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Obligatory CAS activity


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Hello, at my IB school there has been a few problems with previous IB classes being to slow with finishing their CAS acitvities so this year they(the school) have implemented a policy that we'll have to participate in the school choir for CAS, they say it's obligatory. I already have all my CAS activites sorted so the choir is superfluous but a person in my class spoke to our CAS cordinator who said something along the lines


it's not my problem if they won't come, you come to choir otherwise you won't pass CAS--->no diploma" I'm serious, come to the choir, it's not about if you can sing or not. It's now about if you want to pass ib

Is that really possible? That if we dont participate we fail CAS and IB?

Thanks for reading and looking forward to anwsers!

/ Slavodja

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  • 3 weeks later...

My school has the same situation; we have to be a part of a Service group through the school in order to get our diplomas, and there is only one group, School "Beautification" (basically cleaning and mopping the hallways). For me, this isn't a problem... it's only 30 minutes of my time every week.

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Hello, at my IB school there has been a few problems with previous IB classes being to slow with finishing their CAS acitvities so this year they(the school) have implemented a policy that we'll have to participate in the school choir for CAS, they say it's obligatory. I already have all my CAS activites sorted so the choir is superfluous but a person in my class spoke to our CAS cordinator who said something along the lines


it's not my problem if they won't come, you come to choir otherwise you won't pass CAS--->no diploma" I'm serious, come to the choir, it's not about if you can sing or not. It's now about if you want to pass ib

Is that really possible? That if we dont participate we fail CAS and IB?

Thanks for reading and looking forward to anwsers!

/ Slavodja

Well I would say go with it. If that is what your IB coordi says then their word should be taken for it. Because in the end, your IB coordi, is the one who will approve your CAS activity or project.

But If you are very keen on standing our ground, and don't want to join the school choir, prove to your IB coordi that you are ahead in your CAS project and activities. Prove to them that you are prepared and organized unlike the previous IB students.

Because I believe the main reason why they are trying to enforce that to you guys is because they want to authenticate your CAS activities and don't want anything last minute like what happened in the previous years. Show them and convince them, that way you can do your own thing.

Best of luck!

Funny10sport :)

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From what I know, all the CAS activities are obligatory. She probably meant that you have to keep up with the activity to get enough hours and whatnot. Plus, if she says go then it's best to go because in the end she is the one who determines whether you did well with CAS or not. So, I suggest you go. (:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest HayashiEsme

The rebel in me would say not to go, but I'm afraid that your IB Coordinator isn't going to be able to see both sides - especially if she's got your Diploma to threaten you with. I think it goes against everything the IB tries to teach, but what're you going to do if all your efforts might go down the drain for "playing truant"

Edited by HayashiEsme
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Probably you should go to speak to your IB Coordinator personally with some proof that you're all set to achieve the hours without doing the choir. Just going by word-of-mouth from a classmate isn't necessarily going to give you the most appropriate answer. My guess is that the IBC just wants everybody to be guaranteed the hours and that is why they're saying that you'll fail the diploma otherwise, so it would be a good idea to test this out.

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