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Ideas for a senior prank?


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man i would love to do the bouncy ball thing in our school. except that we would probably get expelled, some poor guy got expelled the day before valedictory day :unsure: our headmaster's a control freak.

but he retired last year and the new guy seems a bit more laidback so hopefully we'll be allowed.

last wk for our headmaster's bday we threw streamers into the atrium in one of the main buildings (its 3 storeys and there are classrooms and walkways on the sides only which leaves a HUGE empty space in the middle, think middle of a staircase just alot larger obviously)

it was really fun~ and the mess wasn't that bad either.

balloons might be a good idea to xO

varies on the structure of your buildings though~

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My class is thinking of doing an IB sernior run.Basically, all the seniors gang up then run through the halls in one mob.The thing is, we have 15 people in my graduating IB class.It's not exactly a prank either, but it's pretty funny.

I like the bouncy ball idea. I would go for the animal one with numbers, but i think it'd be bordering on cruel.

Last year's class put washing liquid in the school fountain.if you do it right, it can work out.But you'd need a fountain and a really frothy one at that.ours didnt work because ours was a pretty 'calm' fountain.

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My sister and I were thinking of getting some classmates together to record them singing our school song (which is a really old, Latin song from like the 1600s,) put some kind of a beat to it, do the whole playback thing so it sounds like Alvin and the Chipmunks, and then play it over our school's sound system.

Our school is very new and small...only about 25-30 of us in Year 13, so it would be difficult to do any big pranks, I think.

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At my school the seniors drilled all the toilet doors shut. And someone did a nudie run.

The most hilarious thing though was that our school has a newsletter called 'the vine' and some of the seniors made their own version -- 'the wine'. It was filled with in jokes but it was so funny. Another year the students dissappeared. The whole class just hid and the teachers went ballistic.

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  • 1 month later...

I simply must jump in here!

At a school i went to in England, their 6th form class stole all the coffee mugs from the staff room and left a nice note on the table which said that they would return them all (in one piece) if they were dismissed early...

Their demands were met... All teachers need their morning fix :ot:

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If you can get a cow, walk it upstairs, into the highest building in the school. Then the cow can't get down unless someone carries it. :]

LOOOL. They did that at Guelph University in Ontario, (Canada). They have a farm-thing, and they stole a bunch of cows and led them upstairs. They had to take them out with a crane:P

Edited by LinuxBeta
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  • 4 weeks later...

Chances are someone is going to get a car early for graduation. Find someone with a black car expensive looking and put some kind of flag up on the car. Then have everyone dress up in some black outfit (Preferably suit) wearing black sunglasses and wearing one of those stupid blue tooth headsets and have them pretend to escort the car into the school. Teachers will be going "WTF?" seeing the black car being escorted possible thinking that it may be some kind of diplomat (Depending on how incompetent they are) and when everyone comes outside. Have someone come out dressed in a clown suit.


Now I know this is a stupid prank and will probably won't work because most teachers aren't 'that' incompetent. But if you have gullible teachers, who knows... Maybe it could work.

Either that or have 50 people come to school wearing shirts saying "I'm da bomb."

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Haha that trick would work everywhere except in my school because a) No one gets their own car in this country, it's not the US and b) If people thought it was a diplomat (likely in my school, one boy's father is the prime minister), there would ahve to be security guards (suppose we could ask some 11th graders to dress up as some).

I wanted to call in a bomb alert to the school or leave a suspicious package lying around and then scream "Bomb!" But that's actually not a great idea because then the Israeli bomb squad get called and they close off the entire street (this happens a lot in McDonalds for some reason, someone always forgets their bag there) and I'd probably be arrested.

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This would take a lot of guts... but its awesome if you pull it off: (Ive seen it done)

You need about 20 students and portable speakers. Get together a danceable playlist/cd with mainly pop music and on your last day of school go around classes, start the speakers and get your fellow classmates to really dance... you can get really extreme and start pushing files and things off desks and dancing on them - it turns out quite cool when done properly, but if half of you start chickening out or whatever it really stinks

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