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Vietnam war research question help


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Our teacher demands we have our research question ready but I can't come up with anything good. I'm leaning towards the vietnam war since I have alot of interest in it and have done alot of research on it but the only question I can come up with why and how did the us get involved. Ontop of my lack on interest for that particular question I don't think it would make for a good investigation. The major problem here is coming up with a question that is 'narrow' or specific enough to do an investigation on while still being an interesting and good topic.

Need help, Thanks.

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How about who was responsible for the escalation of the US's involvement in the war? Or how the war ended: the extent of who was responsible in the USA's withdrawal e.g. the Anti-war movement. The significance of the Tet offensive? The significance of the media in the USA's withdrawal (their deception outraged the US citizens)?

There's loads to do about the Vietnam, I am doing mine atm on it.

Good luck!

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yeah im doing mine now too, on Nixon, the president who was at the end to the war, It was Lyndon B Johnson who was responsible for the escalation of the war, you could have a question like to what extent was johnson responsible for the escalation of the Vietnam war? Reasons to why he was and why he wasn't. Look at his policies and what he did to escalate the war, and then you could look at other factors, like due to the deep involvement in the war, the escalation was necessary to win the war, but keep in mind that US did not win the war, Nixon's policy of Vietnamization was to transfer the responsibility of defence from the US troops to the South Vietnamese troops, this way he could slowly withdraw US troops, so it didn't look like US had lost. If you read some speeches it could help, i recommend this book called Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War by Robert J. Mcmahon. It contains speeches, original documents and essays that are very useful, both first hand and second hand sources.

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