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I'm doing my math IA on comparing growth of other animals compared to humans because humans reach maturity a lot later than other animals, so I thought it would be interesting. Unfortunately, I really don't know where to go from there, and my rough draft is due Tuesday. I figured I could do exponential curves and compare them, but that's definitely not enough math. Or maybe I could find a logarithmic function from them? But I don't know how I could compare them. Another thing is my other animal is a golden retrievers because I thought it would be easy to find data, but all I found was this http://www.goldenretrieverclubofsandiegocounty.org/Slow_Grow.php


I am confused and freaking out. I just need a mathematical way to compare their growth.

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Well if you think you don't have enough data, I would suggest changing the animal that you're comparing human growth to. 

As for the mathematical part, what I did for my IA is finding my own function for the growth of a disease in one country based on the given function of the growth of the disease of another country. So you could do that with humans (which could be your given) and then compare their growth to retrievers by creating your own function and talk about which transformations you use to change values for the "unknown" function. It shows personal engagement and a lot of math (that's at a high enough level for standard math).

That's just a suggestion, do you think that could work?


Oh, and then I extrapolated data to compare the future growths of the disease in both countries to add more to the mathematical section of the investigation. 

Edited by IbTrojan
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Based on what I understand, 

If you have a logarithmic function, all you need to do is compare the data you have on that graph and compare it to that of the other (human or retriever's) growth. You could plot out the points on the one you need to make a function for and then use the base of whichever function you think suits the data best (so logarithmic for you) and then compare to see how they are different using transformations of a function.


Did that answer your question or have I misinterpreted? 

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