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TITLE: Does the Height of Basketball Players Affect the Number of Points they Score in a Season


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My title (Does the Height of Basketball Players Affect the Number of Points they Score in a Season)


I was wondering if this is a good one or not? I have written the introduction and hypothesis, and I have the data for the top 10 shortest and tallest players and the number of points they have scored during a season. However, I don't know how to portray the data. I have it in a table, but I want to portray it properly.

Should I put it in a graph or bar chart to show the results?


Any help would be appreciated :)

Edited by Yusuf
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Try re framing it into something a little more formal and include 'correlation' in the title. For ex; 'An investigation of the correlation between the height of basketball players and the number of baskets they score in a season'. This is just a suggestion, you can obviously take ideas from it and form a better title. Also, regarding your second question, I think it would be a little more organized if it's in a table but of course if you think it would be better represented in a pictorial representation then go forth with the graph. However, consult your teacher once as well because they're supposed to guide you on what the best way to represent something in your IA is.


Best of luck.    

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  • 1 month later...

i dont know what to say to you about you r actual question but regarding your IA itself, i havent collected any information like you have, but i dont think thats the case. as a basketball fan, i know curry is a short player and hes a top scorer. then you have james and shaq, and theyre tall and theyre top scorers. you probably know right but i thought your topic was quite interesting and wanted to spark something up between us

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