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Interview: Who are you?


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1. What is your real name?

Nadirah Quintanar

2. Where are you from?

Chicago, USA

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

The ever useful Google

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

Forums rock my world, though I'm never a major contributor and I saw this as an opportunity to change that, especially since we've all got something huge in common.oh and it's much cooler than TSR (The student room)

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

I'm not sure- I think it was last month, but I could be wrong

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

History HL

7. When are you graduating?


8. What are your plans for university?

Cornell, for pre-med, fingers crossed

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

reading, writing,running

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

It's fantastic as it is, but I'd break up the chat section a bit more.

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1. What is your real name?

Hanna [not Hannah or Hana or Hanah] :dunno:

2. Where are you from?

Tallinn, Estonia [currently live in Holland]

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

Google, I was looking for help with EE stuff

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

idk, I always register everywhere

5. When did you (approximately) register here?


6. What is your favourite IB subject?

em, I would say history, if I had a different teacher

7. When are you graduating?


8. What are your plans for university?

Something in UK maybe ? not sure yet, but probably going to study journalism or a modern language.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

DANCING! & sleeping && partying (:

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

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1. What is your real name?


2. Where are you from?


3. How did you find out about IB Survival?


4. What made you register on IB Survival?

Being able to get help and ideas about subjects from past and present IB students.

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

Today lol.

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

Either English HL, German Ab Initio, Biology HL or TOK :):unsure:

7. When are you graduating?

November 2009

8. What are your plans for university?

Either Medicine or Pharmacy

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

What freetime? :D jks. Umm... reading and chillin with friends

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

I don't know yet. Just found this place :D

Edited by raaarrrr
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1. What is your real name?


2. Where are you from?


3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

Googled for IB

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

To be able to talk to people who know what IB is about

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

Summer 2008

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

Chemistry, ToK

7. When are you graduating?

May 2010

8. What are your plans for university?

Would like to study German in Germany or even better, Austria

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Play in orchestras

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

I thinks it's fine as it is

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1. What is your real name?

Xandra (from Alexandra, pronounced zandra)

2. Where are you from?

Lower-Mainland BC, Canada (Shout out to all the other BC kids here!)

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?


4. What made you register on IB Survival?

Can't post without registering.

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

a month or so ago, I think. I wanted to talk french in the "parlez-vous" thread.

6. What is your favourite IB subject?


7. When are you graduating?

Next year.

8. What are your plans for university?

Medecine at UofC, hopefully.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Guitar(electric), artwork(6 years now), work (line-cook at a restaurant), and partying(we can't be keeners all the time).

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

I dunno. I'm still new here.

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1. What is your real name?


2. Where are you from?

I was born in Fiji. I now live in the US. I am part Fijian, Tongan, Swedish, English, Scottish, Portuguese, and Spanish.

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

Random searches on google about IB stuff.

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

One of my friends and IA issues.

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

Not too long ago, but I had first been on the site a while ago.

6. What is your favourite IB subject?


7. When are you graduating?

May 2009

8. What are your plans for university?

I plan to major in petroleum engineering.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Hanging out with friends; ice-skating; swimming; playing volleyball, soccer, badminton, tennis; drawing; and just trying out new things.

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

To not categorize people by V.I.P., Newbie, etc. As a newbie, am I sub-human? since I don't have access to documents posted on this site...

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1. What is your real name?

Samantha. :3

2. Where are you from?

The Happiest Place on Earth -- New Jersey

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

One of my IB friends told me about it over AIM. 8D

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

The idea of being in a community with kids who are suffering/thriving as much as you are is just too epic to pass up.

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

Abouuut...five minutes ago? 8D;

6. What is your favorite IB subject?

I'm really enjoying English, History, and TOK. (No, I can't pick just one. ;); )

7. When are you graduating?


8. What are your plans for university?

I'm really still deciding. I'm looking into different Asian Studies programs, because that's what I'd like to major in. :]

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Watching anime/reading manga, writing, singing, bowling, watching paint dry...

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

Well, I just got here, so I can't really say if I'd change anything. +_+; Everything looks good to me!

Edited by Laborare Nolo
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1. What is your real name?

