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IB Theatre Year 1


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IF anyone has IB Theatre in their schools, not sure if this is a required class or not at most school we just got the course as I went into the IB program, who is in it and how is the class normally run? (So sorry if this is in the wrong topic area haha.)

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Who is in it? We have all kinds of people who are interested in theatre. Some people aren't interested in acting, but they are interested in perhaps costume design or tech, and that's totally fine. We have different units like any other class - maybe learn about Greek theatre for a month or two, then Laban, then another genre or director. Sometimes we work on our portfolio that our teacher grades - for me, it's just a journal where I talk about anything theatre related going on, whether that is my RI or the school production I'm participating in.

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well... in my school its really boring most of the time, but its because of the teacher, he talks and talks and talks about the history in theatre and stuff... no one pays attention XD

BUT we prepare some sketches (we made like... 5 by the 2 years) and one formal play with audience that paid to go watch and stuff, and that was fun...

so, it really depends on the teacher, if he/she thinks the history is important or not

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