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Interview 2: HMSChocolate

Ruan Chun Xian

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1. Sweet or sour?

2. Cold or hot?

3. China or Japan?

4. Books or movies?

5. Draco Malfoy or Ron Weasley?

6. Taco or burrito?

7. Hands or feet?

8. Yellow or Green?

9. East or West? Depends on what.

10. North or south? Ditto

11. VHS or DVD?

12. Mac or PC?

13. Yes or no?

14. Facebook or MySpace?

15. Summer or winter?

16. Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears? Neither.

17. Dogs or cats?

18. Morning or night?

19. Walk or run?

20. Stalin or Mao? Neutral.


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You can give Harry to me :bawling:

Pepsi or Coke?

McDonald's or Burger King?

Single or group dates?

Adidas or Nike?

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?

Cappuccino or coffee?

what shoes you wore today?

what are your weakness?

What are your strengths?

what are your fears?

How would your perfect pizza be?

What goal you'd like to achieve?

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My turn!! :bawling:

1. Where do you picture yourself (hopefully) in 10 years? (Or pick another number - something to do with the future)

2. If you were an animal, who would you be and why?

3. Name someone you look up to and the reason behind it.

4. Name something that makes/made you cry (an event that happened/happens? Something you do/did?..)

5. How was Hien during the IB External Exams? (emotionally, psychologically, physically...)

6. What was the college major you applied for as your #1 choice? (In case it's not the one you're taking right now)

7. What are your dreams, wishes and hopes for the new year?

Hope they're fine, at least, as I'm not really familiar with interviews. :)

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Pepsi or Coke? Coke

McDonald's or Burger King? KFC >.<

Single or group dates? single

Adidas or Nike? Nike

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? Neither. Lipton normal tea is good, not the ice tea

Cappuccino or coffee? Coffee (mocha)

what shoes you wore today? Converse

what are your weakness? Sometimes too much of a perfectionist, dwell on things too much, worry too much

What are your strengths? Consistency

what are your fears? Free fall, the unknown

How would your perfect pizza be? Really kind of depends on my mood

What goal you'd like to achieve? Make the most of the things that I have and be satisfied in everything I do, live with no regrets.

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1. Where do you picture yourself (hopefully) in 10 years? In 2 years I hope to have finished my bachelor’s degree, in 5 years I hope to have at least started my master’s degree, after that…no idea. :P

2. If you were an animal, who would you be and why? I think someone asked me this already and every time someone asks me something like this I give a different answer but right now, I’d have to say a bird because it can fly

3. Name someone you look up to and the reason behind it. Can I answer this later? :D Going out now and this question will take a while >.<

4. Name something that makes/made you cry IB made me cry. :P I remember a day about half way through IB2, I went home from school and just cried for hours. And it wasn’t even a stressful day or anything…the bulk of IAs were over then. I came home, feeling tired and wishing I could just cry it off and somehow, I just did.

5. How was Hien during the IB External Exams? That is a blur right now. Somehow a mixture of nervousness, dread, thrilled, caffeinated, anticipation (of certain exams), in pain from too much writing

6. What was the college major you applied for as your #1 choice? Yes.

7. What are your dreams, wishes and hopes for the new year? Stuff that’s going on in my family actually settle down so I don’t have to worry about it while miles away from home.

what inspired your username? See the first page (or second…) of the What does your username mean thread in Chat

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Name someone you look up to and the reason behind it.

Someone I’ve actually met and know: my sixth and eighth grade homeroom teacher who, out of all the teachers I’ve ever had, is my favourite teacher ever. She was quite a favourite at my school. She was really a great teacher, really fair and a lot of fun.

As for someone in general, my absolute idol is the Chinese actress Zhao Wei who is as multi-talented as you can get. She’s an actress, singer and currently doing a master’s degree in film directing so she’ll be a film director as well. She’s smart really down to earth, not at all pretentious despite her fame which is the best thing about her. She met with a lot of controversies and setbacks in her career but still managed to make the best of everything and succeed.

Name your favorite:

2 Korean drama: Dae Jang Geum, Glass Shoes (my only 2 favourite come to think of it)

2 Japanese drama: Don’t watch any

2 Chinese Taiwan: drama Huan Zhu Ge Ge I & II (yes, after 10 years...)

2 Chinese Mainland drama: You want two only?? :S

2 Chinese Hong Kong Drama: Can’t remember their English/pinyin names so I doubt you’d recognise their vietnamese names.

OR Name 30 animes. Don’t think I can name even 1

What has been the best experience of your life and why? And I expect at least a paragraph response!

Tough question. Whenever someone asks me this I can never think of what to answer because there are so many good experiences in my life, and to pick the best is really really hard because they had been good experiences for a lot of different reasons. I suppose if I really have to pick it would be the chance I had to attend English-speaking international schools for most of my school career, instead of boring Vietnamese schools. This opened a lot of doors for me right now and in the future as well, especially when it gave me a chance to properly learn English and now speak it fluently. That made getting into university abroad much easier (though IB helped with that too, I guess :S ). Also allowed me to have friends from different countries and cultures and to learn more about them.

(There’s your paragraph :S )

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