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Should I move to the US to increase my acceptance chances?

Maurice Ravel

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Today, two people with 45 predicted scores at our school didn't get into Harvard. I was so sad for them. One other person got in though and he is a complete retard (lower score and SAT score + snobby behaviour + presidencies of random clubs that he didn't even deserve because he missed all the meetings and sh*t)....sooooo...I am happy for the guy. He's still smart with anybody's standards, but it seems like American universities pick international students at random. Or otherwise, they're too picky with specifics.

I might have a chance of living with an uncle or an aunt in the US for my entire senior year in some Washington IB school IF that really affects the odds.

Do you think it would make any difference? I feel like the low percentage of international admissions coupled with the huge number of applications from outside are living a bad taste in my mouth... :ot:


I'm Canadian by the way.

Edited by Maurice Ravel
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^lol dry. what are u goin into? if ur goin into meds or w/e. the health sci program at mcmaster is pretty good. the school's **** but like the program is pretty good in comparison to other pre-meds around the world.

Lol I'm in my first year of health sci at Mac right now. Don't come here if you're not up for billions of group projects though. Health sci is all about peer collaboration and learning from each other.

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You know, Mr Maurice Ravel, you can :angel: If you cannot take on other people's sentiments and criticism, I dare say that you won't be able to do anything in life. Because of your argumentative and abusive nature, I am placing your account under a weeks suspension. And let this be a notice, abuse of other members on this forum will not be tolerated.

The same goes for you Irene, you have no right to call other members' words.

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kay everyone should chill out and answer the guy's question. Maurice Ravel, find out if your grade 9/10/11 grades from Canada or w/e will be included in ur GPA if you do decide to go to an american high school next yr. or if u start clean? :o lol i doubt u do but yeah find that out.

if u dont start clean, and u dont have the best grades then idk, i think i'd stay here. if u have pretty good grades then u should consider it. but again, its gonna be a lot of $$$ + ur moving away from ur family and stuff and just think twice about those things as well. hope this helped.

p.s what are u plannin on goin into?

Edited by bescherelle
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