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How to Write a Scholarship Resume

Ruan Chun Xian

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Abby Student

Student No. 62442

Illegal Richmond Resident Ave.

British Columbia


* I have lived in Canada for the past 1 - 11 years, whichever one will help me earn more money.

* I attended all the ghetto elementary schools in the city.


Keyboarding: I can type 150 words per minute while caffeinated and 300 words per minute while on MSN.

Metabolism: I can digest a large amount of food without gaining the slightest amount of weight. [wf]

Writing: I have experience in writing formal codes, including the Pre-IB Code of Conduct which is currently framed on my wall.

Relationship: I can maintain long-term relationships with a significant other. Please see TI 83+ for references (don’t talk to him about TI 84 Silvers, the wound is still fresh).

Philosophy: I can develop insightful and highly accurate quotations, such as the following, “Writing a TOK essay is like being constipated, it hurts like hell and you produce **** very, very slowly”. [bl]

BSing: I have extensively documented experience demonstrating my talent at this skill. I am able to provide efficient and instantaneous solutions to problems posed in a wide variety of context. In addition to proficiency in arranging arguments in a logical manner, I am extremely skilled in meeting and exceeding the objectives of the tasks given. For further evidence, see this paragraph.

Athletics: I regularly sprint from the bus stop to the school before TOK classes.

Child Care: At the risk of personal safety, I have carefully advised all students at lower grade levels to reconsider their decision to not have a life take on the IB Program in high school.

Priorities: I possess a logical reasoning process when it comes to setting priorities. For example, if someone asked me whether or not I wanted to kill myself because of IB, I would reply, “Of course I would kill myself, but I’m too busy”.

Mathematics: My proficient knowledge here has made me realize that I have more chance of getting a 7 in Math Higher Level if the teacher rolled a die than if I actually attempted the tests. I am also very good at imagining real world scenarios that involve probability calculations.

Law: Not only am I familiar with the Canadian Constitution and the U.S. Criminal Code, I also know all the loopholes in both documents.


September 2005 - Present: International Baccalaureate Program

I volunteered as a guinea pig in the Devil’s latest experiment in hell. I am happy to report that because of my presence, his Devilness has secured several new ways of torturing students in high school. I also earned 3402 CAS hours in this activity, yay me.

August 2007 - November 2007: EE Returns Courier Services Ltd.

I worked approximately 4 hours a week returning Extended Essay books to the VPL, RPL, BPL, and the UBC and SFU libraries by charging my peers $2 for every book I returned for them.


September 2003 - June 2005

Regular High School X, Enriched Program

* Overeagerness Award, Honourable Mention

* Achieving the Impossible 102% in Three Subjects Award

* Principal’s Hit List

September 2005 - Present

*** (Anonymous Secondary School) IB Program

* “Mom, are you SURE I don’t have ANYTHING in my certificate binder?!” Dear God, please let the scholarship committee fall in a trance when they get to this section. You are getting sleepy. You are getting very sleepy. You are asleep.


I plan to apply to XYZ University and major in Facebook. In the summer after my graduation, I plan to wander aimlessly around Europe trying to figure out both the meaning of life and why I spent the last three years in high school doing that crazy program. Cuckoo.


Godly TOK Teacher

Position: Extended Essay Supervisor (2 years)

Ms. Smith

Position: FEDEX Kinko’s Broadway Branch (8 Hours)


Position: Imprint of departed soul (17 years)

Mr. Jung Jr.

Position: Psychoanalyst, personal therapist, and depression counselor (2.5 Years)

Mr. X

Position: Alcohol Anonymous Group Leader (2.5 Years)


As an ever dutiful IB student, I have to report the source: http://www.ibyears.blissful.nu/ :lol:

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Guest iber2468
Yay it got posted! Thanks Hien =D

Looks like I didn't put too much inside joke in it to be incomprehensible lol

Of COURSE, did you have to ask? :lol:

Let's run away to Aruba, or the Cayman Islands B)

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Guest iber2468
excellent! I'll be waiting :lol: can we get chem kid along as wel? I don't want him to die alone and depressed with vodka :P it reminds me of the USSR too much :D

Lol sureeee... I thought he was quite cute anyway, NOT that i'll be cheating on you :)

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Keyboarding: I can type 150 words per minute while caffeinated and 300 words per minute while on MSN.

Philosophy: I can develop insightful and highly accurate quotations, such as the following, “Writing a TOK essay is like being constipated, it hurts like hell and you produce **** very, very slowly”. [bl]

BSing: I have extensively documented experience demonstrating my talent at this skill. I am able to provide efficient and instantaneous solutions to problems posed in a wide variety of context. In addition to proficiency in arranging arguments in a logical manner, I am extremely skilled in meeting and exceeding the objectives of the tasks given. For further evidence, see this paragraph.


September 2005 - Present: International Baccalaureate Program

I volunteered as a guinea pig in the Devil’s latest experiment in hell. I am happy to report that because of my presence, his Devilness has secured several new ways of torturing students in high school. I also earned 3402 CAS hours in this activity, yay me.


Ms. Smith

Position: FEDEX Kinko’s Broadway Branch (8 Hours)

Mr. Jung Jr.

Position: Psychoanalyst, personal therapist, and depression counselor (2.5 Years)

bahaha love itt!

Now why can't I be this accomplished?

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