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HELP! Should I take dance SL?


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Hi everyone, I'm going to take IB this September, and I'm really confused if I should take dance SL. I feel that I'm quite interested in it, but it's just a kind of feeling...cuz I don't have any prior experience in performance or appreciation of dance. And as it's a pilot subject, I suppose there isn't much related material I can refer to..? I really need help!! Thanks.

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Are you telling me that dance is a legit option in the IB? :o i never knew! I think that if ur interested, u should go for it! Also, if this september is going to be your 1st year in IB, then u have the freedom of choosing ur HL subjects at the beginning of ur in the 2nd year of IBe. So u have time to decide between SL and HL.

Also, if u do HL dance u most likely wont have an 'exam' but a longer oral presentation and i personally think thats brilliant!

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plus, I'm wondering if I don't choose a group 6 subject, will the universities think that I'm not well rounded..? You see I'm in China and most students don't choose arts...

Any advice will be appreciated!! PLEASE HELP!!

Are you telling me that dance is a legit option in the IB? :o i never knew! I think that if ur interested, u should go for it! Also, if this september is going to be your 1st year in IB, then u have the freedom of choosing ur HL subjects at the beginning of ur in the 2nd year of IBe. So u have time to decide between SL and HL.

Also, if u do HL dance u most likely wont have an 'exam' but a longer oral presentation and i personally think thats brilliant!

yep.. it is a legit option!! right listed on my course selection form... just a pilot subject, so im worrying there aint much i can refer to...

and thx for your advince~ :D

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Universities here in Australia usually just look at ur final IB mark not exactly what subjects u took (except for pre-requisites for uni). Now, its's up to you to decide on whether u want to do another science, humanity or language but I suggest to do what you prefer as you are bound to get better marks in the subjects you enjoy! That way, ur more likely to get a higher mark at the end.

On the other hand, coming from an asian background, I know that parents prefer you to take another science and its alright (im taking physics and chem) but you need to look at hat you want to be and which subjects you think will make you more prepared for that career. Its a bit of both ur interests, and ur future career that should be reflected in ur choice of subjects.

Also, you could do it for about a week or two and then swap to another subject instead...as long as your school allows that! That way, you can try dance for a while and then make up your mind for sure :)

I hope you choose the subjects that are right for you!

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Dance is a lot of work, don't underestimate it! I'm doing Dance HL as an extra certificate outside my DP, and I consistently practice/research/write/journal about it.

I don't have any prior experience in performance or appreciation of dance.

I honestly wouldn't suggest doing Dance SL/HL if you have little to no prior experience with technical dancing, both theory and practice. I was formally trained in Kathak (indian classical dance) since the age of 6, and I LOVE it, which is why I chose to do Dance HL.

In fact, even in the like IB syllabus outline for Dance SL/HL, they suggest that you have some experience. Here's an extract from it:

Prior learning
While prior dance experience is not mandatory at SL, it is recommended. At HL it is very strongly recommended.
The Diploma Programme dance course is designed to offer students the opportunity to build on prior experience in dance while encouraging a broad approach to the subject. Supporting the principles of the IB mission statement, which aims to foster student appreciation of diverse world cultures and traditions, the course allows the possibility to choose a specific dance style to study in depth.
IB Diploma Programme dance provides an appropriate foundation for further study in dance history, theory and practice at university level, or in dance career pathways. It also provides an enriching and valuable course of study for students who may pursue other careers. This course also provides all students with the opportunity to engage in the world of dance as lifelong participants.
A huge huge chunk of Dance (SL and HL) is creating and composing your own dance routines and showcasing them. It is a creatively taxing course that takes up a lot of time and thought. Not to mention the 2,500-word research paper on comparing dance forms.
I know they say that for SL prior knowledge isn't essential, but seriously, from my own experience, having no background in Dance can be detrimental to doing well in this course. Unless like you have an amazing IB Dance teacher (which I don't).
Mull it over before you make a decision.
Edited by Erudite
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@ IBfreakingout!

thx for your help! it's just that whether dance or another course will not have much relation with my major...but we've got several weeks to finally decide our choices, and maybe i'll try that~


wow huge thanks!! and I'm amazed at your scores... You are probably right because I didn't learn anything about dance, not to mention composing by myself :(

Sadly we don't have music. I've actually learnt improvisation...

ps I'm heading for India this September :D

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