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I have a IA topic in mind, though is it ok to investigate this?

To what extent was the invasion of Grenada of 1983 Reagan's Cuban Missile Crisis? / Compare (and contrast) the invasion of Grenada in 1983 to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.


To what extent was the invasion of Grenada of 1983 in line with the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine of 1905?

Would any of these work?

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Hey there,

For the first question, what do you imply by saying it was Reagan's Cuban Missile Crisis? Since there were no missile crisis in Grenada at all, the invasion was initiated by the US, and no nuclear bombs, it would be silly to call it a 'Cuban Missile Crisis'. I would steer away from this question.

When it comes to the second one (compare and contrast), it's certainly better than the first one. What's the rationale behind this comparative analysis, though? Why is it historically relevant to compare these two conflicts? Also, although this would work as a topic, you need to formulate a research question.

The third question is, in my opinion, the best question of the three, question-wise. I am not knowledgeable about this, but one question to ask is how relevant the doctrine was in the 1980s. According to a Wikipedia page on the Roosevelt Corollary, it seems like this doctrine was weakened in the late 1920s. It was succeeded by the Good Neighbour Policy, which itself was abandoned with the dawn of the Cold War. Under Reagan, you had the Reagan Doctrine. Since it seems like the doctrine you're speaking about was abandoned, you need to explain why it was relevant under Reagan's leadership. If you don't, then you will not demonstrate that your research has any relevance, defeating the point of the research in the first place. 


Good luck! 

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