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G4 Theme is..... Entertainment and Amusement?


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Hi everyone, so I'm a grade 12 Physics student and for G4 this year we have to choose a topic related to Amusement and Entertainment. The topic we pick has to relate to chemistry and Physics (Half the group does the Physics half does the Chem) and to be honest I have no clue on what to do.We need to think of a topic ASAP and no one has any ideas. Any help would be welcome.

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Carnival rides- The chemistry team could look at something to do with energy in carnival food or materials used for rides, and the physics team do something to do with rides such as velocity required to do a loop on a roller coaster and the radius of that loop

Music / sound- how far sound travels through different materials. Does curve of speaker affect how loud a sound is produced. something to do with guitar string vibration and materials

Sports- Again you could do energy in food related experiments, Best material to make a baseball bat, tennis racket etc out of. Projectile motion in sports experiments. Paper planes

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Well the term "Amusement and Entertainment" is pretty vague to me. Do you mean actual physical entertainment or can it be entertainment acquired from TV or reading a book (non physical entertainment activity.) I will try to help you, but it might be wrong due to my understanding of the topic.

1)Biology or chemistry:Generally, when people are entertained or happy, they release the hormone Dopamine. Dopamine is hormone which induces pleasure. You can do some research about that and discuss the chemical properties of dopamine and its effect on the human body. If you can relate it to sports, you can relate it to sport drinks and energy intake.

2)Physics: well, with physics you can go everywhere. From the physics of sports to amusement parks , khimberleigh summed it up pretty well! :)

Good luck with your Group 4! it was loads of fun when i did it!

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