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Can someone please give me a title for my history IA to do with Edith Carvell?

Majeed Aschkar

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Can someone please give me a title for my history IA to do with Edith Carvell?

I have to give in an IA topic for history very soon and i would really appreciate it if someone could help me come up with a question to do with Edith Carvell's assassination during world war one and how to cause many people to side against germany.

The IA question should begin with "to what extent.."

"To what extent did Edith Carvell's death lead to ..."

I just have trouble putting the words together, Thank you!

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It's hard to come up with an exact question since you haven't told us many details about your IA or what it contains or what conclusion you reached, but maybe something like "To what extent did Edith Carvell's death lead to anti-German sentiment during World War I?"

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Why is 'to what extent' needed? Think twice before making it a TWE, maybe - as a TWE question requires you to look at the other factors as well. For example, TWE did factor x cause WW1 would make you look at factor x, factor y, and factor z before concluding which was responsible. 'How successful' or 'how important' seem to be more common for history IA titles.

Hope this helps, but bear in mind the people here aren't actually allowed to do the work and think of the title, just try and help you shape it :)

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Why is 'to what extent' needed? Think twice before making it a TWE, maybe - as a TWE question requires you to look at the other factors as well. For example, TWE did factor x cause WW1 would make you look at factor x, factor y, and factor z before concluding which was responsible. 'How successful' or 'how important' seem to be more common for history IA titles.

Hope this helps, but bear in mind the people here aren't actually allowed to do the work and think of the title, just try and help you shape it :)

Gonna agree here. Not saying that TWE questions aren't possible, or even necessary sometimes, but as I've heard from IB graders, and from history teachers alike, they get an absurd amount of them. And a lot completely unneeded...

Now, as glau-ski already said, OP didn't give that much info on the topic, but from what it seems like, TWE could be a valid examination. Either that, or something like "what role did Edith Carvells death play in... (furthering/establishing an anti german movement/sentiment... that's where your research/interest would create the question).


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