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Browser back button


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I can't count the number of times I've accidentally clicked the browser's back button (more like alt+right clicked or right clicked and accidentally hit the back button there), and when you go forwards again everything you have written is lost. I know this is IBS-specific because at blogger.com, this same mistake does not cost me. So I was wondering: is there any simple way this could be addressed? I'm entirely out of my depth with programming and the like, but just in case this is something simple, I thought I'd post it. Also because I'm really annoyed (at myself) right now..

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This has happened to me (or I accidentally X out, or click a bookmark, or whatevahh), but whenever I press forward, my work is always there.

It could be the way the browser interprets this website. I use Safari and never lose my writing, so you could try that! I also use a Mac, so if you're on a PC there could be a problem there too...I know next to nothing about programming so I'm not sure if there's a way to continuously save the text in these messages before they're posted. Tech might have a solution. :)

Another issue I've encountered is the "server down". I'll type something, submit it, and then Safari cannot access the page because the IBS server is down. Is this just me? Is it my network connection or is it actually the IBS server? Both times this has happened, my work was retrieved but it's still nerve-wracking to spend time writing something and fear its entire loss because of the server connection.

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It's fixable from the website, but I don't know anyone that could do it, and it's not worth the effort. You'de essentially need to rewrite the entire IPB engine to keep everything you write in a session variable as you write it. It'd significantly slow things down, and would be extremely hard to implement.

However, that being said, the browser should automatically store your inputs after a while, so in case you do accidently go to another page, and click back, things should still be there?

What browser are you using?

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What you're proposing will require lots of bandwidth and extra database. The problem is with the fast reply. When I use it and click back everything is lost, but using the full editor doesn't lose anything.

Ah, yeah. I'm pretty sure that's because the fast reply 'resets' and needs a click to 'turn on', where it then gives you a blank textbook. Before that, it doesn't really act as a textarea, which is why the browser won't save anything. This could actually be solved by just getting rid of the click to post a quick reply thing, and making it act as a textarea onload?

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Here's a fix if the admins can edit the scripts. This is right after the code for the fast-reply form. I edited only three lines and added one new line.

<script type="text/javascript">
var newly_loaded = ( $('fast-reply_textarea').value == '' ); //New line
if( $('fast-reply_textarea') ){
$('fast-reply_textarea').addClassName('unloaded_editor').setStyle('height: 70px');
if( newly_loaded ) //First edit
$('fast-reply_textarea').value = "Tip: click inside this box to load the editor";


if( $('fast-reply_toolbar_1') ){
if( $('fast-reply_toolbar_2') ){

var removeTip = function(e){
if( newly_loaded && $('fast-reply_textarea').hasClassName('unloaded_editor') ){ // Second Edit

$('full_compose').observe( 'click', removeTip );
$('submit_post').observe( 'click', removeTip );

in_use = 0;

$('fast-reply_textarea').observe( 'focus', function(e){
if( !in_use )
if( $('fast-reply_toolbar_1') ){
if( $('fast-reply_toolbar_2') ){

if( newly_loaded ) //Third edit.
$('fast-reply_textarea').value = '';

ipb.editors[ 'fast-reply' ] = new ipb.editor( 'fast-reply', USE_RTE );
$( ipb.editors['fast-reply'] ).resize_to( 250 );

try {
ipb.editors[ 'fast-reply' ].editor_window.focus();
} catch(err) { }
in_use = 1;


Edited by genepeer
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