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I'm just in the process of finishing up my final draft for my IA type II portfolio for November, and I'm facing a bit of an issue.

The other day, I googled the portfolio just to find out how others had gone about it to get a second perspective, and I found one that started the process very similar to the way I've done mine. Of course, it moved on to like writing up a program for verification and things, which I didn't. But the first three, "simple steps" and the general formula are rather similar.

Now I'm worried that because this work is already on the internet, the examiners may think I plagiarised. While I do NOT want to start the portfolio again, and my final is due this Friday, I'm also not willing to jeopardize my diploma.

So my question is - there's obviously a finite number of ways a math problem can be tackled, so what do examiners do when they find two very VERY similar pieces of work? Will this affect my work, and result in a sanction? Can a mere coincidence result in a plagiarism issue?

What bothers me the most is that it's easily accessible on the internet, which may cause examiners to think it was copied.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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I understand that but the thing is you can't predict how they will react. It's better to prevent them thinking anything as opposed to keeping your fingers crossed! Good luck!

I see what you mean, but I don't see how I can work out an entire portfolio with a different perspective when it's due in a couple of days.

What baffles me is that this is my own work - I bothered a lot of people, googled things like mad, but ultimately did it almost entirely on my own. I don't see why I should be sanctioned because someone else decided to put their work on the internet, and our works are rather similar. I seem to be risking penalties just because my work is submitted later.

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I'm done my Maths, but most of the time, people don't get caught. I know of certain moral-less people who copied (and bragged about) a lot of material off the internet for previous IAs, and they didn't get caught. Only a couple of portfolios are sent for moderation and from my perspective, you didn't plagiarize anyone's work intentionally (if it's not word by word). Honestly, it's just a portfolio and it's hard enough to come up with super innovate ways to solve them. I wouldn't worry if I were you.

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