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When do predicted grades matter?


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It depends on the country you want to study in. If you're going to the UK, you apply between September and January and they give you conditional offers based on your predicted grades (and if you meet the offer when IB results come out, you get accepted). In other countries such as Finland and Germany, you only apply to universities after results come out (so universities look only at your final grades). I'm sure this is the same in many countries.

If you're considering an American university, you apply the same time as for UK universities, but you must have SAT results by then (you usually take the SAT several times in IB1 and IB2, it's an external exam you pay for and it's only for the US). American universities look at your GPA as well (your overall high school grade average), which doesn't include predicted grades but only the grades you have gotten on your report cards.

Also, if you get extremely sick right before IB exams and are unable to take them because you have pneumonia or something similar, the IB awards you your predicted gardes instead of making you rewrite exams later. This rarely happens, and only in cases of extreme illness.

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Thanks for the replies.

I'm living in Norway, and it seems that they only look at the final results here. I'm looking into universities in the UK, so there was my main concern. So the predicted grades we get towards the end of this semester are not the ones we send in, because I know that I am able to do better than my predicted grades.

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If you apply to the UK, teachers predict grades for you when you apply for university. You usually don't get to see them, because your IB coordinator/college counselor has separate access to your UCAS account and they enter your reference and predicted grades after you have finished with your section of the application.

Our teachers didn't use the grades we got on our reports at the end of IB1, since they can be affected by you not doing HW and so on. Unfortunately, you don't get a say in your predicted grades. The teachers decide based on your past performance and how much they think you will improve before exams.

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Quick question... the predicted grades are the grades that you get after the autumn mock exams, right? I just took the spring ones, and I was just wanting to make sure that it's the FALL ones that count. :) Does anyone know about policies for Australia? I'm not sure when you have to apply for uni there, so I don't know what grades they would be looking at. :D

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In Australia I think things are a bit different. For local students (and anyone doing November session exams I guess) IB results are given out just before first round university offers come out IIRC, so predicted grades don't matter. I don't think that when applying for a course, your predicted grades or subjects actually matter, as the requirements for getting into a course are the same for everyone regardless of if they are doing the IB or not, you just apply and if you get the required UAI (or ENTER or w/e it is in other states) then you get an offer.

Of course for international students it may be a bit different, but fi you take the IB then I would imagine that your IB score would just be converted to a UAI (or other state equivalent) and offers would be given according to that. IIRC, international students may have higher UAI requirements for some courses.

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Ok, thanks! I found a page today converting the IB final grade into some ranking thing used in Australia, so I guess that's how it works. :P It doesn't really change how I'll prepare for the fall mocks... lots of studying anyways!

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Ok, thanks! I found a page today converting the IB final grade into some ranking thing used in Australia, so I guess that's how it works. :D It doesn't really change how I'll prepare for the fall mocks... lots of studying anyways!

heyy, im also planning on applying to a uni in australia. is it possible, if you still have the link of course, for you to give me the link to those websites?

thanks in advance :D

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Ok, thanks! I found a page today converting the IB final grade into some ranking thing used in Australia, so I guess that's how it works. :D It doesn't really change how I'll prepare for the fall mocks... lots of studying anyways!

heyy, im also planning on applying to a uni in australia. is it possible, if you still have the link of course, for you to give me the link to those websites?

thanks in advance :D

I've come across it before when I was searching for the OSSD conversion. If I recall correctly, 6s ad 7s were mid/high 90s so just aim for those. :D Much nicer than the conversion we use in Ontario, anyway.

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