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Does starting your own business count for CAS?

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So a friend and I decided to start our own business doing landscaping and property maintenance  for the summer. What started out as a little side job quickly became a major success that allowed us not only to acquire great experiences, but also a considerable income (well into the 5 digits).


The thing is that although I do know that regular jobs don't usually count for CAS since you are getting paid, I wonder what is IB's position regarding entrepreneurial experiences such as mine. It not only allowed me to be active and creative all summer long, but it also corresponds to nearly all of the cas outcomes and allowed me to learn many essential life skills and lessons.


Although I understand that it wouldn't count for service, should it not count for Action and Creativity? Creating a business demands much creativity since it not only requires the development of incredible planing and organizational skills (especially when going to school 5 days/week for the first 2 months before summer break), but also creative thinking in things such as getting new customers (advertising) as well as in doing the job itself (landscaping designs, etc...). As for the action bit, I can assure you that I was out there (average 50 hour weeks) sweating just as much and if not more than anyone else doing sporting activities.


I asked my CAS coordinator if this could count and she couldn't answer me yet since she herself wasn't sure and had to consult others. What are your thoughts and opinions? Should this count as CAS or is IB really against any sort of paying job even if it is a legitimate student-created business? Could they really be against entrepreneurship?

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I actually started a business too. The answer is no, you really can't count it because you are making money. CAS only has three rules, really:

1. You can't make money.

2. You can't get school credit.

3. It can't be state mandated.


So, no, I'm afraid neither of us can get CAS hours for our businesses. 

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I doubt the IB are against entrepreneurship in particular but that still doesn't mean that it can count for CAS. If you're making money for anything other than a charity then you can't count it, simple as that. Otherwise we'd all be gainfully employed instead of pennilessly wasting our weekends away jumping through the CAS hoops!

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I actually started a business too. The answer is no, you really can't count it because you are making money. CAS only has three rules, really:

1. You can't make money.

2. You can't get school credit.

3. It can't be state mandated.


So, no, I'm afraid neither of us can get CAS hours for our businesses. 


I get school credit from studying Latin! My coordinator approved it.. Although it's not part of the IB curriculum but the Swedish one, of course ^_^

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