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Tips for writing Speeches (Mass Communication)

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We are starting on our first written task in A2 SL English. I chose to do my first task in form of a speech with the intent of informing students at my school about the dangers of social networking sites (e.g. facebook). The speech will be from the perspective of an university student (as students will have more respect than if a teenager holds the speech and still be more likely to relate to the persons message if he is not an adult).

Now to my question:

What are some formal aspects that I should watch out for when writing a speech? Is there anything you have noticed, read or heard to this regard? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


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hey, it all depends on who your audience is, with something like your topic i think its best to be a little dramatic to people, something that will shock them, as you really want to in a way scare them into thinking social networking is bad. you don't really need to address anyone. just in your speech have an introduction, signpost your points, body and conclusion. With this also would be good if you thought counter arguments and rebutted them, like although it is a great way to connect international friends are we really willing to sacrifice our safety for this?

also make sure you define social networking, because this really could be classified as one. also ther are heaps of stats somewhere on identity theft, look up the Australian case on Jess Cooper happened recently involved a friend of mine.

Hope this helped :)

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Guest 1529

Repeating the most important ideas of your speech in different parts of your speech helps people to catch the idea more easily. But repeat in different forms (in different words). Plus, make sure you don't use sentences that are too long, it will only bore people. thus, use simple (since it's for teens), direct and clear sentences with one or two ideas. Yes, contrasting, arguments and counter arguments do help but if I were you, I'd put first the counter arguments and then move to your position so that you can really reply to others' positions and make yours clear ;)

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