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I started with my ee (just now ) in philosophy and I really need a help with the topic.

my first idea was to do it about genetic engineering in humans but I find it really hard to focus on a question.

I was thinking about changing the topic to "Is it moral to have an abortion ? "

what do you think about the question or about the topics

any help will be great !

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I would stay away from the Abortion/gay/whatever-upsets-people-the-most -topics. And I honestly think that it will be REALLY hard to get a good grade of an abortion EE. Saying it's immoral/moral to do an abortion will upset people, because it has a lot to do with religion. And saying something in their religious aspects are immoral or moral is highly disrespecful, because we all come from different backgrounds, ie. those things start wars :ivan:

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Do you take Philosophy as an IB course?

Stuff like "Is it moral to _____" are really less about philosophy and more about religion and people's personal opinions. In the case of abortion it's more about opinions than actually cutting through philosophical principles and perspectives, and you really only do well in Philosophy by making it 100% analysis. If you take the course I'm sure you'll understand what I mean. Philosophy is to morals what the english language is to laws.

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