Sierra! ^_^

2. Where are you from?

U.S. Ha I'm not from Afganistan... I need to fix that lol

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

One of my crazy IB friends. I freaked out that there was a mental support site for IB. LOL

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

Well why not!? It's psychological support... haha

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

Today! 8-)

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

TOK. We get to drink tea in that class.... LOL

7. When are you graduating?

2010!! And it could not come fast enough... haha

8. What are your plans for university?

PhD or Masters :D

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Volunteering at a therapeutic riding center, reading, drawing, music, randomly dancing... :nerd:

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

Idk I just got here! :)

Edited by Sierra17
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1. What is your real name?

Ahmad Abu Mohammad

2. Where are you from?


3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

Goggle Search Engine

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

I have seen that it was a helping site both towards you and towards other IBers

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

November 08

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

Biology HL

7. When are you graduating?


8. What are your plans for university?

NYU,UCLA,UT of Austin,Cornell (cross my fingers!!)

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Haning out with friends

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

Remove all inactive members that havent posted or opened in three months

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Guest IBonit
Well, I came up with a thought that it'd be nice to know a bit more about our users here, so I came up with this topic.

What you're supposed to do is pretty simple - copy&paste the questions below and then answer next to them. Feel free to skip any questions you don't want to answer.

1. What is your real name?

Mona (maw-nuh)

2. Where are you from?

USA :)

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

I was moments from killing myself because of the math project, so i resorted to google.

and here i am now. survivin.

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

ah, i wasn't ready to die.

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

approximately? 2 minutes ago.

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

I like history. Our teacher is amazing.

7. When are you graduating?


8. What are your plans for university?

I really have no idea what I want to do with my life...

I'd like to go out to California to study, and then head overseas for a while. Possibly Spain.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

I have a vibrant social life along with church, photography, music, reading, poetry & watching anything funny. mostly stand up, and the office.

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

I haven't been here all that long. It's not bad.

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1. What is your real name?

Not important.

2. Where are you from?

Bulgaria, living in Canada

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

A friend.

4. What made you register on IB Survival?


5. When did you (approximately) register here?

Like yesterday... ish?

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

So I see you're trying to be funny with your oxymoron... :/

7. When are you graduating?

In 3 months! :(

8. What are your plans for university?

Party. After IB, nothing could be so hard, so I think I'll have lots of free time.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

To be decided when I HAVE free time.

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

I would make myself a mod... just because I apparently can :(

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1. What is your real name?

Eh. No one really has to know.

2. Where are you from?

Manitoba, Canada…also known as the Flattest Place on Earth.

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

I honestly can’t recall. I discovered it roughly 2 years ago, and my memory is deplorable, so naturally, I have no clue.

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

Partly because of boredom. Partly because I wanted international perspectives on IB and such. Partly because that’s where the cool kids hang (?).

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

Valentine’s Day (ish) of this year.

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

I LOVE Theory of Knowledge, which likely puts me in a minoity. :) I’m also partial to Math and English.

7. When are you graduating?

May 2009! Yeesh. So close. *panic attack*

8. What are your plans for university?

I plan to either start studying some intense chemistry and get myself into pharmacy, or attend business school and become an accountant. I’m still mulling over various possibilities.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

I spend a lot of time dancing (ballet, jazz, ballroom, and Internation Latin)…it’s something I’ve done ever since I was knee-high to a pig’s eye. :unsure: I also love to write. Always have, always will. Some of my other interests include reading, stargazing, generally being a dork with friends and Le Boy, doing Sudokus like a fiend, cleaning (yes…this is a hobby), playing tennis, and baking. *nods*

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

I don’t believe that I’ve been here long enough to start throwing out suggestions for improvement, if you know what I mean.

Edited by DeStijl
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1. What is your real name?


2. Where are you from?

Wherever the Army sends my dad.

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

I was having issues w/ my Math IA, and I googled for help!

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

I wanted to talk to more IB kids!

5. When did you (approximately) register here?


6. What is your favourite IB subject?

Spanish B HL

7. When are you graduating?

This year! Woot yeah 2009 baby!

8. What are your plans for university?

Wheaton College in IL

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

singing, watching movies, reading books, hanging with friends, ect.

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

nothing at this point!

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1. What is your real name?


2. Where are you from?

Somerset, England

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

A friend of mine, mutleycar I think.

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

Dunno. Impulse?

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

About half an hour ago.

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

History, HL.

7. When are you graduating?


8. What are your plans for university?

History and Politics at Oxbridge or LSE, so the plan goes.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Musics, drama, the interwebs.

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

I've been here for, what, thirty-five minutes?

