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Historical investigation


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Well, I have to decide on the topic for my historical investigation. It is really hard to find a good and interesting one. I was thinking about the Cuban Missile Crisis but it is hard to form a proper research question.. Heeeelp :(

Edited by Maryam-alkhalaf
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Well, I have to decide on the topic for my historical investigation. It is really hard to find a good and interesting one. I was thinking about the Cuban Missile Crisis but it is hard to form a proper research question.. Heeeelp :(

Don't we all? :P

I would suggest brainstorming a bit more or giving us a few more details on what you need help on. The Cuban Missile Crisis is a very large topic and it requires some more narrowing down. We can't give you answers or do the work for you. If you develop something more, perhaps we can help guide you more. What exactly do you need help on?

Questions could start out with something like :

"To what extent/In what way/How did ___group________ cause/influence (or whatever you are trying to investigate) ___name of conflict or event____ in date ?

So I don't know, you could evaluate in what way did the American implication alter the missile crisis? Or talk about a specific operation like the Anadyr Operation.

Your question should be an open question where there isn't a yes/no answer. And don't forget, this topic has been done a lot before, so just keep that in mind.

Hope that helps


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what do you think about these two topics then?

1. How significant was John F Kennedy's role in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962?

2. To what extent was the Cold War a product of Stalin's foreign policy?

I am not sure if these topics are good for a historical investigation.

I know that it has been done a lot before, but what else can I write about? :(

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Those are still really broad. The first one is better than the second at the moment. :)

You could use this for a starting point and accept the fact that it will change over the course of your research, then use either of these as a starting block for your essay.

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what do you think about these two topics then?

1. How significant was John F Kennedy's role in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962?

2. To what extent was the Cold War a product of Stalin's foreign policy?

I am not sure if these topics are good for a historical investigation.

I know that it has been done a lot before, but what else can I write about? :(

Just like what aangel said. It is still a bit broad. But I do like the first choice as well. Don't forget, this is an IA, make sure you chose something specific enough that you can analyze it within 600-650 words (If I'm correct with that word count). Dig some more, I'm sure it will come to you! :)

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hmm.. do you advice me to write about the Russian tsars? I want to work with something that help me with my final exam :)

thank you very much for the help =)

You can basically do anything you want. And that might be a very smart choice if you want to improve your chances of success in the Final Exam. If you choose to do Russian tsars, try to really make your question very concise and specific. Narrow it down to a specific event or a movement. And be sure to find Primary sources that you can analyze. :D

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