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History MYP IA: The Apartheid


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Hey everyone!

I'm having a really hard time formulating a question for my first history IA. All I am sure about right now is that I want it to be focused around the apartheid. So far I came up with the following research question:

1. Why did the Afrikaners develop the rules and regulations of the apartheid?

2. How did the Afrikaners regulate the much larger indigenous population during the Apartheid?

Are the questions any good at all? If so, which one would bring out the better result?

Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I honestly don't think you'd be able to get very much out of either question. They're very basic and can be answered in 4-5 sentences. If you want to do something about apartheid, you can examine the effect of something on apartheid or the effect of apartheid on something (that's usually the best formula for formulating History questions).

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