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Hey, guys.

1. What is your real name?

Farouk Farouk

2. Where are you from?

Miami, Florida, USA. My Parents are originally from Nigeria.

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

Actually, I was trying to find out a certain case for my Business and Management SL class, and it led me here. I was really interested in the site, all the help you guys provide... I wanted to join, so I could help and get help as well. :)

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

IB is not just about endless work, in my opinion. When you're in IB, the fellow peers you work with are really close to you, almost like a family. I figured that all IB students, no matter where in the world, are the same way. So I joined to become even part of a bigger family.

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

Um... just today, actually! :)

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

It would have to be IB Biology HL. Not an easy class, but the most interesting.

7. When are you graduating?

I'll be graduating in 2010. :)

8. What are your plans for university?

Hopefully, i want to go out of state, mabye study Medicine or Computer Engineering. I'm gonna shoot for some Ivy League places (Columbia, Duke), and others as well. If I can't do that, then I'll most likely be oging to an instate college, probably FIU.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

I love to play guitar, XBOX360, and occasionally play basketball and football.

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

Guess make a cooler layout. All this blue is killing me (lol).

Edited by Farouk²
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1. What is your real name?


2. Where are you from?


3. How did you find out about IB Survival?


4. What made you register on IB Survival?

it looked interesting

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

A few days ago

6. What is your favourite IB subject?


7. When are you graduating?


8. What are your plans for university?

Somewhere outside of Canada

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Art, music, dance, Tv, MSN, lots more

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?


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Guest geekatron77

1. What is your real name?


2. Where are you from?


3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

through Wikibooks. I was wondering if they had anything for IB math.

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

Math...I was wondering if there was any resources, as I'm doing well in everything EXCEPT math.

5. When did you (approximately) register here?


6. What is your favourite IB subject?

French? I'm only in Pre-IB

7. When are you graduating?

in two years, approx.

8. What are your plans for university?

Any one that has bio-medical engineering, or life sciences. Still not sure.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Photoshop and piano.

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

Make me a VIP?

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1. What is your real name?

It's long. K. Vichitra Yamini Chandra. Yep, you can stick to Vichi, or Vi, or Vicki, or.. whatever.

2. Where are you from?

Hyderabad, India

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

All hail google! .... and a "friend"

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

I like messages boards... and i'm doing an IBDP! So, yeah. thats good enough, right?

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

It says i registered on teh 2nd of December 2008, but as far as i remember, i was ill and in bed. Hmmm... maybe i did both. :)

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

PHYSICS! ... and Visual Art, when i'm inspired.

7. When are you graduating?


8. What are your plans for university?

I have NO AH-dea. Physics and math? earth science? Astrophysics? ... Art? .... All?! Shyeah, i wish. (or not)

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Doodling, Playing the piano, strumming my guitar. Oh, singing, yes... Hmm BOOKS! and the tv. Music music and more music. Oh, and food :dead: . Yes, i eat when i'm bored. You got a problem with that? huh?! :P

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

Nothing, for now. I haven't been (actively) on it for long enough to be judgemental! Oh look at me going all self-righteous again. :P

Yep. that should do it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. What is your real name?


2. Where are you from?

Born in Finland... lived in America for 11 years

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

um... Google I think!

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

Because it seemed like the perfect place to talk to other IBers about school :D

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

A couple days ago

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

Probably Psychology HL... I enjoy the subject even though my teacher's not the best. :/

7. When are you graduating?

May 2010... one more year!

8. What are your plans for university?

I want to move back to the US and go to school there!

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

Surfing the internet, reading books, doing homework, procrastinating, hashing over deadlines in my mind...

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

Haven't been on long enough to criticize anything!

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  • 2 weeks later...

. What is your real name?


2. Where are you from?

depends born in USA, live in Peru. so... yeah... Peru :):)

3. How did you find out about IB Survival?

google :D

4. What made you register on IB Survival?

procastination.... and i thought it be a good help :D

5. When did you (approximately) register here?

yesterday... that would be... 16th of April 2009

6. What is your favourite IB subject?

Geography :D

7. When are you graduating?

Nov 2009

8. What are your plans for university?

study in peru geography (the country has EVERYTHING) and then go get a masters in another country.

9. What are your free-time hobbies?

field hockey.... reading....

10. If you could change one thing on IB Survival, what would it be?

havent been here that long... so i dont know....

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