live in London, and went out every weekend, came back at 2-3.00 A.M. Trust me, London is safe to a certain extent, not that dangerous. York and other cities in the North of England are a bit nasty, but OK.

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Firstly, I am really sorry to hear that.

However, I used to live in London, and went out every weekend, came back at 2-3.00 A.M. Trust me, London is safe to a certain extent, not that dangerous. York and other cities in the North of England are a bit nasty, but OK.

I guess it depends on one's luck too, it just takes to be in the wrong place in the wrong time.

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ohhh soo this this why I got a PM from Niki :)

ok here's the dealo, would you be considered an EU student if you come to the UK? I am not even thoug I'm a cypriot because I've lived in Jordan my whole life, you need to live in an EU country for 2 years as a non student to qualify for EU fees in the EU!

getting a student loan is not such a bad idea if you are qualified as an EU student. you pay back something like 17 pounds a month if you start easning over 20 grand a year as a start salary or something! it's not worth thinking about as a road bump really if you get into the appropriate Unis etc.

if you're that keen on the UK, I'd suggest moving there to work for a year and then going to Uni (this way you are eligbal for another kind of grant given by the UK gov which I can give you more details about if you are really interested, my polish friend got it because she came to the UK initially to work and then applied for a degree...)


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ohhh soo this this why I got a PM from Niki :D

ok here's the dealo, would you be considered an EU student if you come to the UK? I am not even thoug I'm a cypriot because I've lived in Jordan my whole life, you need to live in an EU country for 2 years as a non student to qualify for EU fees in the EU!

getting a student loan is not such a bad idea if you are qualified as an EU student. you pay back something like 17 pounds a month if you start easning over 20 grand a year as a start salary or something! it's not worth thinking about as a road bump really if you get into the appropriate Unis etc.

if you're that keen on the UK, I'd suggest moving there to work for a year and then going to Uni (this way you are eligbal for another kind of grant given by the UK gov which I can give you more details about if you are really interested, my polish friend got it because she came to the UK initially to work and then applied for a degree...)


Aw, that sounds great, other than the fact that I don't think I qualify as a UK student. I've spent about 2 months there each summer of my life, but I'm assuming the 2 years has to be consecutive? :)

I actually talked to my parents about working for a year before starting uni- and they absolutely refused to allow it (plus I won't be 18 until after I would start uni anyway so I'm technically still under their control), but thanks for the insight. :)

Edited by Mandiloquence
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  • 2 weeks later...
(Except Singapore :P but there aren't any decent unis here)

Not quite true. NUS is one of the top universities in the world, and certainly the top in Asia. I lived in Singapore for three years and currently live in Malaysia. I'd apply to NUS if I thought I stood a chance of getting in!

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Not quite true. NUS is one of the top universities in the world, and certainly the top in Asia. I lived in Singapore for three years and currently live in Malaysia. I'd apply to NUS if I thought I stood a chance of getting in!

I've lived in Singapore for 2 years, and right now live in Malaysia, so I guess I am in a similar state to you. While NUS maybe in the top 20, world ranking wise, what I meant by decent was encompassing a variety of factors. As in, there would be a lot of academic competition, which is evident by the rigorous entry standards for IB :P While the nightlife in Singapore is fantastic, there would be a few people to go out with. And the rumours that they don't take any males under the age of 21 since most Singaporean males complete NS before going on to University. And I'm sure you're aware of 'kiasu'-ism which is a big detracting factor in its own.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Aw, that sounds great, other than the fact that I don't think I qualify as a UK student. I've spent about 2 months there each summer of my life, but I'm assuming the 2 years has to be consecutive? :D

I actually talked to my parents about working for a year before starting uni- and they absolutely refused to allow it (plus I won't be 18 until after I would start uni anyway so I'm technically still under their control), but thanks for the insight. :(

Interesting new fact, apparently I am classified as an EU student due to the fact that I spend a certain amount of time in Cyprus each year.

But I did get rejected from Oxford, so I'm still unsure as to what to do. XD

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