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What exactly is Math Studies?


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I am enrolled in math studies because the only other option we had was HL Math and math is my worst subject. I understand that it is pretty easy but what is it??

Actually I think there was some math class involving computers or something but everybody at school told me not to take it... do you know what it is or is my memory faulty?:P

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Being an absolute math-lover, being forced into taking math studies was one of the worst news I received in IB. The amount of encouragement to use a GDC (Graphics Display Calculator, perhaps the 'computer' you were referring to) is sickening. The simplest tasks need to be done with that damned Ti-84. And I heard the new syllabus has even more focus on the GDC, which really sucks, in my eyes atleast.

But the bright side which I discovered later on: My medicine degree will not need SL or HL math. Furthermore, this is like a relaxing subject where I get to have some balance with the rest of my other subjects. Also, free 7 points, so can't complain much about that.

Now even if you think you 'suck' at math, you have the right idea, it is indeed easy. Just study a little bit, do some past papers, and you will see that the same crap gets repeated every year, it just does not get harder than that.

Edited by d3athlig3r
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Some of my peers and teachers recommend that I take calculus my senior year if I'm taking math studies to look better to colleges and such. Would you agree with that, or should I just focus on getting my basic Diploma requirements and take an easy class so I have some breathing room for exams?

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